Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Warren Solet (The Liar)


Lord of Altera
(Warren is a rather new character and a lot of this is subject to change, of course.)

Theme: x

Based on Josiah Trelawny:

Character’s full name: Warren Solet
Character’s nickname: None yet!
Reason for nickname: -
Birth date: 2,283 (No particular day decided yet)

Physical appearance
Age: 23
How old does he/she appear: Early 20's
Weight: 175
Height: 5'9
Body build: Skinny, though not like a twig!
Shape of face: Pronounced cheekbones, average jawline and chin.
Eye color: Dark blue
Skin tone: Fair, cheeks and nose perpetually in a rosy state.
Distinguishing marks: A small scar across his left ring finger.
Predominant features: Fat nose, though not very long. Faint crows feet from perpetually smiling.
Hair color: Dirty blonde.
Type of hair: Thick and shaggy, though its normally slicked back.
Hairstyle: If not slicked back its left to hang down, passing below eye level in the front.
Voice: High-ish pitched, always full of a welcoming energy.
Overall attractiveness: 8/10 at most, Depends on who's judging~
Physical disabilities: Poor lower back, cant bend over too far without throwing it out.
Usual fashion of dress: Rather fancy clothing, black vest and pants with white undershirt, always wearing a pair of thin white gloves.
Jewelry or accessories: A necklace a homeless man gave to him and a gold ring his father gave him a long time ago.

Good personality traits: Always in a good mood, willing to try anything new. Likes to think he can convince people of anything he says.
Bad personality traits: Talks way too much / lies quite a bit.
Sense of humor: Has a very dry / dad like sense of humor. Some people don't even realize he's telling a joke when he is.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Making others laugh and of course, money.
Character’s greatest fear: Being in solitude for extended periods of time.
Why? He cant stand not being able to babble on about anything.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Everyone disappearing except for him, he would go mad in the first 24 hours.
Character is most at ease when: Around other friendly faces.
Most ill at ease when: Around not-so friendly faces.
Enraged when: It really takes a lot for him to get upset let alone /enraged/.
Depressed or sad when: Can be heartbroken if someone dislikes him.
Priorities: Make money and friends.
Life philosophy: History was never made by ordinary men! (Or women)
If granted one wish, it would be: For the emotion of hate to be gone forever from everyone.
Why? Everyone needs to be nicer to one another.
Character’s soft spot: Pretty women and conversations of philosophy.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Generally, yes.
Greatest strength: Can always find the good in terrible situations.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Cant think of long term solutions for problems.
Biggest regret: Not going after his childhood sweetheart.
Minor regret: Not learning math extensively.
Biggest accomplishment: Talked his dad out of a hanging-worthy crime.
Minor accomplishment: Saved a squirrel from death-by-eagle.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Failed to use a staircase once and ended up with minor amnesia.
Character’s darkest secret: Well wouldn't you like to know, huh?

Drives and motivations: Wants to see the world and meet as many new faces as he can.
Immediate goals: Would like to get a house somewhere.
Long term goals: Maybe find a wife, have some kids and make a lot of money.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Talking /a lot/

Hometown: One of the things he doesn't remember after taking the fall.
Type of childhood: Knows he had a good childhood, father wasn't wealthy but they didn't go hungry either.
Pets: Had a dog named Woofus- like... Rufus but a dog says woof so- Yeah you get it.
First memory: Losing his lucky coin in a stream.
Most important childhood memory: His then girlfriend moving away.
Why: Symbolized to himself that no matter what, no one will be around for him that long.
Dream job: A king, obviously, or at least being a speaker of some kind.
Education: Went to a small school in the city he lived in, along with an elderly friend of his father's giving him general lessons outside of the school.
Finances: Father had a decent job that allowed them to live a fairly normal lifestyle.

Current location: Hanging around Blackrush though he travels on top of that.
Pets: None as of now.
Occupation: Takes odd jobs to make money, looking for something more stable though.
Finances: Usually living on a shoestring budget, but tries to give off the impression that he has boatloads of money.

Mother: ?
Relationship with her: ?
Father: Boris Solet
Relationship with him: His father taught him a lot but he was a drunkard, they're on mutual grounds but Warren wont go out of his way to visit.

Color: Cherry red
Least favorite color: Dark green
Music: Upbeat tavern music.
Food: Roast duck with a side of baked potatoes.
Literature: Tales of historical heroes.
Form of entertainment: Plays.
Most prized possession: His ring.

Hobbies: Trying to sing / write music.
Plays a musical instrument? Not commonly.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: (Ironic for right now) He'd stay at a tavern and speak to locals.
Spending habits: Spends what he has as soon as he gets it.
Smokes: Used to smoke tobacco but quit a few years ago.
Drinks: Exclusively drinks shots of hard liquor.
Other drugs: He calls it medicine.
What does he/she do too much of? Talking.
What does he/she do too little of? Listening.
Extremely skilled at: Nothing in particular, really.
Extremely unskilled at: Saving money.
Usual body posture: Very good posture, bad posture makes his back sore.

Optimist or pessimist? Optimist.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert.
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious.
Logical or emotional? Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat.
Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing, of course.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Rather confident in himself.
Animal lover? Very much so.

How he/she feels about himself/herself: Thinks he's the most handsome fellow alive, quite the charmer as well!
One word the character would use to describe self: Dashing~
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? His good looks and ability to make anyone love him, of course!
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Maybe that he will try /anything/.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? His devilishly handsome face~
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? That damned scar on his ring finger.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: He's quite the lady killer, eh?
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Maybe his hair color, black would match his outfit.

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Likes everyone even if they are rude to him.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Mmmmmmmmmmm, sometimes.





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