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Unlawful ban

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King ForumStalker
He have failed to follow the rules, I had to ban him, requested from sherbzz... He was rude to say "shut up kid" and "wtf" that reminds me of old time... Does not work well.

You may unban him if you like, Lars.
Here's what Cubey posted, you'll have to wait on Cubey and Sherbzz.


Requested by Sherbzz, You were rude, by saying shut up kid also and say wtf as well.

Please can you behave? I do not allow you to make others in trouble, I do not want they get mad!


King ForumStalker
I just dont want to be here when Lars reads this. He unbans you out of trust and, if the above is true, you just spat in his face mere hours after being unbanned.

I'm not saying you have done anything wrong, but if you have, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now.

Jeremy Dennis

Lord of Altera
Cubey, i didn't start the matter, i gave ALL his stuff back, and he still continued to ask me to banned which stress me out cause i was just unbanned! Itzza will you on the logs it's that way, i don't wanna cause trouble im just here to play.


King ForumStalker
After both having a look at the logs and having a discussion on TS with Sherbzz, we've agreed that the best course of action will be to unban you however, I will say this. During said conversation it was brought up that yes, while you were provoked you should not rise so easily to peoples comments and if someone is giving you a hard time to call a moderator or admin. Responding to any ill comments will just get you in trouble, as you have seen, and we will not tolerate verbal abuse towards our players.

You are not entirely innocent in all this, we both know that, however I have seen that previous to your ban you were making an effort to intergrate yourself back into the community and not trying to cause trouble.

You are on paroll, keep your nose clean and your head down.


If you want to continue to be a part of our community you would do well not to refer to other players as 'some friggin kid'. You are on probation and it will not last very long with such an attitude.
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