Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Tom Ukio


Lord of Altera
Name: Tom Nexi Ukio
The Hungry Cat
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: 80% Human, 20% Were-Jaguar.
Height: 7'3" ... "This is a small house."
Weight: 147 Lbs.
Hair: Long Blond hair with a boys Pony-Tail at the end.
Eyes: Red, when focusing they turn into Cat Eyes.
Skin: White
Identifying Marks: Large Finger and Toe nails. Occasionally goes into Hunger mode, finger nails sprout out to abnormaly large sizes like blades, his jaw opens like the maw of an enderman, bearing demonicly large razor teeth. And a tail with two spikes at the end sprouts from his tail bone.
Appearance: Wears mostly green because of his old Villages poorness. His shirt is wrinkled and dirty is some places. He wears one inch sandals, and leather gloves. He has a "four everything belt" with many pouches on it.
Strengths: He is tall. His relation to cats gives him feline reactions. You can never tell whats on his belt. His skill in preforming gives him an advantage in fighting with Fire breathing and acrobatics. He has an amazing poker-face.
Weaknesses and fears: Losing family, hurting anybody. He his tall and skinny meaning hes easy to hurt. Minor wounds cause a lot of pain. Sometimes he cant move because hes holding back his Hunger mode. Has a tendency to take blows for ally's in fighting.
Religion and cults: Believes in the Elder Race and thinks he can name the truth for almost every god.
Profession: Performer, miner, gold smith.