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Torbjörn Kveldulf


Daedric Prince



N A M E :
Torbjörn Kveldulf
O T H E R - N A M E S :
His former name is lost to the ages, forgotten upon his resurrection. His new name was given to himself in remembrance of his old culture.
T I T L E S :
Revenant. Berserker. Founder of The Wild Hunt.
P R O F E S S I O N :
Torbjörn is a Hunter and Craftsman by trade. Once in a blue moon, he'll travel to varying civilizations to sell or trade using the excess bounties of his hunts, or crafts he has made.
S O C I A L - S T A T U S :
Some woodsman - in the eyes of society. Irrelevant to him. The only hierarchy that matters to him is that of nature; To kill or be killed, to eat or be eaten. Every day, he seeks only to further familiarize himself with the laws and structures of the natural world, to understand his place within it, to survive and overcome, and dethrone those above him in the food chain.
S E X U A L I T Y - & - R E L A T I O N S H I P - S T A T U S :
He holds a distant memory of a woman he once felt a fondness for in his past life, but hasn’t put much thought into the matter otherwise. He’s inclined towards women, but knows he could never foster a committed relationship or settle down with his current lifestyle unless it was shared, and does not foresee it changing. He remains uninvolved, not minding the aloneness. It brings him peace to know he needn't be concerned for anyone.
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H O M E L A N D :
The lands of Avanor upon the Northern Kingdoms, home to the Norvägen people. His former life was one of great hardship, being amongst the poorer of citizens within Stormhold. Winters were harsh, and he spent a great portion of his time doing menial labor such as shoveling snow, digging out his neighbors, and burrowing trails when the snow reached his knees. He honed his skills in smithing and tanning within his home most days, forging simpler items such as nails and repairing tools. In the Summers when Avanor began to thaw, he would then find himself invested in hunting game. Year after year life became more tedious and he began to question his purpose, and there came a time when he decided to explore a monument of his ancestors, only to then meet his fate with one slip upon an icy mountain - plummeting into the frozen river below. For years, he was at rest. But then, the arrival of Archon occurred - and with him the conjunction of the Mortal Plane and the Planar, awakening him from death and bringing forth another chance, a new life. He became a Revenant.
C U R R E N T - R E S I D E N C E S - & - F R E Q U E N T - L O C A T I O N S :
His home is the wilderness, wherever it may take form. He resides primarily within a naturalist site in an undisclosed location, deep within the Central Forests. He’ll often set up minimalist camps in woodlands on the outskirts of towns, never really staying within taverns unless he wishes to drink or the weather proves to be too troublesome. He has an outpost in Verdant Valley as a more permanent place to sell his crafts and wares.
C U R R E N T - S T A T U S :
Thriving in his current erratic routine, spending much more time traveling to newer environments upon the Eastern Kingdoms. With this, he has found himself socializing a touch more and intermingling with society (if only temporary) to find an easier time selling his wares or trading. He wishes to find more monuments, shrines, and other places of the Goddess of the Hunt - as well as her people. He spends time in his public outpost a week or so out of each month.




R A C E : One of the last Norvägen Humans.
S E X : Male.
A G E : Twenty Seven Winters, born within the month of Stormwind.
H E I G H T : Six feet and three inches.
W E I G H T : 219 lbs, or about 15 stone.
A P P E A R A N C E :
Torbjörn bears a burly, mesomorphic form with broad shoulders and long athletic legs from a life of hard labor and wandering the land exclusively on foot. His hair is quite lengthy and abundant, reaching to his middle back. It is a deep sable in color and is often embellished with small braids, twig and leaf fragments very often found interweaved from brushing against foliage. He is never without a beard, and it is kept at a short length - trimmed as best as he can manage. His skin is somewhat pale and his hands are calloused. His eyes carry the icy blue of his ancestral homeland, with a ring of gray around his pupil due to his Earthblessing - shifting into a forest green in greater heights of emotion. The man is very often found barefoot if he is not in the bounds of a city, affording him a quieter step in the wilderness as well as comfort in feeling the cool Earth beneath him. His clothing is crafted of natural materials and are kept simple with undyed shades; formulated of spun linens, atfax fibers, furs, leathers, bone, etc.
