Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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vivic70 - Application [Approved - Steel]

1. Your Minecraft username: vivic70
2. Your real name: Jonathan Brown
3. Age: 18
4. Gender: Male
5. Country: Canada
6. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time? Yes
7. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?
I feel really exicted about the roleplaying part with all the different things I could do. I have alot of experince with role-playing I've been playing those games ever since I got my computer.
a) How do you personally feel about roleplaying both on our server and in general.
Everytime I play an RPG I feel excited and happy thinking of what I can do in RPG's like mining, smithing, and Construction.
b) Do you have any experience roleplaying? For example playing popular role playing games such as Fable, Runescape and World of Warcraft.
I have played Runescape, Fable 1,2 and 3, Maplestory, Oblivion, Scion of Fate, and Dragon's Nest.
8. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more.
My Name is Jonathan often playing as an orc or anyother mythical creature cause in RPG why be human you can be anything you want. I am fit in both RPG wise and real life I lift wieghts I'm am studying to be an Architect. I love building houses no matter if I have to in ground or on a mountain I have made alot of different style houses. I have been working with codes trying to make something like Millenaire but instead of houses and stuff I want it to be like castle's,Blacksmith's, and Inns. In RPG's I don't like being human I find whats the point of being human if you can be anything you want so I'm usally a elf or orc and I try to be like them and live like them. I've been playing RPG's ever since I got my computer I'm a guy who loves the internet I'm on it basicly everyday. I live in Canada I live in a farm in the country but when you go in my room it's like your in the future I have 2 computers 4 monitors 2 for each computer I've made it so 1 monitor plays my games and the other one is for the internet me and my friends are computer geeks.

9. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.
I made a huge church and I uploaded you guys the picture.
10. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
I have want to start off as a villager then after so long start as a knight or whatever.
11. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
I am aware and I don't use any of those mods.
12. How did you find out about our server? I was looking up RPG servers on minecraft.
13. Have you voted for us? will not let me in website to vote.