Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Veradite's Application [Accepted - Jase]


Legend of Altera
{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: Veradite

Age: 26

Country & Timezone: EST

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Metagaming is abuse of external knowledge you may have that wouldn't make sense for your character to know (or granting that knowledge by other characters/situations you invented). It could also be defined by a staging of events, such as messaging people separately to have things work in your favor. Powergaming is acting actions out for another person, undermining whatever they may have elected to do, or adding a bunch of buffs(followers, weapons, cronies, etc.) to your character.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: Hey! I'm an amateur writer who has recently decided to stretch my creative muscles again. I work a medical laboratory job, so finding these inspiring and artful outlets gives me a little life back. I'm also an artist! It's my favorite hobby to neglect, whoops.

Referral: GoldenBProphet! My irl boyfriend who's told me about this server for years, so I wanted to try it.


{Character Section}
Character Name: Cieren (seer-ehn) Sonnenschutz

Age: 19

Race: Human

Appearance: Cieren is a slight thing, as expected of Anhalder, and the sharp features are par for the course in her jaw and nose. Her eyes, however, are grey pools of dazzlement and curiosity. They are complimented by a child's ill-defined lip--all pout and an imperceptible cupid's bow. Her visage is framed in by a collection of wind-tossed, rusty curls hanging to just beneath her "slightly generous" ears. Her skin is warm honey, sprinkled with freckles--something shared with her Sooleran mother.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): Cieren's story began before she was born. Her father Till Sonnenschutz was of a family dedicated to blacksmithing. The honor was passed down, serving the craft for generations of soldiers of the Gottland. In his youth, he toured Altera in search of the best and newest smithing methods. His ambitions drove him to the eastern reaches of the continent, where his path was crossed by a caravan. A dazzling thing it was, all colors and vibrancy--a daydream compared to the steel, the restrictive, and the disciplined. The Soolera he'd heard of, but the stories did not capture the freedom he witnessed. It wasn't long before he found himself tangled with Nevel, a clever beauty with a penchant for the new and exciting. Love bloomed into a third party, and for the first 6 years, Cieren had both her parents. During this time, Nevel grew withdrawn and ill. The time away from the caravan weighed heavy. Till, as age oft dictates, grew more reserved and determined to meet the expectations of his social standing. With their youth departed, and honor to their cultures creating a wedge, Nevel slipped out during the night. A small Cieren awoke to a snippet of her mother's hair at her bedside. Since that point, her father grew colder to the young girl. Her resemblance to her mother's spirit became an embarrassment to Till, and ever he tried to keep her inside and raise her as a respectable Anhalder. The child, however, would have none of it. Cieren was, at any given moment, into /something/. She remained covered in mud, bruises, and scuffs and was all grins for it. Many a maid was run off by the child who would not be locked in, and however it embarrassed her father was none of her concern. Perhaps it had hurt her at one time or another, being the shame of your father--especially given his marriage with a respectable woman of the town--but it would not deter Cieren. That is until, Till reached his breaking point. In an effort to heal his social standing, and present himself in honor and duty(as he believed it), he resettled an 11-year-old Cieren. The child was placed in the care and discipline of a local convent. Her unruly length of curls was shorn for hygiene, as was practice in this hovel to Ignis Synnove. In their place, she was given a humble choperon for warmth. She made a few friends with the other girls, left to be raised in prayer and supplication. It was not a cruel place, and many of the prioresses felt as grandmother-like figures, but this did not dissuade Cieren from her impish ways. However, as she grew older, her questions about the outside world and beliefs stretched her curiosity. Mischief turned to rebellion, and rebellion turned to restlessness. On the eve of her 19th birthday, Cieren slipped out in a shoddily sewn cote and cloak, with naught but a satchel of apples. She gave silent thanks to her pseudo-family, nevertheless stern, and made for Storms Landing. (I tried to see if mingling human-types was allowed, but I couldn't find a precedent. Also the section of I.S. dedicated nun-types. I'm super prepared to be corrected! Thanks and apologies in advance, just in case.)cierenrough.PNGHere is an uncolored (in order to be prepared for changes) sketch of Cieren.


"Something need doing?"
Lovely drawing Veradite! Welcome to Hollowworld :)



I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
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