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V O I C E :
He does not seem to speak very much, allowing his actions to do more in terms of communicating instead. He chooses to talk only when he deems his words to be important, wise, or in rare occasions - humorous. Often, when meeting another, he will encourage them to speak more on themselves, rather than the focus be upon him. Torbjörn’s voice is resonant, carrying a Norvägen accent upon his tongue as he speaks. Reference is Amleth, from The Northman. [x] [x]
H Y G I E N E :
Torbjörn bathes himself in rivers, hot springs, and other natural sources wherever he may find them, using tallow soaps of his own make. He thinks that bathhouses are disgusting and refuses to use them, and that the washpots within inns are also questionable. He often smells faintly of fire smoke - but it is overshadowed by the odor of the Atfax tunic he often wears, only describable as wild; a mixture of most scents found in untouched nature.
S C A R S - T A T T O O S - & - M A R K I N G S :
- An enormous old scarring site upon his side, assumed to be where he broke his fall in his first death.
- Faded scarring upon his calloused hands, from his work.
- The bottoms of his feet seem to never be able to be rid of dirt completely, no matter how clean they get.
- Olive green tattoos swirling up his right arm, chest, and at the corner of each eye, themed after the Goddess of the Hunt. (references to style are all over character sheet!)




G L I M P S E - I N T O - T H E - M I N D - A N D - S O U L :
He once knew only a world enveloped in ice and snow, of hardship and simply getting by. This world thawed only for a brief time as the years turned, and in this thawing it showed him a taste of freedom. The mountain passes and the forests became traversable, and he could finally pick up his bow and tread the wilderness. In an unfortunate accident, he eventually left this world - only to be awoken from death and brought into a new world by the titan Archon. Fleeing from the chaos out of instinct, he found himself lost in this great unknown environment. So radically enamored with the viridian shades, the cool earth beneath his feet, the buzzing insects, and the calls of the deep wild was he… that in a brief time his very spirit had become thoroughly consumed by the natural world. He declared it home, now and forever. Torbjörn often questions whether he is more beast or man with his sheer disconnection from society and general distaste for civilization, despite tolerating it once in a while. This new life he has led has proven to be lonely, but he knows in his heart that he could never foster a full companionship - whether it be platonic or romantic - unless they shared his ways. He is unwavering, entirely unwilling and unable to conform to any other lifestyle as he feels it would ultimately hinder true freedom. Any endeavor to ‘tame’ or ‘fix’ him would more than likely be met with aggression.
ber1.pngD E M E A N O R - & - Q U I R K S :
To most onlookers, much of his demeanor can be a bit uncanny. He certainly has the decorum of someone who was raised in the woods, but knows some about expectations of those civilized - as he too was once amongst them. For example, he has no real expertise on things such as table manners, but isn’t entirely oblivious to them. He greatly prefers to eat most if not all things with his hands and fingers, but will wipe his face clean and wash his hands afterwards. He knows incredibly little about addressing those of nobility, and would treat them like he does with any other common citizen. Despite these things, he’s not socially decrepit. There was once a time in his life where he spoke to many people, and often. He values wise words, the stories of others, banter, comedic timing, and other intriguing prospects of communication with just about anyone who would afford him such. There are some times where he also becomes quite the trickster, pulling harmless pranks on others - particularly those he has warmed up to.
F A I T H - & - S P I R I T U A L I T Y :
Utterly devoted to Theodra. Her tenets are some of the only words he can read and write with complete comprehension and precision. The ideals and teachings of the Goddess stoutly interweave with his desired lifestyle. “Her Wisdom guides the path of hunters, and tells of lessons that many would rather omit. There is no pretense of nobility or righteousness, of malice or benevolence, or any trivial diversions. She sees both futility and merit in various beliefs, though ultimately stands for few yet vital ideals. She is the callous nature of the wild, the adversity that ensues, the wayward essence of life beyond civilization.” His spirituality and practices are quite shamanistic as well - opting to find deeper connections to the earth below him and the trees above, the beasts, the seasons, the cycles and systems of the natural world, the spirits that dwell around him, as well as everything that his Goddess encompasses. He finds use for every part of his kills, as any waste would bring shame to the Hunt. He has taken to keeping a bone, tooth, claw, etc from notable beasts he has felled, believing that a part of them will live on within him, granting him their strength and/or wisdom.
