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The Factions


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Within this Campaign, the Corruption seeks to destroy Altera - and corrupt it into a land unsurvivable.

Will you be one to fight this Corruption? Or shall you attempt to side with it, spread its twisted ways and hinder those trying to save the lands? Or perhaps a neutral party, merely here to see the fate of your world be unfolded by other hands...

Listed below will be several categories, ranging from the Deities to the Alteran factions that will be key participants of The Return.
Remember! Your faction must have at least five individual members - perhaps there could be exceptions, but this is the current standing rule.
To add your Alteran faction, please fill out the template below and post it within this thread!

Faction Template
Religion (If Any):

For or Against the Corruption?
Changelog of Actions: Kindly post in this thread to upkeep such!

When Upkeeping your faction, we only need this information-

Faction Name:
What New Thing your Faction has done in relevance to "The Return":

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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
The Pantheon
"The Lightbringer"

The Holy God of Justice, Harateth is known as one of the three most powerful of the Deities. Originally promoting His values of Goodness, Harateth seems to have warped and now spreads twisted values.
Harateth is For the Corruption.
Changelog: Condemned Shalherana for refusing to join in Corruption

"Goddess of Life"

The Goddess of Nature, Shalherana is famously known for aiding her Sisterhood of Priestesses in reviving those who fall before their time. It is rumored Shalheranas' power is what allows the Sisterhood to be so potent.
Shalherana is Against the Corruption.
Changelog: Shalheranas' Holy Temple of the Sisterhood was desecrated by Corruption, left alongside the sigil of Kilrox.

"He is Fire, He is Death"

Kilrox is known as the God of Evil War, having commonly promoted destruction. Kilrox' values have always been strayed towards bloodshed, but it is unknown what shall become of this Deity should His values be twisted away from what they were.
Kilrox is For the Corruption.
Changelog: The Great Sword of Kilrox was seen to desecrate the Temple of Shalherana shortly after Shalherana refused to join Harateth in corruption.

"The Soul Stealer"

Skraag is called as the Evil God of Undeath, yet this title belies the true philosophy of this Deity. He has been seen to be almost benevolent, and quite passive in nature. Skraag was seen to take action against Corruption affecting his disciplines, and has possibly the most patient demeanor of any Deity.
Skraag is Against the Corruption.
Changelog: Summoned within the Shrine of Skraag by Priest Dummy, where sacred and rare information was shared before his departure to prevent Corruption from overtaking the Shrine.

"God of Chaos"

Jishrim is known to be cunning, unpredictable, and a terror - the God of Plague, Despair, Riots, and Insanity. It seems the Corruption has greatly feebled him. Jishrim appears to seek to aid against the Corruption - primarily remove it from himself. Yet, everyone knows Jishrim is never on your side...
Jishrim is Against the Corruption.
Changelog: Appeared at a summoning of Shalherana, aiding in Shalheranas' escape from Harateth. He proceeded to give very cryptic advice.

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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
The Elementals

-Northern Mountain Range
Elemental of Ice, Stone, Storm, and the Deep Earth.
This Elemental is known to be controlled by the forces of Corruption, twisted into irrationality and known to have attempted attacks against Alterans. It is unknown if this offensive front is still being pursued...
This Elemental is For the Corruption
Changelog: See the SoS Campaign for details. First appearance was within Havarda.

-The Molten Eye
Elemental of Fire, Magma/Molten stone, Ash, and the Obsidian.
Little is known about this Elemental, but those of its followers have been identified spreading the Corruption to others. It is known the Molten Eye was a former Demon of Grief, and much of its underlings were also such.
This Elemental is Unknown.
Changelog: See the SoS Campaign for details. First appearance was near Zewport, when a party attempted to contact the Molten Eye and got more then what they bargained for...

-The Shoreless Gulf
Elemental of Sea, Water, Storm, Ice, and Sand.
A prominent Elemental figure among Alterans. The Shoreless Gulf, occasionally known as The Western Sea, aided in the clashes with hostile Elementals until the presence of Corruption grew too much for it. It is unknown if The Shoreless Gulf is able to return, or if it was tricking everyone all along...
This Elemental is Against the Corruption.
Changelog: See the SoS Campaign for details. First appearance was shortly after the battle at Havarda, within Port Silver.

