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Unban Appeal - Thea Paronell. I understand

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Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
I ask for forgiveness, Kings and Queens of Altera. I try my best to keep my behavior nice and sweet, I understand that Tinblue/Cherbert wants me gone. I apologize for all my past actions, and I hope that I can prove myself to you all lastly. Please, I love this server. I live alone, I have loads of time to spare, and I try to help here as much as I can. You're all my family to me. I love you all.

I'm as well sorry for any rudeness, 'Treating you like dirt', anything unkind I may have done to you, intentional or not. I'm apologizing to everyone, the admin team, anyone I have ever met in Altera on my travels. I ask for a single, last chance, to prove myself, once again.
Please, PLEASE, I beg you here.


King ForumStalker
I ask for forgiveness, Kings and Queens of Altera. I try my best to keep my behavior nice and sweet, I understand that Tinblue/Cherbert wants me gone. I apologize for all my past actions, and I hope that I can prove myself to you all lastly. Please, I love this server. I live alone, I have loads of time to spare, and I try to help here as much as I can. You're all my family to me. I love you all.

I'm as well sorry for any rudeness, 'Treating you like dirt', anything unkind I may have done to you, intentional or not. I'm apologizing to everyone, the admin team, anyone I have ever met in Altera on my travels. I ask for a single, last chance, to prove myself, once again.
Please, PLEASE, I beg you here.
I, personally, think Thea deserves one last chance.

She is a fantastic roleplayer and this is by far the most sincere apology I have heard on a ban appeal for a long time.

Please, Cherbert and anyone else who has a say in this, please take this into consideration.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well I'm not really sure what Thea was banned for, but she has been a really big help to a lot of people on the server. She helped me out many times, (thanks Thea), when I first joined. I've seen that she is a great roleplayer and I don't really think that she should be banned, just 1 more chance probably, maybe a temp ban but I'm not sure what has happened and this is just my opinion.


King ForumStalker
Anyone can post on a ban appeal as long as they have something constructive to add to the appeal.


Lord of Altera
I don't know what she is done, neither do i know her very well - however she has contributed greatly to a variety of towns, hosted a couple role-play events and she works on the forums to a great extent. She is, from what i know, a great asset to the server despite her occasional negative outburst. Thanks


The Anime loving Brony
Thea I agree, you are a great role-player, but the fact is, you have been given several different chances, a lot more than most people get, and you have blown every one of them. I would like to give you this final chance however, as in, you do anything wrong again, your gone. No matter how Minor. You where great your first couple of weeks here, then you just became narky and annoying, no offence. Ultimately, the decision rests with Tinblue, and while, yes, I feel your apology is sincere, I do not think you will be allowed back, and either way, I would not like to see you back for another week or two at the least.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Yes, when she was banned a lot of people were rebutting against it. I think that she is a very good, much appreciated role player.
However, a temp ban for 1 week with no more ban appeals accepted after this sounds good.. Maybe two weeks?


<3 Hollow World
Just to clarify, this wasn't an off the cuff ban, it's been buiding up for a long time and we've tried endlessly to work with Thea. Multiple warnings have been given, several "last chances" but very sadly it's come to this. Nobody is above the rules regardless of how good you are at RP, your rank or how much effort you put into the server. Thea and I didn't see eye to eye that often but I'll still miss her and like many people on the server I'm sad that it's come to this final ban.

If you want to say farewell to her I suggest posting here:


<3 Hollow World
I've lifted Thea's ban, she's got one final chance but in the interest of being fair this is it. Publically - last chance, after this it's permanent without appeal should any major breach of the rules occur.
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