E D U C A T I O N :
He didn’t fully learn to read growing up, and had very little ‘book-smarts’ education otherwise during his time in Stormhold. Most of what he ever learned was that of his occupations, crafting his own things, basic carpentry, survival skills, making fires with wet wood, preparing meals with little on hand, skinning, tanning, grappling, archery, etc. During his time spent with his new life, he has made slow progress in reading - often asking what signs say or other. He’d like to one day be able to understand the markings and what all of them mean, but it’s not within the top of his priorities at the moment unless he finds a possible common use for it. He remembers most of the signs at posts in his travels, telling of which settlement is where - he knows how to spell his name - and he knows how to read and write the tenets of Theodra.
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G O A L S - & - A S P I R A T I O N S :
BLESSING | He seeks to earn the blessing of Theodra, so that he may truly deem himself a shaman to her. He does not yet feel worthy of the title, despite his practices.
KINSMEN | Torbjorn wishes to see his commune and sect to the Wild Lady grow, so that he may have brothers and sisters to feel at home with. To hunt with, to fight with, as well.
LANGUAGE | It's a barrier to him, one he'd rather be rid of. Learning to read and write would be useful, though he struggles to find the drive to do so. Learning Elven is of interest, as well.
THE HUNT | The everlasting hunt interweaves with his daily life, but some achievements he'd really like to reach is to triumph over very powerful and dangerous beasts, to earn his place as a top predator and to please Theodra.
A GOOD DEATH | When all is said and done, when he draws his very final breath and passes through the River for eternity - his death should be a worthy one, that brings glory to his name.
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S T R E N G T H S - & - W E A K N E S S E S :
OBSERVANT | The man is no Elf, but no matter where he is or how serene a moment may be - he prefers to be keenly aware of his surroundings at all times. Sights, smells, sounds - they are all an important focus for him at any time.
STRONG | He is very strong, and due to the awareness of this strength he tends to be unafraid of most people. However, he knows that this does not equate to immunity. He simply sees it as a tool to be used, for many manners of things.
DEPENDABLE | He is a man of his word. As per Theodra's sixth tenet, he vows to carry out whatever task he takes on unwaveringly and to completion.
PERSISTENT | The only time you can fail is if you don't try. Torbjorn's qualities of persistence is one of his greatest characteristics and is applied to nearly every aspect of his life.
SKILLFUL | Torbjorn has many skills at his own disposal; be it that of crafting, combat, finding his own food, survival knowledge, shelter building, etc. These things have allowed him to be incredibly independent.
STUBBORN | Torbjorn is a mountain that cannot be moved in his ways. So ardent is he to retain his way of life, his codes, his morals - that he is difficult to change. He struggles to trust others in their own ways, and doesn't do well following others.
PIOUS | He has given himself and his life entirely to his chosen Divine, putting Theodra first - and such piety will always have a lingering place in his decision-making, his morality, his ethics, etc. and will likely find its way into his relationships.
IMPULSIVE | The man is undeniably prone to acting upon impulses due to his temperament and his overall qualities of being 'wild.' He lacks restraint in many situations, and could be described as especially audacious in certain cases.
ILLITERATE | Not only is he not fully familiarized with reading and writing, but book smarts tend to be something that just isn't ascribed to him. He is mostly disinterested in sitting down and taking the time to acquire such qualities, too.
VIOLENT | When given reason to be. He is not needlessly cruel, though is often too eager to allow actions to speak over words when given the opportunity - particularly regarding situations with people he does not know well.
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L I K E S - & - D I S L I K E S :
NATURE | The wilderness is his home, it is what his heart beats for. He is inclined to stay close to his forests most of the time, as it instills him with purpose and Divine inspiration. He feels as though he has everything he needs from the land.
CRAFTING | Torbjorn prefers to make his own things. Whether it be weaponry, of clay, of woodwork, of metalwork, tanning, leathercrafting, etc. He is quite the handyman, and also does appreciate the artistry and skills of others.