-Obsidian Ridge
Elemental of Stone, Earth, and Obsidian.
One of the Molten Eye congregate, Obsidian Ridge is more popularly known as the former demon Fury, once a general of Queen Grief. Having caught many Alterans in its trap, Fury - or Obsidian Ridge - is a known enemy of the lands. Anyone who come into contact with it are warned to keep their blades sharp, and wits sharper.
This Elemental is For the Corruption.
Changelog: Posed as 'Granite Canyon', eventually trapping a warparty - leading to several casualties and the near-loss of Shoreless Gulf.

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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
The Alterans

Name: Combo Admin Team
Description: The gods' authority is not recognized in Fort Kickass.
Leader: Tzemik, Vorar
Members: Vorar, Tzemik
Alignment: Combo Admin Team
Religion (If Any): Phenomenal Admin Power Religion
For or Against the Corruption? Fun to Create, Fun to Fight
Changelog of Actions:

  • Being the most badass.
Name: The Sisterhood of Shalherana
Description: Fueled by the grace and blessing of Goddess Shalherana, the Sisterhood revives willing Alterans from unnatural ills and wounds. The Sisterhood utilizes Adept and (In rare cases) Expert level Mysticism. No Sister is able to wield Master-level Mysticism, yet it is said their power comes from the words of Shalherana herself. This group was first founded when the beginning onslaught of Corruption slaughtered millions of Alterans, as a means of fighting back against Queen Grief.
Leader: Shalherana
Members: The remaining Sisters.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Religion (If Any): To the Goddess Shalherana
For or Against the Corruption? Against.

Name: The Corrupted Sisterhood of Shalherana
Description: No bodies of Sisterhood members were ever recovered from the broken, corrupted Sisterhood Temple...
Leader: -
Members: -
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Religion (If Any): The Grey Lady and Skraag
For or Against the Corruption? For

Name: The Guardian Crusade
Description: The Guardians of Altera have joined with the Rangers' Guild and are issuing a call to arms across the Northern Kingdoms; all those who wish to fight for the lives of your loved ones are to join with this faction and work together to save the world as we know it.
Faction Leaders: Guardian Cloud and Ranger Ced.
Captains (and stations)-
Cloud =------> The Guardians.
Cedar J'sera =------> The Rangers; recon and scouting.
Athryl Mithtanil =------> The Alchemists and all alchemical goods produced.
Jaret Ironbrow =------> The Dwarves of Yeradur and all war machinery used.
Ezorel =------> The Nightstalkers; recon and scouting.
Tzemik =------> The Silver Serpent.

Alignment: Good, varying from Lawful to Chaotic, what with the large number of members.
Religion (If Any): As with the alignment, the large numbers in this faction means that all the good and neutral Gods are worshipped. Except Harateth.
For or Against the Corruption? Most definitely against.
Changelog of Actions-
+A mass of members arriving from all the corners of the Kingdoms.
+Captains appointed, leaders declared.

Name: The Alchemists' of Altera [To be changed if more than Alchemists' join up.]
Description: The Alchemists', upon hearing recent events, have decided to join in an effort to fight off corruption, they also have taken in many close friends to join them~
Leader: Athryl Mithtanil
Members: Helios Sage, Nwalme Fuvur, The Greyling, Grace Arnott, Ashna Khovr, Taurn Reed-Black, Samara Dormus.. more to be added~
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Religion (If Any): Shalherana and Theodra.
For or Against the Corruption? Against.

Changelog of Actions:

Name: The Rangers.
Description: The guild of green cloaked men and women are well known throughout Altera for their deeds in times of need such as this, and once more they are taking an active part in ensuring the safety of the populace through tactics, recon, and organised fighting on the field of battle.
Leader: Cedar J'sera, Mairin Baihn, and Dayter Arretez.
Members: Akela, Abel, Somnastra, Edland, Amire, Saodh, Drachen, Aryus,
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Religion (If Any): Theodra, Shalherana.
For or Against the Corruption? Against, yo.

