Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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To Grisha & His Cur-Dogs


Lord of Altera

Bloodied Knot Flag.png

To the Imperator from Sir Vojislav Kraja,

I have been approached by many of my men to reply to you, though I would otherwise have desire to bandy words with you.

You misjudge our aims entirely.

We do not preach of peace, nor do we seek power.
We do not seek your crown or your lands.
We do not even seek to save our lives, or to take yours.

We aim to shed blood and to wreak havoc on our oppressors.
We aim to leave no castle uncrushed, no collaborator unhanged, and no undead unburnt.
Everyone who joins in our cause is prepared to die and suffer the fate of undeath.
Those who do not wish to die with us will leave you in time, and leave your lords and ladies in destitution.
You can keep your Empire with all your generosity, for it will be as empty for you as it was for the rest of us.

We do not care how many kingdoms you've crushed, nor how many Angels and nameless things you've slain.
We are but men, foolish and wrought iron-like in anger, and very mortal.
So put us up in your gibbets, let our own ravens peck out our eyes, let our corpses shamble about:
We will look forward to meeting our loved ones, though it will be a place far from your sight.

These things do not deter us and Gods willing they will not deter those who look on us as symbols of freedom, alive, or undead.

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