Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[ Arcane Rank Up Requests ]


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
CHARACTER NAME || Cael Mithtanil
IGN || Sea_of_Fog
|| ۞

C H E L O N⠀ 2
1 month elapsed since Echelon 1 || Sparked November 28th so yeah you could say so.​
Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal || As stated in Arcane ticket #0228 I still have to do to the limb-sacrificing thing. But by posting this request now we can at least already discuss any(tiny) knack changes and see if the next goal is sufficient already.​
Provide a situation or use for the spells learned this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment. ||
Climate Command || Being a fireblessed the cold is a true pain in the ass. Using this spell he kept himself comfortable in Charity's grove when she was present.​
Flame Wreath || When forging Keone's new and upcoming prosthetic arm, he used this spell to tend to the flames of his forge. Using it to kickstart and hasten otherwise slow tasks.​
The star within Cael's soul, bestowed and tempered by Lady Sunfall, grows and carefully stabilizes itself. It is now being fed by Vis and Forma, and he gains a great command over energy and mass. Coronal loops of Tangerine orange and Blonde yellow flow forth from any open wounds or from his prosthetics.​
(it's just a color change and it's vis and forma now, nothing special)​

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
CHARACTER NAME || Cael Mithtanil
IGN || Sea_of_Fog
|| ۞

C H E L O N⠀ 2
1 month elapsed since Echelon 1 || Sparked November 28th so yeah you could say so.​
Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal || As stated in Arcane ticket #0228 I still have to do to the limb-sacrificing thing. But by posting this request now we can at least already discuss any(tiny) knack changes and see if the next goal is sufficient already.​
Provide a situation or use for the spells learned this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment. ||
Climate Command || Being a fireblessed the cold is a true pain in the ass. Using this spell he kept himself comfortable in Charity's grove when she was present.​
Flame Wreath || When forging Keone's new and upcoming prosthetic arm, he used this spell to tend to the flames of his forge. Using it to kickstart and hasten otherwise slow tasks.​
The star within Cael's soul, bestowed and tempered by Lady Sunfall, grows and carefully stabilizes itself. It is now being fed by Vis and Forma, and he gains a great command over energy and mass. Coronal loops of Tangerine orange and Blonde yellow flow forth from any open wounds or from his prosthetics.​
(it's just a color change and it's vis and forma now, nothing special)​
Approved! I can confirm that your arm is indeed now a grilled cheese. I'll get you fixed up IG, please update your mage profile when you can!


Lord of Altera
IGN: Chiarophinx
[Char Profile]
[Skala Echelon 1 -> 2]

{ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1 }
One month to the day

{ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal }
Custom spell Gloamblight made

{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment. }
Fleshwarp - Used in the immediate aftermath of the sparking process to not bleed out, leaving quite the scar.
Mutate - Used to yellow leaves, make plants smell awful (before throwing them at someone.) All aiding in her being a proper nuisance to others.
Gloamblight - Finished the last touches on the spell when she nearly shared a death with someone, whom she then cast the spell on as the starting part in their burial rights.

{ Progression Direction }
Picking up the (telepathy) telepathic knack for E2 to work to begin her unique specialization.
Last edited:


Legend of Altera
Retired Staff
Character Name: Arvyth
IGN: PresentUser
Character Profile:
Arcane Profile:

Echelon 3:
}{ 2 months elapsed since Echelon 2
√ 10/2/22
}{ Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2
√ Researched Chaotic Revenge
√ Researched Eavesdrop
}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up.

Fingersmith: Abused all the time now on doorknobs because he has become lazy with them.
Telekinesis: Ordered drinks without getting up. No, nothing more useful than that has happened with this spell yet.
Heart's Reach: Attempted to draw out a bandit trap with a firework. It was a good idea, at least.
Inert Potential: Used to reach a romantic getaway atop the Kraken's Den. What, stop judging his choice of location!
Chaotic Revenge: Used accidentally during a spar, probably the most memorable spell cast yet.
Evisral Volley: electrocuted a bandit from the inside in a spectacular display. Also did a cool force push in close combat in another instance.
Arcane Transmutation: Used for intimidation during a bandit attack. It didn't help that much, but looked really cool.
Eavesdrop: Notably used to spy on a hospital patient like the upstanding citizen he is.

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
IGN: Chiarophinx
[Char Profile]
[Skala Echelon 1 -> 2]

{ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1 }
One month to the day

{ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal }
Custom spell Gloamblight made

{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment. }
Fleshwarp - Used in the immediate aftermath of the sparking process to not bleed out, leaving quite the scar.
Mutate - Used to yellow leaves, make plants smell awful (before throwing them at someone.) All aiding in her being a proper nuisance to others.
Gloamblight - Finished the last touches on the spell when she nearly shared a death with someone, whom she then cast the spell on as the starting part in their burial rights.