Changelog of Actions:

Name: The Crime Ring/Pirates
Description: Thugs, assassins, and a few honorable vigilantes. We'll do any job if the price is right.
Leader: Darko Tideborne
Members: Ardaric Tideborne, Raigo, Isabella, Fulgrim, Crow, Jeffery Tideborne, Raven, Alexander, Maximus, Thomas, Jasper, Horth, Silos, Raymondo, Murdoc. As well as some others I can't think of.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion (If Any): Nope
For or Against the Corruption?: Against

Changelog of Actions:
+Crime Rates are dropping considerably, and more attention is being directed towards helping the realm.
+New ships are being built in Cutthroat Cove


Name: The Halflings
Description: The halflings within Lydel have grouped up as one- hoping to stay safe within their homes until called upon to help.
Leader: Habin Lydel
Members: Habin Lydel (@Ddaug02), Aldervon(@cowo5), Elfa Hansdotter (@Hogo-Sha Kitsune) , Honch Lydel (@Texaschicken), Andwise (@Tarron )
Alignment: Lawful good
Religion (If Any): Goddess of Shalherana
For or Against the Corruption? Against
Changelog of Actions:
-Currently hiding- surviving in Lydel


Name: Church of the Golden Hammer
Description: the high and sole church of the Kingdom of Aeyeras
Leader: Grandmaster Bolvar Firestorm-Aeyeras
Members: Bolvar Firestom-Aeyeras(DraconDarknight);Taurn Reed-Black(MokiPC); King Axex I. Hawklight-Aeyeras(@Axex); Neoroy August-Aeyeras(@bodejodel ); Kharn Sicarus (@Warwolf); Dummyplug of the Sorrows (@dUMMY ); @jakp25( don't know RP name for main acc ><); Kvothe Noldor (@Kvothe); open to join
Alignment: Lawful good
Religion (If Any): Former: All good and neutral gods; Current: Shalherana; Gods are to be added depending on known corruption status
For or Against the Corruption? : Against
Changelog of Actions:
(Thread regarding actions of the Church and its Knight Order + Background stuff provided soonish; What comes here is after those few days ;))

+ The King Axex put the matter in the church's hands ( King Axex I. (@Axex) joins the faction)
+ Thread with SoS related events in the Kingdom has been posted
+ Shalherana is making herself feel at home in the cathedral to Heaven's Reach (not to be understand literally as in she is there);
+ Negotiations with the Remnants of the Alteran high church have started
+ The Paladin's headquarters continue to get renovated, some rubble has been removed; The excavation team is starting to make its way towards the dormitory area
+ The Headquarters' Forge has been relit.
+ The Knights that were sent out continue to strive for their mission
+ Kharn Sircarus(@Warwolf) returns and joins the faction
+ Following the advice of a certain former Prosecutor of Port Silver Bolvar makes its way to <redacted> to gather information about <redacted>
+ The Prince is getting mad at all the vines in the cathedral....
+ The Sun is being denied access to the Halls of the Order of the Dragon (Windows have been blocked)
+ Archduke Sicarus is starting to manufacture his priced cannons which already struck fear in the corruption's heart in the past.
+ Additional repairs were made to the Knight's Halls. the worst holes in the Ground were fixed, rubble and cobweb's removed (God I hope I got screenshots from when it was ruined ><)
+ Dummyplug approached the Grandmaster to join the cause, Grandmaster Bolvar told him he'd think about it and confine in his allies - the enemy of my enemy is my friend
+ The excavation team broke through to the old dormitory, several beams to hold the cave in above their heads were placed until a proper ceiling can be rebuilt
+ Due to the damage to the hospital during the attacks the Church of the Golden hammer has opened up a temporary hospital in its basement until repairs are done.
+Duskheart's troops are ready to march @jakp25 joins
+ A sermon with the goal to summon Shalherana is being prepared
+ Further talks with Septimus in regards how to summon a goddess have been conducted
+Dummyplug of the Sorrows joins the cause to defeat the corruption (@dUMMY joins the faction)
+Gained information about corruption from aforementioned new member ;)
+Traders bring rumors about the Summoning of Shalherana to the holds of Altera
+Kvothe Noldor is feeling better (@Kvothe joins the faction)

Name: Nightstalkers
Description: A collective of highly trained men and women who are said to control the shadows of night.
Leader: Ezorel - @Archaeus Fronte
Members: Elizabeth Fronte, Dagen Lestat, Audric Elumeril, Lilliana (???), Ezorel, Raven Veiloros
Alignment: Fully Neutral
Religion (If Any): None required
For or Against the Corruption? Against.

