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tristhos' Ban appeal

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Lord of Altera
I have got banned for griefing, but i havn't griefed. I do admit to placing water every where in my village, and then cleaning it up beacuse i was bored. And I shouldn't of done it. I love the server and I am very greatful of the over protectivenes of your server! The logit or w/e its called that tells admins and other higher powers what people are placeing and doing at all times. That is really awesome.

I was just about not to get into this server from my crappy aplication. But Kaies (i hope i spelled that right), let me in. And i thank him for that. It has been a journey for me in Altera, I believe thats how its spelled, still not too fond with the names of everything. I have come to love the server, and I am coming to ask for another chance. I won't flood the village anymore, and i wont abuse lava. I read te entire ToC and i didnt see anything about abusing lava. So I am sorry about that.

I am just a regular guy that loves the server, and im just a regular miner in the town of Darkwood.

Thanks you for reading my appeal,
The Dragon Warrior, Tristhos


I let the water slide because you were going to clean it up yourself. However you placed lava several times in Redcap Crossing and took a few items out of the chests.


Then why did you place lava in someone elses town. Several times.


Lord of Altera
I don't know, i guess i wasnt thinking, it was like 4 am one night that i did it. I shouldn' t have, but you know when your tried stuff happens that shouldnt :(


You empty buckets in towns without thinking, why should I let you back on?


Lord of Altera
I said i was sleepy, I don't do it purposely, when your tired you do stupid things. Its not like I do it purposely. I am not the person that does it purposely like that! I obey griefing rules, and i dont grief, and i wont place lava, not even in my own town with out permission.


You can come back on the server in three days. In the meantime I suggest getting some sleep.


Lord of Altera
I just want to be back in this server. Its my favorite server. I am not going to place lava again in random villages, it was a mistake i shouldn't of made! I am truely sorry for that. I don't even use any mods or anything. Not even fly mod, is that legal? I see alot of people with it.


You can't fly undless you donate 10 pounds or more. It's for building only. Also, read the Tome of Citizenship.
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