Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I think I might like it here

I honestly don't remember advertising, but if I did I'm sorry... the only thing I can think of would be telling some guy I was a Mayor when he was asking how to join towns... if that's against the rules then I guess I will know next time but other than that I'm stumped.

So yeah I'd like to appeal the ban as I reckon it's a bit harsh to ruin my spotless record just for that and I'm trying to help a Hand with a project right now so pretty please :)


PS how long is the ban if it sticks?


Lord of Altera
It was 24 hours, but I'll let it slide since you've been told now.
I don't want anyone trying to advertise their towns in any way to newcomers to Altera, it's forcing them to pick a town and it's not fair on them or anyone else. The others were slapped for saying they were mayors, so you should've known better.

Anyway unbanned.


King of the north!
Not sure exactly what the circumstances were of this but you can invite people to come and see your town IF they directly ask for a town to join. So unless you see the question "Does anyone have a town I can join" AND you have made sure they have seen others either ingame or checked the forums, then you can invite them to come see your town and invite them to join if they like it. Don't just randomly advertise your town, invite people or otherwise interfere with their decision.


Not sure exactly what the circumstances were of this but you can invite people to come and see your town IF they directly ask for a town to join. So unless you see the question "Does anyone have a town I can join" AND you have made sure they have seen others either ingame or checked the forums, then you can invite them to come see your town and invite them to join if they like it. Don't just randomly advertise your town, invite people or otherwise interfere with their decision.


Grand Lizard
Oh so that's how we do it? We've been shouting at people who even mention their town in ooc...


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Lol yeah we have been.
I think some people just like shouting.
I for one love Shouting. Fus ro dah! :p
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