Changelog of Actions:
+Ezorel lends her students and herself to the Alteran forces.

Name: Dwargar (Dwarves)
Description: The unified Dwarven kingdom of Yearnen and Yeradur. Well equipped with soldiers, thinkers, and engineers, the formidable Dwarven military machine lies in wait.
Leader: King Jaret Ironbrow
Members: (@Arken, @Jstar, @Ginger Beard, @BarbarianGaming, @Styles828, @Bronaparte, @spagbog )(Shout at me if I you're still active and I missed you~)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion (If Any): Korog!
For or Against the Corruption? Against
Changelog of Actions:

  • NPC military remains on alert in various fortresses. Preparations being made, supplies readied.
  • Superficial investigation of shrines and cathedral by Jaret. Smattering of prayer thrown in there.

Name: The Engem Clan/Highland Horde
Description: One of the largest and most distinguishable political movements recorded; made up of members of all races (primarily Elves and humans , with a good Caparii following) that self identify under the tattoos of their skin. They segregate themselves from mainstream society in hopes of perfecting and ironing out people's faults and use "civilized" as a derogatory term.
Leader: Chalkan Engem (main leader), Darius Engem (leader of the Highland Stakeout @Lonespacemarine ) and Arvellon Engem (leader of Highland Militia).
Members: All the Engem. Just anyone who has the last name "Engem" :p (Can't list all the people)
Alignment: Chaotic good.
Religion (If Any): Blend of tribal traditions and a pantheon revolved around Shalherana, Korigon, Korog, Rahas and Theodra.
For or Against the Corruption?: Against! .-.
Changelog of Actions:

  • Laws/foriegn policy put in place to protect Shalherana and Korog's children.
  • Indirect ban of Skraag/Jishrim worship in Hound-ru.
  • Planning festival in Shalherana's honour (gathering obsidian for it).
  • Created organization with Theodra as patron god (this right, @Lonespacemarine )
  • Planning to create organization with Korog as patron god ( @thatguy090 / @xxxLouisRulesxxx )
    • House Marr and the Order of Korigon join with the Engem.
-Name: Mad Crusade!
Description: After been advised on how to repair Jishrims Insanity: Thannis has embarked on a crusade with the Moor Elves to help Jishrim with Thannis renouncing all ties to Kilrox
Leader: Thannis Zima'Maloj
Members: Thannis, Barron, Moor Elves (Most of them), Moor Elven Harlequins
Alignment: Chaotic Good, Madness with a cause~
Religion (If Any): Jishrim
For or Against the Corruption? Against
Changelog of Actions:
+ Thannis has been blessed by Jishrim himself and has started to lead the Crusade (23/03/14)
+ Due to the protest of a member, The Crusade is observing what he can do to spread Chaos (23/03/14)

Name: The Mortal Accord
Description: A alliance formed between the leaders of multiple factions working together for the sake of Altera's mortal inhabitants (yes this includes elves (you can die that makes you mortal enough)) Men, Elves, and dwarves have come together to coordinate their actions for the common cause.
Leader: Well it's made of a lot of leaders of different factions and is democratic but I guess I'm facilitator at the moment so Septimus Aetherson II
Members: (To all intents and purposes includes those in factions lead by those in this one)
Septimus Aetherson the Second, Lord of Renatus, Lawgiver of the High Church
Silas Aetherson, His cousin.
Archduke Bolvar Firestorm-Aeyeras Grand Marshall of the Church of the Golden Hammer (And heading Aeyeras involvement in all this)
Arbiter Albareth of the High Church
King Jaret Ironbrow of the Dwarves
Fennik Hearthfire
Cedar J'sera Sentinel of the Rangers
Daeron Lightbringer
Somnastra Elenthalion
Athryl Mithtanil Head of the Alchemists guild
Finnall Ezuri
Alignment: Our allegiance is to Altera and it's people and those gods who'd stand with us.
Religion (If Any): Varies from person to person, will attempt to save what gods can be saved.
For or Against the Corruption? Against, Very much against.
Changelog of Actions:
A whole lot of discussion and information trading.
Holding the heirax tournament in Valors honour
Making plans to summon Bilworth through Renatus
Making plans to summon Korog through the dwarven cathedral and religion
Making a thousand other plans beside
Seeking further allies


