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To the Apostles of the Sea


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
[!] Posters circulate the docks of the Landing, pinned to notice boards and the occasional wooden post

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Humor me a moment...

The sea is vast, large…blue. We all know its deal and everyone that isn’t living under a rock knows its current tug-o-war situation. Recently though a third group has taken a seat at the table.

I must admit, The Apostles of the Sea are quite the persuasive bunch. Asking people from all walks of life to assist in ‘freeing’ a god that, if recalled, left us quite some time ago. Through exactly what methods though, is the funny thing. You see, praying only gets a man so far so one would only assume they have plans beyond that, no?

I tend to be indifferent on these topics, people are welcome to do whatever makes them happy, but when my god is being publicly antagonised and threatened behind closed doors I feel the need to speak up.

I cannot idly watch as the naive are pulled in by a silver-tongue's heretical lies. The sea is not chained by Jax, as the wild is not chained by Theodra, or the Sun with Ignis. I almost pity the accusation honestly- I mean, considering how recent the horrible ordeal with Life actually being chained to Jishrim was.

What everyone ultimately does in the end is out of my hands. I just need to make clear that my God is not a villain in this debate and that those who are being swayed know exactly what they sign up for. Honestly, let them speak their prayers to a retired god who cannot hear, assisting a group who won't hold back or reason with those standing in their way.

I am dying to see where it gets them.


Eliss Cuttingthorne
Prophet of Jax

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