Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Your Characters Goals


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
What are you characters goals? What are your goals for your character? Why am I asking this?

Well to answer the third question I currently have no real goals for my character which Is one of the reasons i'm not currently inspired to RP actively. I think this could be the same problem for alot of people so I'd like to hear peoples thoughts on the matter whether you have goals or even if you don't to help see if i'm correct and if possible what could be done to improve the situation.

So goals, things you want to achieve and things you want to be able to achieve lets hear em.


Lord of Altera
I have goals for my character, but I'm still not interested in rp. Like I try to do it but I get bored, as not many earthspawn are active. And there isnt that many anyways.


Lord of Altera
Well for Marcus since he has returned from exile and has little influence now, he wants his legacy to continue, just, because that's all he believes is the only aspect of himself that he is proud of.


The Kingdom Crusher
Collectively, my characters ultimate goal is to destroy the Silver Crown to install local governments (and Chalkanism). Dav'id has an further goal of winning back Cali, though. Though the other two just want to destroy the Silver Crown.


Lord of Altera
Copied right from the char profile for my dear Emily.

"Goals in Life: Emily has only three real goals, to have fun, find a lifelong partner to love & cherish and to die happy."

Though I guess I could cross out the 2nd one for her and Dayter, but I might as well post it here encase it helps you or anybody else.


Lord of Altera
Collectively, my characters ultimate goal is to destroy the Silver Crown to install local governments (and Chalkanism). Dav'id has an further goal of winning back Cali, though. Though the other two just want to destroy the Silver Crown.
Thats mine too, but I need earthspawn to help.


Lord of Altera
Kuro wants to slowly gain the power he thinks he deserves and needs. Find his family's old mansion to live in and to find the truth about his family. Oh- and Knowledge.

That's all .. I think.. For now.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well, Spear. I won't reveal my character's goals, but let me just say this; you're a gentleman with a big, empty mansion that needs filling. Do you know who that reminds me of?

(Now we come to the realisation of just how spot-on this is...)


Retired Staff
Vorar's primary goal is to increase the net happiness of the world.

Does not mean good, though. Vorar might think this is most easily attained by enslaving the races of Altera.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
.. Nwalme's main goal in life is to simply preserve his own life, and that of the people he likes. Beyond that, it's preferably to simply find something else in life that doesn't constantly make his moral compass scream "bad".


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
The Grey: To free all from the cruelty that is life. (Kill you all pretty much~)

Eammon: Make Layne happy and to be free from ^That Guy^


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Note that not all of these are consciously known to the character in question.


To escape.
To escape.

To learn.
To forget.

To eat.

To bring hope.
To protect them.
To be brave.


Lord of Altera
Asher wants more power and wants to be known as a great house. So thats Ashers goal and my goal ooc'ly. So, that keeps me working and fairly active.

Sigurd Selmon

Lord of Altera
Reltimus - Well, I'm not sure about Relt's RP goals, never thought that through fully, but I want him to one day become insane, just for fun~
Sigurd - As for long term goals, he wants to get his name out there, let people know about his job as a detective. As for short term goals, he wants to do two things currently; Get a new assistant, since his old one kind of... Split his head into two pieces, and to find out who the man behind Phoenix's mask actually is
Gabri'ella - I haven't really given her any RP goals, though, I suppose at some point she wants a family and all that. Though, OOCly, I want to slowly develop any form of insanity she has until she is as unpredictable as [Insert name of something extremely unpredictable, because Sean can not think of anything]


Lord of Altera
This seems like the cool kids thing so~
Astrid: Long term just settle, and keep others she needs too at bay. Short term Stuffs
Gunnarr: Break out of home (long story)


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Josef's grand goal is to purge reality of all forms of chaos, and he plans on doing so by advancing our current reality using science. Once at a more "Civilized" point, he plans to bring the world into a state of complete order and progress, where everyone does their part to contribute to society, wither its fighting, farming, researching, building or being eviscerated to advance science. Granted this can't be completed in his lifetime, but he firmly believes that it will be so one day, and he strives to do his part to make it so, by eviscerating live people in underground laboratory for science.


Lord of Altera
Darko wishes to control the entire criminal underground, using a network of spies, smugglers and pirates I have in the works.