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Wakes Dummy Guide - Start Up A Business In Altera!



Hello, I'm Wake, and in this thread, I will be telling you how to start up a growing business to become an empire in the economy :)

Okay, let's get started:

An Idea) Your going to need one! An idea, a plan, something so amazing that you cannot wait to get started with it! The idea is your business and what you will be willing to give to become the best in your trade in the lands of Altera!

Starting Up) Well first of all, are you selling an item or a service?
Are you selling £1 fish or are you going to protect someone as they pass through the Sorrows? Whatever your idea is, you best be sure you know what your doing before you go onto this!
Starting up: not only will you need a place to lay your head, your going to need equipment, products, maybe a shop/base to get yourself started.
If this costs radiants, make sure you spend as little as possible if you can. It all comes down to the starting costs, you see? In Altera, you have the option if you want a fixed cost. The fixed cost, as it says, is something you have to pay for now and again, no matter what, and the price will always be the same. An example of this would be a shop in Port Silver.
Equipment and products are variable costs. This means it depends on how and who you buy from, which depends on the price. Cheap or expensive, your going to need to prove your not a street performer, begging for money!
Need diamond armour to protect your customer, or a source to get the fish from?
Remember: lowest price possible, if you can. If not, be sure to think wise.

Making a Move in the Economy) Now you got your stuff, lets move on! In Altera, it's a bit different from real life. In a business sometimes you need to meddle and mix RP with OOC. In one way, this is allowed, but stay in-character as much as you can.
If your ready, most your new business here:

Once you have done that, people may request you on forums, so keep active on forums to keep a look out!
In Roleplay, it'll be harder to get your name out. People don't normally put up signs in Port Silver, after all!
Here's a list of things you could do to shout out in Roleplay:
-Rumours book
-Hand out leaflets (this is variable cost for book and quill)
-Signs, if you can place them
-Mention such business in a Roleplay itself
-Events....they help. Try to sell your wares or service at the event, perhaps?

A Rule!) Yes, this is a rule from Wake! Make sure you have a USP.
This stands for-

U - Unique
S - Selling
P - Point

Have a unique selling point. What does this mean?
It means people can tell who you are and what makes you different from other businesses in Altera. Be unique in your efforts!
Unique a good, as everyone on this wonderful server will tell you.

Opposition) So is someone doing the exact same thing as you?
The only thing you have to do is stick to the USP, but make sure you ARE better then the other business!
People will only buy from the best.
And you, good sir/ma'am/it, ARE the best!

Making a Profit!) Oh gods, you MUST make a profit, no matter how small it is!
For example, you bought the fish for 0.50 radiants, and you sell it at 1 radiant.
Profit of 0.50 radiants!
For another example, you come in full diamond armour, swords and equipment, which in a whole, costed you 2'000 radiants. The customer wants you to protect him for an hour at the max, and at the end, you ask for 3'500 radiants.
Profit of 1'500 radiants!
No matter what, dear reader, you MUST make a profit! Otherwise you fail to be a business.

Risks) Are risky. . . indeed.
*Strokes beard*
But you need to make risks in order to do a good job!
What risk, you ask? I can't read a crystal ball and tell you your life story!
You'll know when you see one, what a risk it :D
But be sure to take risks.

Opportunity Cost) It may seem to you now that I am reading these keywords out a business book. Well, I can tell you, I am not.
Opportunity cost is where you must pay for something and sacrifice something else.
You want that doggy in the window, but know that it costs as much as the cat does? How much do you want that dog?
You buy the dog, the opportunity cost was the cat. Now you cannot buy the cat.
This is what an opportunity cost is. Why am I writing this in?
Because sometimes, in a business, you only have enough money to buy one thing and not the other.
Lets say you protect people in the Sorrows, and you now have enough money for one of two things:
An enchanted diamond sword of full diamond armour.
Which one do you chose and which one do you sacrifice?
Choose wisely.

Staff) Not Hollowworld Staff, your staff!
When I joined this server, @BDani accepted me into his heart as a miner dwarf.
His mining business was amazing in Heaven's Reach, and let me tell you, I do miss him today!
The fact I was his staff for no cost was a good choice for him.
He did pay me a little, which was very generous, but I worked for him mostly and he did well. Before he went inactive, he had a full shop and many customers!
~That is what you need in a business!
So if you have a chance to get Staff, don't be a fool, if he/she/it wants to go beyond you, then fire him/her/it. If they are good to you, then you made a good choice!
Staff also make for good Roleplays, might I add.

Doing Good?) If you are doing well, don't change!
I notice sometimes people get bored of your USP after a while, but that's why you need to be active and change something to roll in the money again.
Your business is amazing, you are the best-
-keep that in mind!

Gone Bust) Ran out of customers? Balls.
Well, think of what the business did good for you and either change your USP in attempt to regain customers, or perhaps shut your job down.
This isn't a bad thing!
Once something bad happens, you know what to look out for in the future and what to avoid!
Business in Altera is so fun to do~
~Just make sure you never let your customer down and you'll do fine! :D

I hope this helped, even if just a little for your path in the future!
Any questions you want to ask me, go ahead, no matter how good or bad, just ask :D
Oh, and, since I get everything WRONG, tell me if I did get something wrong too XD
Because, I'm Waker, I get things wrong. A LOT.
Can't wait to hear your feedback :D