MUSIC | He is especially fond of percussion, as a player of the drum himself. He fully believes music, regardless of what form it may take, is a way of meditation and becoming deeply intertwined with one's surroundings.
SOLITUDE | The man prefers his own company than most, despite being somewhat sociable. Solitude is a peace he will continue to carry with him and prioritize as best he can, no matter what sort of relationships he endeavors in.
THE HUNT | His life is dedicated to the everlasting Hunt. Whether it be for survival, for restoring the balance of the land, for striking down any evil that befalls his home, among other things - the Hunt takes many shapes and forms.
POACHERS | ..And anyone or anything else that disrupts the balance of nature. He vows to show no mercy to those he finds in order to maintain such balance, for both himself and his patron Goddess.
SPINELESS PEOPLE | Overtly timid, fickle, and cowardly people irk him to some of the highest degrees - particularly if they lead a relatively placid lifestyle. He deems them as unworthy of his respect, and will treat them as such.
SOCIETY | He cares not for being an underling to a lord or having a set place in the hierarchy of mankind. He views opulence and luxury with disdain - as excessive and wasteful, and an avenue for weaker men that hide behind stronger ones.
CITIES, BATHHOUSES | Both are lumped into the same category, due to their coalescing of filth from man. It is difficult terrain for him, so he often avoids them both. Cities only become a necessity for trade, to distribute excess goods.
THE SUPERNATURAL | He has had his fair share with supernatural beings and magic and being forced to return to Altera decades after his initial death. He seeks to strike dark things down, and anything that would corrupt the lands.
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L U R E S - & - F E A R S :
THEODRA | Earning the Wild Lady's favor and living closely with everything she encompasses is his greatest lure. The incredible amount of purpose she has given Torbjorn is something he will forever reflect upon and be thankful for.
BEASTS | He does not seek out every beast to hunt. Every now and then, he remains unseen if he can manage, and simply observes beasts; both those he has never seen before and those familiar. He is interested in understanding their natures.
COMRADERY | Despite finding deep enjoyment in his solitude, he knows there are probably others like him out there. He longs for connection and savors every moment he acquires with likeminded company.
SIMPLICITY | He likes to live his life by simple values, he has abandoned any former shackles of materialism and gets by just fine with a minimal amount of personal belongings. He likes finding further ways to simplify his daily routine.
ADRENALINE | Torbjörn actively seeks out thrilling situations and circumstances in which overtake him with adrenaline. It's quite the addiction.
ARCHON | He remembers vividly of his forced return by this entity of grandeur - not a god, not a demon. But he has seen what his power brought to the world, the horrors all life had to endure until order was restored.
IMPRISONMENT | Shackles, bars; cold, damp, moldy walls & floors, no sunlight, under the custody of someone else. The thought of being caged angers him more than it instills fear, but it is still certainly there.
DISEASE | If it weren't already apparent, acquiring a disease frightens him. It is not something he can fight in a way that he knows how, and there is always the chance that it will take away his wish for a glorious end someday.
ICE | It was his cause of death, much to his shame. He avoids the North for this reason, as slipping on the ice brought him back to his moment of death more often than once. It is a fear he is working on, and the experience of winning a contest dancing upon the ice in a Winter festival has helped him greatly.
THE OCEAN | A vast expanse of untraversable terrain, other than the surface. Nothing can be seen beneath, and when under the roiling waves his senses are dimmed, and his strength is diminished. He certainly gets uneasy on ships.




L A N G U A G E S - S P O K E N :
COMMON | Spoken well, and carries an old Norvagen accent. He cannot read or write fully comprehensibly, only knowing how to write his name and Theodra's tenets by heart. He is working on this (maybe), but at an excruciatingly slow pace.
H O B B I E S :
SCRIMSHAW | He carves, etches, and otherwise decorates bone which is his favored medium. He makes and wears his own bone adornments.
COOKING | Torbjörn experiments often with everything he has access to, unraveling flavor combinations and trying unusual things.
ACROBATICS | He feels the need to move frequently, even if his work is done for the day. This primarily manifests as climbing and swimming.
BREWING | He's not great at it, but tries to make his own mead with wild honey and yeast from pine needles.
