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Wiggy59's Dispute


Hi there, ive been banned for xraying? Please may you provide me with the evidence that shows i X-rayed, as you all know i constantly mine, ive even said that over teamspeak, the only thing i have done on your server is Mined, i make shafts leading down, cover the top so people dont fall to their deaths, and then i dig a 2x1 hole downwards, my reason for this is that if you dig a 1x1 shaft downwards you can simply fall into lava whereas standing on 1 half then digging the other half down 3 blocks and vice versa is a much safer way to get down to lower levels.
Now i know if that hit diamond and gold that would be pretty fishy, but if you let me ingame i can show you i have lots of shafts all around the Cove. I also dig in straight lines underground, eventually you hit something so maybe thats why i was banned? i do not know the details, but if you can provide me with a screen shot i can explain as to why it would look like x-raying. Furthermore, i can show you my client, is just a normal bogg standard minecraft with the oro rustic 1.3 texture pack and no mods (apart from Optifine to make it run smoother).
Also Why would i jeopardise my get-away server? I use Hollow world as my second server to get away from being constantly spammed with questions and helping people on well renowned server which is Second on MCserverlist... Please guys, i dont x-ray and i need this server! especially as i was getting somewhere! Also i can prove i mine normally, if you check my chests you can see i have no diamonds, no gold and alot of iron and a hell of a alot of cobblestone and loads of coal and Pickaxe's! I have also expressed my opinions of X-raying over TS. Anyway i will let you get back to me as i actually have Ban disputes to be dealing with aswell.

Thank you
- Wiggy


Lord of Altera
Off the side of a stairway you dug, straight to gold.
Straight down to gold.
You dug forward, then retreated and dug out the gold hidden below.
hidden gold up there you dug out, I understand random digging, but this is way too suspicious considering the other caves.

Sorry Wiggy, most of your tunnels seemed fine, until we found these today.



Castellan, if i were using a x-ray i would have either a hacking client, or a texture pack, which i have neither off, just a vanilla minecraft with optifine and the Oro rustic 1.3 texture pack, but if you really dont believe me then i will leave without wasting your time anymore.

Alpha it all looks fishy, but the logs show what they show which has pretty much stitched me up, i will admit that if this was a ban dispute on my server, i would refuse to believe it and go through with the ban, i cannot rely on any other players as i do not know many people.


<3 Hollow World
Wiggy just curious mate, why cover up some of the areas with dirt etc? We aren't talking about vertical shafts either by the looks of it. It's a very odd method of mining.


I cover up horizontal mineshafts, as if you dig around the place alot, you tend to run around in circles, this sounds ridiculous but i know for a fact atleast once, all of you would have mined a cave then ran back through a tunnel, and then actually have gone through another tunnel, if you dont believe me look under the desert next to the Cove you will see where i have done that there too.


Grand Lizard
Whats to stop you taking it off then taking the screenshot? Theres no date so we have no idea when that was taken.


King of the north!
Looking through the logs it looks very suspect, you have gained a lot of gold very quickly. In some cases theres not even a minute between you moving from one vein to the next. Granted that two veins in a row that fast might be possible, but not 3 or 4 in the space of 2-3 minutes.




I understand that, but i honestly dont use x-ray! i know there is no real way to prove that im not bullshitting, but why would i have come to your server if i wasnt going to play properly? ive banned 862 people for all sorts of reasons including x-ray,( ) i see people disputing much like myself this moment on bans, and occasionally despite all the evidence built against them, it is pure fluke. Now as i have said at the start of this appeal that i completely agree with sallys reason to ban me, if i was in the same scenario i would too! but i honestly havn't x-rayed! i spend all my time on this server mining to get 50k for Knight rank and then i was going to start mining again to reach another 50k to build my to scale size of Fishbourne palace. i would not jeopardise my milestone as its half complete! And as i have said before this is the only quiet place i have to go from my server where im constantly helping people and have no time to build anything of my own, and thats why i mine so much on the server, i actually enjoy mining and having some peace and quiet after spending a couple of hours on my own server. Im sure the any Mods/Admins/Ops and Kings will understand just how frustrating it is when you are constantly asked questions! The Evidence is stacked against me but i can honestly tell you i wouldnt X-ray! I know how efficient Sally is, ive Heard her on TS as she followed a miner using X-ray to mine Iron! please guys, take my Knight rank off, delete all my chests, take the remaining 1.50rads i have, but just dont ban me from the server!


<3 Hollow World
I was the one who highlighted your logs to the team whilst I was at work (lunch break.. honest) as it looked a bit odd when I was reading them. I've only just managed to visit the areas and I'll be honest there's a couple of areas where you've been lucky getting ores but in all honesty most of it looks pretty legit. Some of the areas have been changed by other mods who visited them before me, but hand on heart folks I think either he's done very little X-ray or he's innocent. I'd give him the benefit of doubt (know this won't make me popular.. )


Lord of Altera
I was the one who highlighted your logs to the team whilst I was at work (lunch break.. honest) as it looked a bit odd when I was reading them. I've only just managed to visit the areas and I'll be honest there's a couple of areas where you've been lucky getting ores but in all honesty most of it looks pretty legit. Some of the areas have been changed by other mods who visited them before me, but hand on heart folks I think either he's done very little X-ray or he's innocent. I'd give him the benefit of doubt (know this won't make me popular.. )
I totally agree with you. I would atleast give him one more chance. I mean, everyone's evidence seems highly-probable, but sometimes life just needs to give second-chances.


Lord of Altera

These 3 veins were dug within 4 minutes of each other. Now I've seen a lot of xray mines, but I'm surprised I didn't see this one sooner. That one on the left dug RIGHT onto the gold. You can't tell me that's just skill or random chance. :/

Also there was a hole right ahead of the one on the left, that dug directly to gold.. again.


<3 Hollow World
I've just been to the area above with Sally and it's pretty conclusive Wiggy, sorry mate. She can decide any punishment. The speed and decisiveness with which the ores have been mined to directly off the main shaft and the fact that the immediate area has been cleared of ores would indicate X-ray use :(