Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Valiant Hearts


The Arbiter of the Gods
I have never been influenced to buy a game based purely on a trailer before... Until this.

There is something about me that makes me tear up whenever there is a story from the First World War. War aside, it's just a weird gut feeling I get, and this trailer left me wanting more of the story.

As you can probably tell from the trailer, the visuals are splendid. The art style is simply beautiful. The gameplay is great, and after two hours I was surprised to find out that what I have played so far was merely the first out of four chapters.
Basically, there are four main characters, whose stories are intertwined with each other. Karl, a German who was deported from France, away from his family, at the outbreak of the First World War and then conscripted into the German Army, tries to get back to his love. Her grandfather, a Frenchman, was in turn put into French service, and is another main character. We also have an American, seeking vengeance on a mysterious German Baron who is the commander of the division Karl was conscripted into, and a Belgian girl who was a medic.

The game is humorous at times when it needs to be, and is a comic approach on the Great War, but covers some sensitive and big topics, as well as giving a good insight into the First World War and giving a history lesson with each level. I would honestly recommend it, especially to those who perhaps like this puzzle story telling genre or those who'd like an interactive history trip. If not buying, you might want to watch it on Youtube, as the experience might be similar. Nevertheless, I recommend it.