PERCUSSION | Making a whole bunch of noise with his drum, bone instruments, etc. is quite an enjoyment for him.
F A V O R I T E S :
CUISINE | Fresh venison, cooked or uncooked - with an assortment of gathered goods from the woodlands of his established home.
BEVERAGE | When he can access it, Torbjörn is very fond of Meads, particularly ones with botanicals mixed in the fermenting process.
COLORS | He'll never forget the first time he saw how verdurous a forest could be. Green remains to be his favorite color.
PLACES | The open, untamed wilderness. Forests, mountains, cliffsides, meadows, and grasslands being the most favored.
LITERATURE | He approves more on oral tradition, hearing stories by word of mouth.
PASTTIME | Partaking in the Everlasting Hunt. It is why he lives.
MUSIC | Percussion, flutes, and other more organic sounding music. Anything that calls to that of the primordial.
ANIMALS | Bears and wolves are ascribed to himself. But he is obsessed with the idea of the Garulf, and the prospect of triumphing over one.
P L A C E S - T R A V E L E D :
Avanor, Stormhold - Eastern Forests - Cerulean Expanse - Storm's Landing - Queensport - Blackrush Crossing - Northern Forests - Grotte - Astrakhan - Stormhall - Verdant Valley - Varying Theodra Shrines & Altars


W E A L T H : What is in his pockets. It typically ranges from 60-100 Radiants. Sometimes he stows away more in his outpost.
O W N E D - P R O P E R T Y : His outpost in Verdant Valley is his only official property.
O W N E D - B U S I N E S S E S : He'll set up a makeshift market stall in cities, consisting of a couple hides to sit on and display his things.
P E T S : Torbjörn doesn't believe in keeping pets.
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W E A P O N R Y :
BEARSBANE | A large steel bearded battleaxe of his own making. The haft is created of wood and bone - engraved with imagery of bears, half-beasts, trees, - and other scenery of similar themes.
HUNTING KNIFE | A steel seax of his own making, both for utility and as a secondary weapon. The hilt is crafted of antler, etched with scenery of the hunt as well as miscellaneous knotwork motifs.
SHORTBOW | A warbow crafted of Irrut wood. It needs ample strength to be pulled, but dispels arrows with great force and velocity.
A R M O R Y :
??? | To be added. He has things on his mind for creation, but has not yet crafted them.
W A R D R O B E :
ATFAX TUNIC | He obtained this trading with another, and this piece was his first experience with the material. It is undyed and simple, and carries a distinct smell of the wilderness - masking his own scents. It is worn daily.
BERSERKER HEADRESS | Crafted from a bear pelt, the maw of the beast comfortably resting upon Torbjörn's head when worn. Its arms are made to be clasped together to stay on, and the remainder of the pelt reaches down to his middle back.
J E W E L R Y :
BEAR BONES | He wears an adornment around his neck, crafted of bear bones and tendons.
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C A R R I E D - I N V E N T O R Y :
Treated Tinder Fungus | Needle & Spidersilk Thread | Roll of Twine | Handkerchief | Pouch of Radiants | Pouch of Smoking Herbs | Pipe | Bone Dice | Hunting Knife | Axe | Shortbow | Quiver of 16 Arrows | Waterskin | Dried Food
P R I Z E D - P O S S E S S I O N S :
His Berserker Headress | His axe, Bearsbane | His Drum | Any bone adornments worn, they tend to be trophies | One of Archon's Feathers | Gifted Socks
M I S C E L L A N E O U S - P O S S E S S I O N S :
Clay Pots & Cups | Woven Baskets | Varying furs, hides, leathers | Antlers, bones, teeth, claws | His crafting tools




S U R V I V A L : His very existence & way of life depends on being able to work with and understand nature, and he has spent nearly all of his time upon this new world forging a relationship with it. This extends primarily to his own forests and nearby terrain, in which he is most familiar with. He has yet to fully experience the North again since his past life and thus he is mildly out of touch with it, he would certainly need practice to reacquire the wisdom of its frigid dance.
H U N T I N G : Torbjörn is well practiced in all of its aspects, being better at some things than other things. Stalking, tracking, animal calls, clean kills, dressing, processing, etc. He's experienced, but knows that there is still much to learn - particularly in terrain outside of his forests.
