Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Unban Appeal

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Hey altera and residences, i was banned today while i was away for "black magic" or what i expect X-raying as people were accusing me of doing. Dracoboy2 banned me and i had no say in it as i was off doing something irl. I had 100 diamonds that i sold and somebody asked me how fast i got the diamonds and it took me about 2-3 hours of nonstop looking and with luck and skill/knowledge of finding diamonds i found 100 in that time limit. I do not see how that is "X-raying" as i don't have that mod. I do have mods but all them are/were turned off as i entered the server and the whole time i was playing. Yes i did sell the diamonds for really cheap as i didn't know how much they went for so i let a lucky person by them for 950-1000 radiants i wasn't sure how much they sold for and i was being ignorant and didn't ask, and nobody told me how much they should be.


Lord of Altera
Well even I just had a look and literally laughed out loud. Good call Draco, definite xray. I'm locking this, there's no point posting screenshots since more than one mod checked it.
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