Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Which Character Should I Be?

Who should I be?

  • Normek One-Leg

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • Ivan the Dark

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters


Lord of Altera
Help me choose what character to be with the poll

Normek Vatel

................................Like this but without the tail and furry feet, plus one leg is wooden
Normek is a strong-headed Dwarven cook who takes pride in his mead and food, and is excellent at preparing them, but cannot take criticism although he can give it perfectly.

Ivan Shadowthorne

Shadow Mage
Ivan is a highly intelligent shadow-mage who would kill to further his knowledge. Thinks of himself as much greater than others and will only take those who are greater mages than himself seriously.

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Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Considering you can't start off as a mage, I would go for Normek.



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I was told there was a school, if not I will find a willing mage.
The whole school thing is new to me, but I would advise not to build a character around the basis of something influenced by others. If a Magus doesn't accept you as an apprentice, your character crashes and burns. If you are accepted and you become a washout, the character crashes and burns. If you get accepted and thrive, so does the character. However, the whole "I'm the best, only people who are better than me are my friends" kind of thing isn't exactly original, whereas Normek seems to be quite an interesting character, that I would personally like to see.



Lord of Altera
The whole school thing is new to me, but I would advise not to build a character around the basis of something influenced by others. If a Magus doesn't accept you as an apprentice, your character crashes and burns. If you are accepted and you become a washout, the character crashes and burns. If you get accepted and thrive, so does the character. However, the whole "I'm the best, only people who are better than me are my friends" kind of thing isn't exactly original, whereas Normek seems to be quite an interesting character, that I would personally like to see.

Thanks, I will go with him.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Oglub, I'd suggest you read up on the magic lore before making any decisions about your character's magic capabilities.

There are three living Magus (Four originally, but Lathan died), and right now they are the only mages capable of teaching magic, as far as I'm aware at least. They're being secretive about everything.

You can't ask OOCly who the Magus are (though right now its common knowledge) and you usually have to go through some extreme test to prove your worth to them.

Magic is highly restricted now compared to when you were here last. Its highly recommended you avoid creating characters to be mages.


Lord of Altera
Oglub, I'd suggest you read up on the magic lore before making any decisions about your character's magic capabilities.

There are three living Magus (Four originally, but Lathan died), and right now they are the only mages capable of teaching magic, as far as I'm aware at least. They're being secretive about everything.

You can't ask OOCly who the Magus are (though right now its common knowledge) and you usually have to go through some extreme test to prove your worth to them.

Magic is highly restricted now compared to when you were here last. Its highly recommended you avoid creating characters to be mages.
Thanks, I thought it had changed, my bad. Dwarven cook it is.


Lord of Altera
"I shall sling bolts of lightning at you.... What...? ... ... No lightning? ... Can I sling a fireball?... Not that either huh?... ... ... Fear me for I shall sling hash!"