Name: The Corrupted
Description: Those infected by the Corruption, and twisted to its cause.
Leader: N/A
Members: Corrupted Pantheon, Corrupted Sisterhood. Abel Thorne, Lokhan Smyte, Scardrac, Turik Deathblade, Nwalme Furvur, Albiorix, Harleen-Rose, Daniella Fronte, Elmond Engem, Cloud, Tzemik Kevasn.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Religion (If Any): Various members of the Corrupted Pantheon
For or Against the Corruption? heh

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Lord of Altera

Church of the Golden Hammer
Description: the High and sole church of the Kingdom of Aeyeras
Leader: Grandmaster Bolvar Firestorm-Aeyeras
Members: Bolvar Firestom-Aeyeras(DraconDarknight);Taurn Reed-Black(MokiPC);
King Axex Hawklight-Aeyeras; open to join
Alignment: Lawful good
Religion (If Any): Former: All good and neutral gods; Current: Shalherana; Gods are to be added depending on known corruption status
For or Against the Corruption? : Against

Additional information & Goals:
- Saving the Pantheon
- Purge those that can't be saved
- Replacing purged gods with new ones ( ;) )

Changelog of Actions:
(Thread regarding actions of the Church and its Knight Order + Background stuff provided soonish; What comes here is after those few days ;))

+ Redecoration of Cathedral to Heaven's Reach to be more nature inclined
+ 12.03 The holes in the ceiling of the knight holes main room have been repaired.
+ 12.03 Axex Added to Faction
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)

Church of the Golden Hammer
Description: the high and sole church of the Kingdom of Aeyeras
Leader: Grandmaster Bolvar Firestorm-Aeyeras
Members: The Kingdom of Aeyeras ;); and all that want to join our cause
Alignment: Lawful good
Religion (If Any): Former: All good and neutral gods; Current: Shalherana
For or Against the Corruption? : Against

Additional information:

Changelog of Actions:
(Thread regarding actions of the Church and its Knight Order + Background stuff provided soonish)
Kindly list the members of the Kingdom of Aeyeras and those who wish to join your cause? :heart:


Lord of Altera
Kindly list the members of the Kingdom of Aeyeras and those who wish to join your cause? :heart:
I'll list me and a bunch of Knight NPCs for the time being then ;).
The church is the only allowed church in the kingdom, but still listing house members without announcing would be unnice of me ;)


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Name: The Alchemists' of Altera [To be changed if more than Alchemists' join up.]
Description: The Alchemists', upon hearing recent events, have decided to join in an effort to fight off corruption, they also have taken in many close friends to join them~
Leader: Athryl Mithtanil
Members: Helios Sage, Nwalme Fuvur, The Greyling, Grace Arnott, Habin Lydel, Ashna Khovr, Taurn Reed-Black, Samara Dormus.. more to be added~
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Religion (If Any): Shalherana and Theodra.
For or Against the Corruption? Against.
Changelog of Actions:
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Retired Staff
Name: Combo Admin Team
Description: The gods' authority is not recognized in Fort Kickass.
Leader: Tzemik, Vorar
Members: Vorar, Tzemik
Alignment: Combo Admin Team
Religion (If Any): Phenomenal Admin Power Religion
For or Against the Corruption? Fun to Create, Fun to Fight
Changelog of Actions:
  • Being the most badass.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Name: The Rangers.
Description: The guild of green cloaked men and women are well known throughout Altera for their deeds in times of need such as this, and once more they are taking an active part in ensuring the safety of the populace through tactics, recon, and organised fighting on the field of battle.
Leader: Cedar J'sera, Mairin Baihn, and Dayter Arretez.
Members: Akela, Abel, Somnastra, Edland, Amire, Saodh, Drachen, Aryus.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Religion (If Any): Theodra, Shalherana.
For or Against the Corruption? Against, yo.

The Rangers and the Guardians will be forming one faction together, in order for a more united front with larger numbers under one banner. Guardian Guild Masters Ced and Cloud will lead said faction (which I will leave to him to make a form for, at which point I will delete this post). Organisations such as the Alchemist's Guild, the Silver Serpent, as well as anyone known to actively harbour good will for sentient life on Altera would be contacted with regards to merging into the faction.

