Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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TrollGoast - Application [Declined - Shadow]

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I think I might like it here
1. What is your minecraft username?
TrollGoast, my skin -->
2. How old are you?
3. What gender are you?
4. What country do you live in?
5a. Do you agree to read our Survival Guide before logging onto the server?
5b. Do you agree to consult both our Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game?
6. Please provide a lengthy in-character introduction.
Saverio is 26 years old adventurer and assassin.
His parents were very busy all the time, so his uncle raised him. When he was 16, his parents was executed in the Southern Wilds by bandits. Since that happened, he swore revenge to the bandits. Saverio trained combat skills with his uncle for 3 years after his parent's were executed. When he stopped training, he proved to his uncle that he was ready to go to the Southern Wilds. Since that he has been looking for his parent's executor. He is still looking for him and he has made many allies to search with him. Will he find his parnet's executor, we don't know.
7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, what your interests and/or hobbies are and why you would like to be a part of our community in around 8 sentences or more. You do not have to disclose any personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.
I'm 14. My interest in minecraft has been growing last months because most of my friends play it. I hate school. It's boring and my teacher is awful. I like to be outside with my friends and play with them. My hobby is ice hockey. Ice hockey take a lot of time, but i still have time to play games. I like to build things in minecraft sometimes, but sometimes i just like to venture out in the wilderness. There ain't lots of good minecraft servers because their communities and worlds aren't so great, but i think this servers community and world are good. I don't like teleporting and spawning all items on servers, because it takes the fun out of the game.​

8. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.
No I don't.
9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
Yes, I am.
11. How did you find out about our server?
12. Have you voted for us? (Click Here)
Yes, I have.


The Anime loving Brony
Another Assassin? I don't suppose you could think of something else? Just try and be a tad more original?

Eric V

Legend of Altera
:[ its extremely unoriginal no offense :( feels like 2/3 people that come here have had their parents killed by bandits or some evil force and have vowed revenge, you should highly consider making it unique because as of right now its painfully cliche. Also you should add more to number 7, try and make it more about you and not about mine craft, we want to know who you are, not how you like to play :).


The Anime loving Brony
Yeah, I'd prefer it if you came up with something a bit more original, and said a bit more about yourself.


The White Mage
Yeah, but I still don't really like the whole "Assassin out for revenge for the death of his family" thing.
Sorry, didn't make it clear; we're in agreement on that. I just don't want him to feel totally beaten down, since he'd made a reference to Hollow world, which the vast majority of applications don't, it's just some "far off town"


I think I might like it here
If this wont be approved or declined soon, then im gonna make a new application with new character.


The Anime loving Brony
I'm not sure if you understood this whole situation.
I want you to make a new application with a new character.
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