Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Unban Appeal

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Hello Altera I have been banned for a few months now and i realy miss this server. it is my favorite server still. i have been on ther servers and none are as cool as this one. I was banned a a few months back for making an innapropriate symbol and im realy sorry for doing so. I am aware that it was a stupid thing to do and i would like to ask for a second chance. so if you guys feel that you would like to give me a second chance i would be very grateful. Thank you :)


Lord of Altera
You were banned for making a swastika. This is not something small. Last two appeals were denied and for a reason. To make such a symbol, which is now known for hate and death, is something unacceptable. I am not a moderator, nor am I an administrator, but I'm sure for about 99% that you will not be unbanned.


King ForumStalker
Itsem, perhaps best not to make comments like that until we've at least replied once?

Anyways, I think it best that this is left to the banner, and we'll go from there.


Lord of Altera
actuallyyy.. While the banlist was broken, you returned to the server for a short while and immediately started xraying.

I'm gonna say no :I

Edit: I wasn't 100% sure, so I just checked my logs
12423084 2012-04-17 10:53:26 SallyPirate Command Eden 569,8,128.3 /ban ConfettiYeti Xray

But you were already banned. So yeaaahhh
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