Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Wizard Help


Lord of Altera
So, i decided to turn my character into a wizard and turn my house in aspendale into a fantastic Tower half tree but forget about that

As you know, I want my character to be a wizard. So role play wise how would i successfully role play a wizard? am i over thinking the idea ?! lol

OK i know, alchemy table and create a bunch of potions and grow a farm growing all the ingreadents etc, but in my opinion there is somthing missing that i can do. well anycase i will try to figure it out.
also, any tips ? btw i know to let my mayor know of my plans xD he will love the half tree part


Lord of Altera
haha definitely not! come to Uthrandir when there are some serious Rp's and youll see its not all that hard, im one myself!


Legend of Altera
If you'd like RP features for your new house that would be befitting to a wizard character, look into compiling useful books and maps in your house. Create a library filled with old texts, manuscripts, tomes, lyrics, and guides. Also, you could create a hidden sanctuary, someplace only accessable to you. Fill it with all manner of jewels, gold, weapons, paintings, artifacts, and have the rpize of your collection centered in the room. If someone should happen upon your secret place, then they should be awestruck by the mystical wonder of what they see.

If you're looking for character tips, the stereotypical hermit wizard of the forest is usually a friendly old man, hospitable to any and all that may approach. Though he wields great power, his ragged appearance convinces onlookers otherwise. He could have a physical disability, a limp or twitch aquired from old age or battles past.


haha definitely not! come to Uthrandir when there are some serious Rp's and youll see its not all that hard, im one myself!
I have just joined the server and roleplaying a wizard isnt dfficult at all especially if you like to read, haha.


Lord of Altera
Try to make it feel natural and just try out small things. I bet you'll be a great wizard in no time!