Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Vastapallo's Application [Accepted - Jase]


About You!
1. What is your Minecraft username

2. How old are you?

3. What country are you from? What is your timezone?
I'm from the Netherlands, so my timezone is UTC +1

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?
I have read them, and i will accept them!

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Metagaming is using Out of Character information In Character, so, within the roleplay. Example: Billy told Jacky OOC where he is hidden within the roleplay world, and Jacky uses this information to find him.

Powergaming is forcefully roleplaying to your own benefit, at the cost of others and without the other party able to react or resist. Example: One hit KO without knowing the strengths/equipment of your opponent, and it happens anyway.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?
Hell no.

7. Tell us about yourself! Do you have any examples of your work?
I have a long career behind me with Tale of Banners. I have been a staff member for the building team, the lore team (i made many innovations and lore articles) and the event team, and i even have been an admin for a short while alongside Adam/Byrne, leaving that position because of real life stuff.

8. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
Adam/Byrne, and many other old members of Tale of Banners :)

About Your Character!
Character Name
Sergei Starozhi

Character Age:

Character Race:

Sergei's face is covered by a very big, gray mustache and his hair is mostly cut short by hand. Though he served in the military, he only wears a simple peasant/elder blouse, colored green, in combination with leather pants, boots and gloves, enough to keep him a bit warm. From battle, he kept a blind left eye, as the color inside that eye has faded away. Though he his of age, he looks pretty fit, and might be able to do a few days of honest work, thus he can walk straight most of the time.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
Minecraft skin:

Detailed photograph*:

* = represent Sergei for 90%, except for the smaller mustache, and maybe his hair.

Written Test!
The Tale of Old Sergei
A late night conversation with an Elder Kaltic Brother
Sergei, is an old Kaltic brother who led a whole life before he took a seat with me in the tavern that one night. We met while he traveled around, recently hearing the rumors of him being ambushed by the Bandits. Most of the rumors were right, as he barely survived the attack. "Damm those bastard dogs.", he said. "With an arrow they did, swift work they made of me donkey Oksana.". He only just started his merchant life a few years ago.

The tale went on and he described how his already old body even got hurt more when falling on the ground, and that playing dead became even more difficult with both his nerves and his aching back work being both a problem. Eventually, the probably young and naive bandits didn't need long to be convinced, as they left within a minute.

The conversation went on and he told me he is trying to settle, and start a business, since he's a jack of many trades, but master of none, he didn’t quite knew yet what to do. "Me saved it, me last money. With me donkey, I buried it.", he told me. I was also a little bit worried about his way of speaking, such an dull accent of common tongue is not appreciated everywhere.

The conversation went on, along with the company of a bottle of strong drink. Sergei’s common tongue already had a strong accent, but the drink made it even worse. Sergei told basically about his life, and it went like this: "In a village in the far north, me was born. Fishermen, my Mah and Dah were. I never learned to write until I was much older.". In between, he had to wipe a tear from his eye. "My home, me miss. Everything. Mah, Dah, Brothers and Sisters, and me love.". I sensed he has a soft soul.

"You had a wife?" I asked. "Oy", he continued.

"A soldier, Me became for the local Militia. Taught me to fight, and hunt. Most warriors used sword, I used the Chops. Me comrades and I did many times drinkin’ when we were young and off duty. ". He told more and more about his younger days as a soldier, ending up that part with the conversation that his military unit got disbanded due to political reasons.

He did do some work on the side as a mercenary, and it became even more when his unit disbanded. "The best Chopsman me was, took many heads, earned many gold". He even met his life's love on a ship. "Oyy-oy-oy. Sweet Dana. That one blessed night, me cannot count back." It seems that they spent at least a dozen years together. The way how he explains Dana's looks, reminds me more of a Soolera than a Kaltic.

Anyway, his story went on, already defining himself after his piracy era as a jack of all trades, but master of none. He had quite a few jobs in his life, varying from a tradesman, the assistant of a shopkeeper, a substance smuggler, a mercenary, or hired guard, a Innkeeper's second best, and in bare times he even took the dark arts of a thief as his trade, often stealing from wealthy merchants sleeping at camp. There were times he even had to murder, and he sat in prison for some of his sins. But he also did more honest work, such as woodworking, carpentry, and so on. He even told he built a house for himself when he was younger. “Me simple man. I work, and I do what I can. Me no artisan, but me knows how to work”. He says with his dull common tongue.

"My wife's eyes, and a thick belly, I remembered before I was gone." Sergei told while wiping another tear from his eye. He wanted to take a good gulp on his drink, but I insisted on waiting before taking a huge sip. The further the story went, the more came true about that he never saw his wife again. "Me unborn brat. My son walks this land, Me beliefs." As I hear the conversation further, I believe his son would be around his twenties by now. "In this life, or next, me prays to the gods to see my little Yosifh one day.", he said while settling for a light beer instead of another bottle of the stronger stuff. By the One, i'm used to much, but Sergei’s drinking game would be considered a challenge to the gods himself.

While drinking a nice cold one, he told me he could not resist joining a pirate's life again. "Me was still young, had spirit.", he said, but this time he became the first mate of a medium sized gang. "t'was me old comrade from home. He gave me purpose. Bad, but good." He said, continuing talking about legendary tales of his last Piracy adventures.

The moon was almost gone, and the Innkeeper asked us to grand him an early one, since his wife was expecting child. So, Sergei bought his last drink, and took an empty bed by a local Inn for the night.

Who knows what chances lay around for an old Kaltic brother like Sergei. Before I left, he said once again to me “Look. Me a simple man, but honest. Work I can, but me want’s a place of me own.”, and he asked me to look around for a possible opportunity for him. I like an honest man in town, despite the sins he committed. I’m not sure though if his honesty will make it in such a hard world. Especially at such an old age…


"Something need doing?"


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

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