Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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What would happen


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
I'm almost positive nothing happens, as Athryl has taken small samples from the tendril for testing. At least I've been told that~


Lord of Altera
I'm almost positive nothing happens, as Athryl has taken small samples from the tendril for testing. At least I've been told that~
but that wouldn't require personal physical contact, you'd only touch it with the knife most likely then it probably won't do anything seperated from the rest of the tendril or whatever


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Please remember the OOC rules of griefing in any efforts to 'tear it down', appropriate changes are easily worked with just a simply message to Naelwyn/Myself/AnyCampaignCoordinator!

If you poke it, you find that you must have poked the equivalent of very oddly-coloured stone in density.