Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I think I might like it here
Name: Vomfu
Nickname/Alias: Vom
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Height: 6'3
Weight: 82 kg
Hair: Dark Purple
Eyes: Crimson red
Skin: pale
Identifying Marks: wears a light blue cloak usually with gloves and a dark colored shirt and pants. eyes turn yellow when hungry, angry in danger and during sexual intercourse.
Appearance:Tall thin.
Strengths: Speed and skill with a bow and weak sword skills
Weaknesses and fears: Weaker during the day, has to drink blood once a week or will become much weaker. unable to swim in large bodies of water, cannot walk into someones house without permission, cannot enter a building with a cross on the outside.
cults: Lone Vampire chased from a different settlement in the east
Profession: N/A