Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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To the upstart


Lord of Altera

Art by Samiwashere

To the so called Sir Vojislav Kraja and his miscreant cowards.

I commend you for the gall and utter stupidity to try and challenge me.
You preach of injustice and peace. Yet you decided to butcher still living men over corpses.
You leaped at the opportunity to bring meaningless bloodshed.
You are not a knight, you're an upstart attempting to grasp at the vaguest semblance of power for your own selfish wants.

I have been just and fair in my rule, and yet you still spit at me.
I give freedom of faith to all. A luxury most states wouldn't even dream of.
I gift low taxation, providing a chance to rise in wealth for all.
I am the order of this land, I am its absolute Imperator.

The corpses serve as one of the many pillars to protect the lands.
I give them life and continuation, I save them from the cruel hands of a false god.
And in turn they protect the living from people like you who'd attempt to take power for themselves.
My word is absolute, there will be no compromise after your actions.

If it is battle you seek, then by all means. Join the others who failed before you in death.
Uriel, the Exalt of Valiant tried to tear me down. He now hangs in my fort as an animated body.
I bested Astrakhan, the Realmsguard, the White-Tower and endless more as I built the foundations of this empire.
I have battled angels and beasts beyond your comprehension, I am the true undying god of war.
If it is your loved ones you so desperately seek, then by all means. Come join them.

~ Imperator Branko 'Grisha' Cor Votum, Exalt of Skraag, Lord of Arachia.

OOC: Twitter war.


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