Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Whitelist Application Mistduck [Approved - Sally]

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1. Your Minecraft username: pizzalin
2. Your real name: Linda Cole
3. Age: 19
4. Gender: Female
5. Country: United States of America
6. I have read the Tome of Citizenship.

7. I feel that this roleplay style is amazing because it makes the players able to combine Fantasy with Medieval, and I usually love to roleplay on things such as roleplaying websites and such things.

8. My name is Linda and I am a pretty big gamer myself, I love to roleplay sometimes even in real life and I am usually nice to everyone and am pretty friendly, or I at least think I am. I find myself as a serious roleplayer and a fun-loving personality. Sometimes I like to type fanfictions when I am bored or just feeling like making a storyline. I enjoy games such as Minecraft, Ablivion, etc, all of which are very fun and amusing. Scarletdevilist showed me this server/forum, and I am taking a very good liking to it. Considering my experiences of a RPer myself, I hope that I find Hollow World the best yet to be discovered. Roleplaying is a very big hobby that I end up showing to practically the whole entire world. I hope that my experinces here will be the best yet of all roleplays and this was actually my reason of buying Minecraft.

9. I am sorry, but I have no attachments of a picture or a video with my roleplaying skills.

10. I do not think that I have any more information, so I believe that this is about it.
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