@The Living Ghost
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The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Name: The Rangers.
Description: The guild of green cloaked men and women are well known throughout Altera for their deeds in times of need such as this, and once more they are taking an active part in ensuring the safety of the populace through tactics, recon, and organised fighting on the field of battle.
Leader: Cedar J'sera, Mairin Baihn, and Dayter Arretez.
Members: Akela, Abel, Somnastra, Edland, Amire, Saodh, Drachen, Aryus,
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Religion (If Any): Theodra, Shalherana.
For or Against the Corruption? Against, yo.

The Rangers and the Guardians will be forming one faction together, in order for a more united front with larger numbers under one banner. Guardian Guild Masters Ced and Cloud will lead said faction (which I will leave to him to make a form for, at which point I will delete this post). Organisations such as the Alchemist's Guild, the Silver Serpent, as well as anyone known to actively harbour good will for sentient life on Altera would be contacted with regards to merging into the faction.
Hit meh up, yo.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I'll list me and a bunch of Knight NPCs for the time being then ;).
The church is the only allowed church in the kingdom, but still listing house members without announcing would be unnice of me ;)
Unfortunately, I can't accept NPCs to fill the member requirement :D

Name: The Alchemists' of Altera
Lovely! Yer added.

Name: Combo Admin Team
I.. desu... Baron-San...

Name: The Rangers.
Added! If you guys form a conglomerate, make sure that all parties let me know so I can add them under one banner here :)


Lord of Altera
Already filled with people ;)


App for lower Amount:

One of the points why I think this faction is worth of having is that it is Church backed by a Kingdom, notably the only Church that isn't outlawed by the Kingdom. It could thus very well be, until something else is announced, considered as House Faction.

We are in talks with @Naelwyn for a Rezz pact for which we have built a monastery specifically for Shalherna, with the intention of creating an outpost for the sisterhood.
The talks frooze a bit due to Heavy exam times on both sides.
Currently said monastery is in its final stages (Meaning decoration and chest removal), and afterwards ready to receive its well.
It should be noted that the Monastery is a forest near a lake, thus pretty much at the heart of nature.
Personally think that the opening of the Monastery would tie in nicely into the story, especially considering how the main temple was corrupted by Kilrox blade.
As worship affects the God's status an outpost dedicated alone to Shalherana could affect the outcome.

With the current re-decoration of the Cathedral to HR, we have two religious buildings dedicated to the goddess known to be against the corruption.

The faction goal to add at least 2 new gods and destroy all those that can't be saved should also provide some nice RP, the faction will furthermore continue to recruit and is open to join. (Plus we currently miss a lawful good faction otherwise); More members of the house will be added after consultation with them.

We also have a 519 words long event 'list' starting a few days after the happenings in the cathedral, are currently awaiting comments from the House lead - with more to come (e.g more written out in between events that tie into the Faction's reasons).

The Church's Knight Order has its headquarters in ancient ruins)which also posses their own lore) build under the cathedral, which will continuously 'repaired' during the event.

Said list waiting for internal approval as well as the already written church lore(a while ago already, I wasn't sure if it was lore conform until I got told that ruins are now possible), can be posted per pm if required. - the 3 builds (Monastery, Cathedral, Headquarters) be shown.
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Lord of Altera
Name: The Crime Ring/Pirates
Description: Thugs, assassins, and a few honorable vigilantes. We'll do any job if the price is right.
Leader: Darko Tideborne
Members: Ardaric Tideborne, Raigo, Isabella, Fulgrim, Crow, Jeffery Tideborne, Raven, Alexander, Maximus, Thomas, Jasper, Horth, Silos, Raymondo, Murdoc. As well as some others I can't think of.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion (If Any): Nope
For or Against the Corruption?: Against
Changelog of Actions:
+Crime Rates are dropping considerably, and more attention is being directed towards helping the realm.
+New ships are being built in Cutthroat Cove
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Already filled with people ;)


App for lower Amount:

One of the points why I think this faction is worth of having is that it is Church backed by a Kingdom, notably the only Church that isn't outlawed by the Kingdom. It could thus very well be, until something else is announced, considered as House Faction.

