Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Velar of the Willowed Vale


Lord of Altera
*Profile best viewed on dark theme*

[General Information]

Name: Velar aep Tasarnin​
Meaning: Velar of the Willowed Vale​
Other Names: --​
-- Velar the Great | Given by Melarue​
Profession: Sellsword, currently employed by the Heiress to Aethel Deira​
Social status: Middling.​
Homeland: Tasarnin, a largely unimportant valley village surrounding a great willow tree. Lost to an overrun continent.​
Current Residence: In between residences.​

Race: Silver Elven.​
Sex: Male​
Age: 78​
Height: 6'4​
Weight: 172 Lbs​
Build: Mesomorphic​
Skin Color: Pale​
Complexion: Clear​
Eye Color: Argent Silver​
Hair Color: Ginger​
Hair Style: Long | Flowing | Braided​
Voice: Thranduil
Hygiene: Often Clean​
-- Partial facial burn scar over the left side​
-- Minor clouding in the left eye​
-- Two gashes over the left side of his torso​


Lures: Stories | Traveling | Duels/Challenges​
Fears: Fire (Middling) | Extreme Heat (Minor)​
Demeanor: Tall | Proud​
Education: Well-learned​
Faith: Respectful towards Valiant, Korog, Jax, Shalherana. In no particular order.​
Temperament: Blunt | Bantering | Charming | Humorous​
Languages: Elvish (Mother-Tongue) | Common (Fluent)​



Wardrobe: Showy | Regal​
Jewelry: --​
Pets: --​
Owned Homes: --​
Current Wealth: Middling​
Weaponry: Longsword of the Willowed Vale​

[Skills & Abilities]
Swordsman: From youth Velar wielded elvish steel, honed was he in melee and sharper his skills are to grow.​
Novice Smith: Hammer smote anvil again and again, with each strike Velar's skill grew greater.​

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Lord of Altera

[A Travelling Companion] - Sir Saltington
A man whom Velar considers to be a friend, one he's​
traveled with for years but who he knows so little about.​
Someone who keeps to himself but is oft open enough​
to share thoughtful conversation with.​

[The Lady in the Not-so-high Tower] - Map
A woman who, at first, he had just planned on​
being his employer, one to hire his skill and his​
blade. Between a willingness to banter and a​
mind honed like fine cutlery, she finds herself​
trickling into Velar's thoughts.​
[A Demon by Any Other Name] - Elz
She's erratic and eccentric and most certainly​
someone with whom Velar has begun to​
cultivate a sort of friendship with. While he​
finds the woman good company there are​
still the troubled thoughts on what she is​
and what goes on within that mind behind​
ink-black eyes.​
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Lord of Altera
Velar Patch Notes v2.4, the Art and Music Update.

I added the glorious art of Elz and changed the music right below it. Also reserved a spot for STORY TIME

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