Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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xXWolfycrashXx's Application [Declined- solus]


About you
1) What is your MINECRAFT username?
xXWolfycrashXx is my main accounts current username, I have an alt called 69Duke_Nukem69

2) How old are you?
I am 14 years old

3) Where are you?

I live in USA, Mississippi

4) Have you read our guides yet?

Yes I have read the guides, The tome of citizenship, The core race synopsis, and a few of the full race pages.

5) Introduce yourself!

Well, for starters my real name is Charles Curtiss, I am homeschooled and a important thing to note about about that is that I get days off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays instead of Saturdays and Sundays because those are the days my dad gets off from work, My favorite subject is science, and you can beyond a shadow of a doubt call me a gamer, I love video games of almost all sorts, Side-scrollers, FPSs, RTS games, RPGs and of course survival sandbox games like rust or minecraft, My favorite kind of game is a tie between FPSs and RPGs (Which is why I love elder scrolls)
Games I play include: Skyrim, The Half-Life series, The Portal games, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Call of duty: Black Ops 2, The Left 4 Dead games, The Diablo Trilogy, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Duke Nukem games (Yes, even Forever.), The Five Nights At Freddy's Trilog-er I mean saga as of halloween, Team Fortress 2, Star Trek Online, Rust, and of course Minecraft. Another hobby of mine is that I love Lego as well, I have dressers full of them and even have a city set up on a desk in my room.

My intrests include generally geeky things like Fantasy and Sci-fi, Please dont crucify me for this but I'm just now getting into lord of the rings, me and my sister have been watching the extended editions together and we just finished Fellowship and I'm gonna watch Two Towers with her soon.

And I do have interest and experience with roleplay, I've played other MC RP servers and I play D&D with my sister and a friend of mine every so often.

Some TV shows I like include: Adventure time, Steven Universe, Any Sonic show exept adventures, South Park, Teen Titans, and American Dragon Jake Long.

6) Got any examples of your work?

Ehh Its not much, but I got a couple things, and I don't really have any examples of it aside from the mansion in the first picture but I'm good at architecture, especially medieval styled.

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?
I didn't travel too far from where I started but I did travel to sorrowstown and I thought the ring design was intresting as well as the architecture of the crossroads inn district, and the cathedral near it was beautiful!

8) Referrer: (Optional)
I was not reffered by another player, I found the server in a search for RP Servers


About your character
Rarek Stonehammer

Past roleplay development from other servers or games and bringing it to our server is not acceptable. We prefer you start a fresh character to begin your development. Remember that your character cannot start with any advanced skill, they must start with minimal basic skills.

Age: 25-30, Basically just a couple years after the dwarven age of maturity

Race: Dwarf (Duskhammer)

Rarek is a dwarf with a bushy brown beard, braided in the middle with metal bands around the braids, heavily armored, and standing at 4.8 feet (Short for a human, tall for a dwarf), He has a build consisting of bulky arms and legs yet having a bit of a gut, Blue eyes, light skin, Generally clean skin not consisting of any freckles, scars, or dirt, He also has a X shaped scar on the back of his left shoulder


The test

I was a small boy. Today was the day I was going to ask my father to help me forge my first weapon, I had already known much about the art of blacksmithing from watching him and the other folk of my clan, The Blackrock Clan. Every day the men of the clan and even a lot of women would go to the mead hall and celebrate our victories in battle, our honor, and our sovereignty.

I was outside training with a training dummy and my wooden axe swinging it at the dummy as I noticed my father walk outside. He was holding a piece of paper and seemed to be in a bit of a hurry. I quickly rushed over to him and asked him if he could help me with something, He replied with "No Rarek. Not right now...Get inside with your mother." I gave a confused look as he simply said "Please. Just go. I want you safe." He gave a concerned look and walked away heading towards the main gate. I went inside as he instructed and my mother seemed to know what was going on as well and told me to go up to my room.

