Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Walking Talking Character Maker


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Are you suffering from Lackinspirationitis?
Do you regulary have trouble with Chronic Creativity Loss?
Do you want a new character, but can't seem to settle on an idea?
Due to a recent overload of character concepts flooding my exam-ridden mind and a painful lack of alternate accounts, I have decided to offer to write free character profiles for anyone who would like a change of character but wants a surprise of sorts.​
I'm willing to work around specific requirements, loose guidelines, or even write full profiles from existing descriptions - the choice is yours, I just need something to write, and I like writing about people.
+Please note, although I may give ideas or even definitive plots for backstories, I will not be writing them+
+Also note these will not be written for restricted races, traits and cultures+
If you are at all interested, fill out the form below, and either post it in the thread if you don't mind people seeing, or if you would prefer to be "sneaky", or have an idea you don't want known to others just yet, then you can PM me the completed form...​
Something like this:​
MC Username: CatRapist69​
Any specific preferences for the character? Surprise me!​
Do you like Jaffa Cakes? Duh.​
Or like this:​
MC Username: HamsterSlayer666​
Any specific preferences for the character? I would like a male human character with light brown hair and a short beard, that usually wears a brown jerkin.​
Do you like Jaffa Cakes? Why, of course!​
Or this!​
MC Username: Com-bunnyHarvester13​
Any specific preferences for the character? I would like a character to be a pirate with one eye, but I don't mind what gender.​
Do you like Jaffa Cakes? Meh, they're all right. (<--- Heretic)



The Court Jester
Retired Staff
~Completed Profiles~
BLargtheawesome - (seeeecret)
wakerman4 - (...seecret?)
mastertyl - (...secret)
~In Progress~
~Waiting List~


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
MC Username: BLargtheAwesome
Any specific preferences for the character? Evil of some-sort, not the per usual insane and... silly, though. More so cunning. :D
Do you like Jaffa Cakes? Never had the honor of eating some.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
MC Username: Michcat
Any specific preferences for the character? Serial Killer. Keep it... realistic.
Do you like Jaffa Cakes? The only thing that outweighs my love for Jaffa Cakes is my love for yoooou ~


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Aaaaand BLarg's is DONE! :D

Next up, wakerman4! Due to a rapidly incoming drama exam, I might be up to a week with this one, but I'll try get it to you at some point this weekend. :)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
MC Username: Michcat
Any specific preferences for the character? Serial Killer. Keep it... realistic.
Do you like Jaffa Cakes? The only thing that outweighs my love for Jaffa Cakes is my love for yoooou ~
*Hopeful kitten eyes*