Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Putting an end to excessive violence


Dead Man Walking
I think I may of put the bounty up :D either you or Scardrac while back. Your welcome for sending poor souls to your doorstep

best way to kill your enemy is to tell them you have an assassination job and send them to your castle xD
Though sadly, nobody has ever tried to kill me in my castle.


Lord of Altera
I honestly disagree with some of the ideas in this thread and want to underline why people are here. People play on HW to have fun. We aren't here to play in a world the same and just as realistic as our own. We play on this server to play on a world that is NOT like our own world/lives. And in my opinion, violence on this server makes things fun. We've all had that dream where there is a killer, and we save the day. That doesn't mean we are crazy. And this server should be a place where we can make those dreams available to enact. And if you don't want to deal with violence, it is quite easily avoidable. You can go to a no-violence place, such as Thill. You can rp with people that you know wont be violent. Pretty simple. I've personally never had a character who killed on a regular basis, but I do not mind people who do. It makes things interesting, makes things fun.


Lord of Altera
It's not really fun being a completely nice character that doesn't make enemies and someone just coming in to slice you up for no given reason. "Oh. Thanks, I totally wanted my character to die today because all I've done is sit in my shop all day, never make enemies and never met you before. Kay. I gotta go wait 3-10 days to revive now."


Lord of Altera
It's not really fun being a completely nice character that doesn't make enemies and someone just coming in to slice you up for no given reason. "Oh. Thanks, I totally wanted my character to die today because all I've done is sit in my shop all day, never make enemies and never met you before. Kay. I gotta go wait 3-10 days to revive now."
But, that is a reasonable character flaw, in my opinion. The character would then learn to get better protection because it is a scary world, and would do something along the lines of: Make a secret room to hide in, teach him/herself to fight, keep a guard with him/herself. Something along those lines.


Lord of Altera
But, that is a reasonable character flaw, in my opinion. The character would then learn to get better protection because it is a scary world, and would do something along the lines of: Make a secret room to hide in, teach him/herself to fight, keep a guard with him/herself. Something along those lines.
Character Flaw?
The stupid Psychopath, or the defenseless person?


Lord of Altera
Anyway, in your first statement you said
People play on HW to have fun.
And as I have said, being killed at random with no possible provocation, is not fun. It really isn't.

If I spoke to someone and triggered them, made them angry and they attacked my char afterwards on her way out of the shop, then I would expect that and that's fine.

But if I didn't speak to them (Assuming I'm on Amaryllis Quinn, the overly friendly baker.) and they simply strut right into the bakery and jump over the counter and stick a sword through her, that doesn't tell me anything, that's a completely unprovoked attack and something I shouldn't have to worry about every time I login. I should not have to hire guards or learn swordfighting, my character is a BAKER, for IMMERSION. And if people wanna kill my char and therefore kill my immersion and the immersion I create, they can welcome themselves to my ban hammer.


Lord of Altera
Anyway, in your first statement you said

And as I have said, being killed at random with no possible provocation, is not fun. It really isn't.

If I spoke to someone and triggered them, made them angry and they attacked my char afterwards on her way out of the shop, then I would expect that and that's fine.

But if I didn't speak to them (Assuming I'm on Amaryllis Quinn, the overly friendly baker.) and they simply strut right into the bakery and jump over the counter and stick a sword through her, that doesn't tell me anything, that's a completely unprovoked attack and something I shouldn't have to worry about every time I login. I should not have to hire guards or learn swordfighting, my character is a BAKER, for IMMERSION. And if people wanna kill my char and therefore kill my immersion and the immersion I create, they can welcome themselves to my ban hammer.
Well, I think handling this should be in a different way. Instead of making all violence stop, have people who don't want violence go to a non-violence zone. Such as Thill, as I said earlier..


Lord of House Hawklight
It's just dumb roleplaying, honestly, if you want to go around murdering totally passive characters than I consider your character the dumbest thing in existence because there is absolutely no reason for doing so. It's not fun for anyone involved and rather ruins roleplay for the agrieved party. I just question people that roleplay that way, can't they find something even remotely interesting to do with their character rather than make it a murdering lunatic, for no reason at all?
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Lord of Altera
Also, another idea could be for people to request to be a 'non-violent char' and this would be a very apparent piece of information. This would make it so violence is not allowed to this char without very proper reasoning.


Lord of Altera
Axex got it^

We're not trying to stop all violence, we know that some players love violent Roleplay and we're fine with that, we just don't want these motive-less psychopaths going around killing completely innocent and passive players.


Lord of Altera
And I do understand this, but I know for fact that a lot of people have been condemning all violence because of this thread


Lord of Altera
Yeah, I kinda got flak when I tried attacking Morna, the ex bandit leader that killed my characters family.

Believe me, it wasn't random at all~
Well as been clarified several times already, we're against the random killing/attacking and psychopaths that harm/kill for no absolute reason, lack of motive is a short, pointless RP that ruins someones day. IF the person being attacked has provoked it from someone, then they have nothing to argue about when they're attacked.


Lord of Altera
Dummy, I will pay you 1000rads so that I can fight you with a Sharp V diamond sword, and you completely unarmed and unarmored, so I could collect 500r. You get 500r out of it, and I get your head. Deal?


Dead Man Walking
Dummy, I will pay you 1000rads so that I can fight you with a Sharp V diamond sword, and you completely unarmed and unarmored, so I could collect 500r. You get 500r out of it, and I get your head. Deal?
Heheheheheheheheh. You've got a 5% chance of getting a head from a kill. Or, so I am told. In the last 125 kills I've had I've only collected about 2 heads.