Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I said, if you all would leave me alone it would be fine, but noooo, you all had to stay there and spam me, not my fault -.-


<3 Hollow World
Sonkiro 24hours banned him just as I logged on, not entirely sure what the issue is but it was a "go cool down" ban.


High King
tahnndrelic, what you fail to understand is that as kings and other various mods, our roll is to watch over all other users on the server and ensure they are all one, playing fairly two, being treated fairly, and three following the rules and admins to everything that they say. you fail to see that your actions were very offensive towards us. and for this you are temp banned. you should consider next time not trying to tell the admins what to do. this is probably the wisest thing for you.


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Lets see.. I was playing fairly.. I was being harassed for the past half hour and was asking You, Roop, and Cubey for help but noo, you all just stand there and spam me, and Roop said it was ok for me to have the broken portal, and i never saw anything about the Ore Blocks, sorry. The Water/Lava was for the other people crowding my doorway. I wasn't telling you guys what to do, I'm saying what the other admins said to ME.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Thann this is second temp ban in 2 days(or was it 1?). Clearly you have an attitude, and if you dont fix it we will ban you. We recently had a situation when a player consistently made minor offences and never fixed his attitude. We let him off a lot but this time around we have decided if anyone acts like that again, we arnt going to be so nice.
Youre seeming more and more like him all the time.


<3 Hollow World
Thann I was one of the mods who approved your application and I stand by it - you have a great deal of knowledge and do play exceedingly well most of the time. I don't want you off this server, so PLEASE start calming down a bit mate as it'd be a shame to lose such an active/knowledgeable player.


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I'm trying to fix my attitude, I'm sorry, but I can't handle people harassing me all the time with more than 3 mods around and doing NOTHING.


Grand Lizard
From what i heard they were not harassing you, you asked for their input on whether something was illegal or not, they responded and teleported your house. However, when they got to your house they found loads of other illegal stuff which you has not asked for input on. They then asked you to get rid of them at which point you started to try and get rid of the moderators as they had found those things.

The fault is with you not us, i suggest you don't mess up again i and other mods and kings have decided your next ban should be permanent. This is due to you have been temp banned only the other day for a similar situation.

Stop taking the game so seriously, its just a game.


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What other illegal stuff? None of those were illegal except for the blocks, which i didn't know about.


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I'm sorry for my attitude, I'll be watching myself even more closely from now on. Hopefully, in time, you can forgive me for all this mess that i have created, I'm just hoping from now on i can play normally and enjoy the RP.


King of the north!
Atleast you can write a polite and mature ban appeal :)

Beats most ones we get and I'm glad you can listen to the admins, you dont have to completely change your attitude, just calm down with your opinions and word things a bit calmer in future. Consider how they might feel about you saying something before you say it :)


I think I might like it here
Thanks for the compliment, Steel. As for now, like I said above, I shall be watching myself EXTREMELY closely, and I hope in the future you can forgive me for creating all this mess; I really do not want to leave Altera
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