I did as she said but my curiosity got the best of me and I snuck out the window and sneakily headed towards the main gate and hid behind a corner next to a house and listened to the conversation between my father and the general of the clans soldiers, "When did the scouts find this out?" "About 3 hours ago." "So whats the plan..?" "We have 3 lines of soldiers ready guarding the gate as well as 14 archers up on the battlements. 2 other lines are spread out through the town and we have over 30 guarding the keep." "Why so many at the keep?" "We must keep the king safe, That's the most visible place of interest that they will most likley attack" "Shouldn't the most soldiers spread about through the town keeping citizens safe?" "No. The king is top priority and anything said against that could get you executed." "..." "Keep that chin up soldier, we're gonna need your help...This may be the last battle we have.." Resting against that wall I inhaled and exhaled and felt scared and confused at the same time.

A few hours later I saw a bounty of soldiers line up at the gate as other guards scrambled and patrolled around the city. One of them spotted me and told me "What are ye doin outside kid? Yer not safe out here. Get inside now." I replied with "Why? Whats going on?" He simply said "Don't worry about it just get indoors and stay put until instructed otherwise." I did as he said and headed back home. My mother waiting at the door was very upset and once again I was sent up to my room, This time for more reasons than one. I sat there for about a hour watching the window..The soldiers marching.. At that moment the gates were burst open by the giant bastards....The earthspawn..My eyebrows rushed to the top of my head as I saw these hulking beasts charge through the gates crushing the soldiers under their .clubs and hammers..roaring incomprehensible shouts, Trampling over the ground and killing our men they started burning our buildings and slaughtering civilians on the way to the keep. I then heard a crash downstairs..I hesitated to walk down to see what it was and I felt so terrible for doing so..but afterwards I heard my mother say "Go ahead..Take me! DO IT YOU BASTARD!" Followed by...A sound I dont want to remember but do so vividly..(

At that moment I was about to shed a tear and sadness was overflowing in the recesses of my soul but shortly after that sadness was burned and destroyed by the feeling of hatred and anger. I ran downstairs in a fit of rage as I high kicked him in his crotch, ran past him and grabbed a shortsword of a rack on the wall and stabbed it through his stomach with the force of all my rage, fear, and depression. As he fell to his knees and I yanked the sword back out his stomach with another scream of pain I whispered to him, "Good riddance, (sob) devil." And at that moment a feeling of gratitude and fulfillment had overwritten a little bit of my fear and sadness and I had felt what seemed like..happiness but more...darker and...fulfilling not to say evil though, for it was the heat of battle, something I had heard of but not truly experienced before.

Afterwards I rushed out of the burning house into the battle between the soldiers and Earthspawn, the soldiers all had looks of pure utter shock as they saw me, a child holding a sword...with blood on it. I immediately started attempting to hack and slash at earthspawn, the shock of a child fighting them made them not fight for a moment, but this was short lived as one of them quickly tried to crush me under the head of his hammer when I turned around and relentlessly jumped to the ground to get out of the way he tries to shove the handle into my mouth when I roll out of the way of that I quickly get up before he tries to have another swing at me I block it with the shortsword, I try to push against his force but he completely overwhelms me and the sword is flung out of my hands as he lifts his club over his head I make a hasty retreat as a arrow is shot into the back of my shoulder and I reluctantly climb up into a archer tower and recover as well as hide..

A few hours later the sound of metal clashing and bones breaking finally stopped and all that I heard was burning...I climbed down from the tower to see nothing but the town burning to the ground, I wasn't the only survivor. As I explored the wreckage I found other people hiding like me. I fled the place with everyone else and most of us just wandered until we found a place to settle, I myself found the district of the Crossroads Inn. As a child I would come out with other people and talk but tried to avoid conversation about parents and where I lived being that I assumed both my parents were gone and that I just slept next to the inn on a grassy hill near two trees, but eventually people found out and just sort of thought of me as that one homeless kid. That's how I lived my life for a long time until I reached my teens, that's when I started to pull my weight around the town, I got a room at the inn, started tending to horses, and even working around the inn a bit, I'm 30 years old now. I've had goals to travel Altera for knowledge of the arts of Smithing, Enchanting, And Combat. Now is the time I begin my journey...


Lord of Altera
Alrighty- I do really like this application, despite the parents dying and the town burning to the ground. I would just like to ask, is your character going to hold any unreasonable grudge against ALL the earthspawn in Altera for his backstory? It would be preferable to avoid, as people RPing Earthspawn ingame don't really.. ravage, attack or swarm towns like that, and usually stick to areas they're able to get away with violence with (possibly) no repercussions.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Declined due to inactivity. Feel free to re-apply with above issues fixed.