We are in talks with @Naelwyn for a Rezz pact for which we have built a monastery specifically for Shalherna, with the intention of creating an outpost for the sisterhood.
The talks frooze a bit due to Heavy exam times on both sides.
Currently said monastery is in its final stages (Meaning decoration and chest removal), and afterwards ready to receive its well.
It should be noted that the Monastery is a forest near a lake, thus pretty much at the heart of nature.
Personally think that the opening of the Monastery would tie in nicely into the story, especially considering how the main temple was corrupted by Kilrox blade.
As worship affects the God's status an outpost dedicated alone to Shalherana could affect the outcome.

With the current re-decoration of the Cathedral to HR, we have two religious buildings dedicated to the goddess known to be against the corruption.

The faction goal to add at least 2 new gods and destroy all those that can't be saved should also provide some nice RP, the faction will furthermore continue to recruit and is open to join. (Plus we currently miss a lawful good faction otherwise); More members of the house will be added after consultation with them.

We also have a 519 words long event 'list' starting a few days after the happenings in the cathedral, are currently awaiting comments from the House lead - with more to come (e.g more written out in between events that tie into the Faction's reasons).

The Church's Knight Order has its headquarters in ancient ruins)which also posses their own lore) build under the cathedral, which will continuously 'repaired' during the event.

Said list waiting for internal approval as well as the already written church lore(a while ago already, I wasn't sure if it was lore conform until I got told that ruins are now possible), can be posted per pm if required. - the 3 builds (Monastery, Cathedral, Headquarters) be shown.
I'm inclined to just give it the go-ahead, given you seen very... enthused, despite only two other members.

I need to ask, though- How are your characters aware that they want to create new gods, or even destroy gods? Moreever, from my very vague OOC hints, why do you think this is a possible IC goal? :D

I'm not sure if the ruins could be a thing, given the place is being continuously destroyed (and how there never were any ruins under the Cathedral, but there is a giant tunnel system that might be useful for future ideas). Regardless, I do love the build initiative and merely wait for the question posed above ^^

Name: The Crime Ring/Pirates
Description: Thugs, assassins, and a few honorable vigilantes. We'll do any job if the price is right.
Leader: Darko Tideborne
Members: Ardaric Tideborne, Raigo, Isabella, Fulgrim, Crow, Jeffery Tideborne, Raven, Alexander, Maximus, Thomas, Jasper, Horth, Silos, Raymondo, Murdoc. As well as some others I can't think of.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion (If Any): Nope
For or Against the Corruption?: Against
Changelog of Actions:
Added xD
yeah, we need more Lawful Good peeps..


Lord of Altera
I'm inclined to just give it the go-ahead, given you seen very... enthused, despite only two other members.

I need to ask, though- How are your characters aware that they want to create new gods, or even destroy gods? Moreever, from my very vague OOC hints, why do you think this is a possible IC goal? :D

I'm not sure if the ruins could be a thing, given the place is being continuously destroyed (and how there never were any ruins under the Cathedral, but there is a giant tunnel system that might be useful for future ideas). Regardless, I do love the build initiative and merely wait for the question posed above ^^

When saying Cathedral I referred to the Cathedral in HR ;); poke you ingame for inspection in a bit :D


Lord of Altera
Name: The Halflings
Description: The halflings within Lydel have grouped up as one- hoping to stay safe within their homes until called upon to help.
Leader: Habin Lydel
Members: Habin Lydel (@Ddaug02), Aldervon(@cowo5), Elfa Hansdotter (@Hogo-Sha Kitsune) , Honch Lydel (@Texaschicken), Andwise (@Tarron )
Alignment: Lawful good
Religion (If Any): Goddess of Shalherana
For or Against the Corruption? Against
Changelog of Actions: Currently hiding- surviving in Lydel


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
When saying Cathedral I referred to the Cathedral in HR ;); poke you ingame for inspection in a bit :D
Whoops, I thought'cha meant the one in PS XD
My bad!

Still, though- The question?

I need to ask, though- How are your characters aware that they want to create new gods, or even destroy gods? Moreever, from my very vague OOC hints, why do you think this is a possible IC goal? :D