M E L E E : With his brute strength and adept handling of polearms, the man is indeed a force to be reckoned with. His fighting style is a bit unconventional, adopting the savage techniques of his cult - in which battling is done with the mindset of a feral beast.
G R A P P L I N G : Another combat skill he is considers himself to be more than competent in, both due to his application of his might and utilizing techniques for submission. Grappling is in fact his preferred style of fighting, when the opportunities for such arise.
A R C H E R Y : His tertiary combat skill. His archery prowess is certainly satisfactory and he is a decent shot, but it really is seldom used in combat. He favors an Irrut wood shortbow for its easy transportation and intense draw weight, though it is usually reserved for hunting when stalking prey from afar.
P E R C E P T I O N : He tends to be a bit more limited by his Human senses in comparison to other racial counterparts, but this does not stop him from maintaining vigilance wherever he goes. He pays close attention to even the most miniscule of movement, smells, and sounds - and with such, places with a lot of commotion disorient and aggravate him as everything seems to meld together.
S T E A L T H : The man is large, and this makes him a bit more easily perceivable. He tries to remedy this by keeping his clothing undyed and neutral colored, equipment securely fastened, his smell masked, and often doesn't wear shoes in the wilderness to afford himself a quieter step.
M U S I C : He plays a skin drum of his own making. He sees percussion as channeling the heartbeat of the deep Earth beneath and around him, and this is why it has become his favored instrument. The use of bones to make rattling or tapping are often incorporated, along with other natural items for a unique sound. Torbjorn also throat-sings and occasionally utilizes overtone vocal methods, which he uses to accompany his instrument alongside animal calls or other unusual sounds. His music is quite unorthodox; and could only be described as feral and primal, reflecting qualities of the wilderness and all that inhabit it.
C R A F T I N G : Torbjörn is an expert craftsman in quite a handful of trades, though especially finds his proficiency in leatherworking and woodworking. He is also capable of metalworking & smithing, having crafted all of his own weapons. He makes pots, cups, and other useful receptacles from clay - a gift from the earth. Basket & rope weaving, some sewing, and basic carpentry are all skills under his belt as well.
M E D I C A L : Rudimentary but satisfactory foundational knowledge, enough to know how not to die in the woods from a splinter. He understands how to clean, bandage, and stitch wounds but prefers to cauterize them - as well as splinting broken bones. Perhaps an herb or two in his arsenal for common cold or other simple maladies. This is the extent of how much he knows.




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A S T E R - Liked - He had surprised him with his sword skill for a boy his age. He sees great potential in him, and they share many similarities and worldviews. He considers taking him in to teach him his ways of Theodra, of the forests, if he wishes. Torbjorn wonders what he'll be like when he grows up, and possibly sees a fierce warrior and hunter in the path ahead.
R H Y S A N D - Liked - The man is great fun, mostly at his expense. Despite that, Torbjörn does genuinely see the possibility of a friendship forming. He hopes that he considers his words and his offer for something better than the city. The man sees potential in his spirit, but it is up to Rhysand if he wishes to take his hand into the forest and learn his ways.
I S C A - Liked - One of few who has taken the time to try and understand his philosophies and indulge him in good conversation. Torbjörn has taken an appreciation for the woman and intends to make the effort to find her in his travels that pass Stormhall. He very much enjoys the socks she has made for him. Almost tempting to wear his boots a little more often.
H E L E N A - Liked - A Vyre, one who evidently leads a life of hedonism and opulence. Normally, that would be the type of person he has absolutely no interest in interacting with. But she has proven herself to be less prissy and snobbish than he would have originally imagined. She's fun, despite being a polar opposite to him. He doesn't know if they'll see each other again, but her company is more or less welcomed by him - as much as he hates to admit it.
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A D D A - Neutral - They met when he tampered with his barstool using magic as he was trying to do a trick, and Torbjörn took it upon himself to mess with him in return. He ended up frightening the man to the core, or so it seems - despite not being serious. Though he wouldn't usually do so, he made the effort to apologize. It still didn't seem to be taken well. His stuttering makes him uncomfortable. Would rather not speak again.
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IGN : Wildegroll
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