{ Progression Direction }
Picking up the (telepathy) telepathic knack for E2 to work to begin her unique specialization.
Character Name: Arvyth
IGN: PresentUser
Character Profile:
Arcane Profile:

Echelon 3:
}{ 2 months elapsed since Echelon 2
√ 10/2/22
}{ Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2
√ Researched Chaotic Revenge
√ Researched Eavesdrop
}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up.

Fingersmith: Abused all the time now on doorknobs because he has become lazy with them.
Telekinesis: Ordered drinks without getting up. No, nothing more useful than that has happened with this spell yet.
Heart's Reach: Attempted to draw out a bandit trap with a firework. It was a good idea, at least.
Inert Potential: Used to reach a romantic getaway atop the Kraken's Den. What, stop judging his choice of location!
Chaotic Revenge: Used accidentally during a spar, probably the most memorable spell cast yet.
Evisral Volley: electrocuted a bandit from the inside in a spectacular display. Also did a cool force push in close combat in another instance.
Arcane Transmutation: Used for intimidation during a bandit attack. It didn't help that much, but looked really cool.
Eavesdrop: Notably used to spy on a hospital patient like the upstanding citizen he is.
Both approved! Everything looks good on our end. I'll get you both set up shortly.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Character Name: Alyssa Ithildran

IGN: SpiritedMelody
Character Profile: [x]
Arcane Profile: [x]

Echelon 3:
}{ 2 months elapsed since Echelon 2
+Ranked up on 11/30/22

}{ Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2
+Create a custom spell
1/23 - She has perfected and learned a new spell, researching [Edge Bloom]. Her purpose for this spell was to have a failsafe in case she finds herself in a tight spot without her weapons with her and action calls for defence or violence. In sacrifice of a piece of living matter, she's able to grow a weapon useful to use in situations.
+Create a sanctum
2/2 - Completed building a Santuary beneath the wild Grove dedicated to Theodra by Aryn. Alyssa begins to fill her shelves with research journals of the arcane, plants and sketches and has made it a home for herself. The Sanctum is dedicated to her research and no other higher being. Coodinates: -3528 36 -4739

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
12/10 - During an event where Jaxites were daring and betting over who gets the most injuries during cliff diving, she injured her leg. She cast [Numb] to ease the sensation on her leg before staunching the wound to tend to later. She then wiped the blood away with pricklyash root juice and used [Cleanse] to remove impurities, then stitched the gash on the leg with [Fleshwarp]. Later, Eliss the Jaxite ended up down under the water and she performed a quick patch up in the same method of Numbing, Cleansing and Fleshwarp for his headwound, uncertain if he had internal bleeding. After a time, they found he was breathing and alive.
12/13 - A display of the wonders of her magic. During a trip to the tavern, she meets strangers and family alike and decides to experiment on a few willing takers. First, sue uses [Alter Self] on her uncle Tristan, to turn his beard dark pink. Then uses the spell on Varik to turn his eye colors to a hue he favored. Each seemingly taking it positively.
1/7 - Attempted to use [Amagalmate] during an intervention hunt with the Sons of Jishrimite cult that settled near Sanardu. She attached a limb of bioluminecent lichen to her arm, rooted to a spot, in order to use it to grapple the footing of a cultist. Although it didn't work as intended, it aided in tripping the man so that her father could take the man down.
1/30 - Taking what she learned from Tiek, she used [Healer's Intuition] on her mother after her revival. By clasping hands, she focused on her magic and began to sense the phantom pains of her mother's injuries reflected on her own body- in order to tell what her injuries were.
Last edited:

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
Character Name: Alyssa Ithildran

IGN: SpiritedMelody
Character Profile: [x]
Arcane Profile: [x]

Echelon 3:
}{ 2 months elapsed since Echelon 2
+Ranked up on 11/30/22

}{ Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2
+Create a custom spell
1/23 - She has perfected and learned a new spell, researching [Edge Bloom]. Her purpose for this spell was to have a failsafe in case she finds herself in a tight spot without her weapons with her and action calls for defence or violence. In sacrifice of a piece of living matter, she's able to grow a weapon useful to use in situations.
+Create a sanctum
2/2 - Completed building a Santuary beneath the wild Grove dedicated to Theodra by Aryn. Alyssa begins to fill her shelves with research journals of the arcane, plants and sketches and has made it a home for herself. The Sanctum is dedicated to her research and no other higher being. Coodinates: -3528 36 -4739

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
12/10 - During an event where Jaxites were daring and betting over who gets the most injuries during cliff diving, she injured her leg. She cast [Numb] to ease the sensation on her leg before staunching the wound to tend to later. She then wiped the blood away with pricklyash root juice and used [Cleanse] to remove impurities, then stitched the gash on the leg with [Fleshwarp]. Later, Eliss the Jaxite ended up down under the water and she performed a quick patch up in the same method of Numbing, Cleansing and Fleshwarp for his headwound, uncertain if he had internal bleeding. After a time, they found he was breathing and alive.
12/13 - A display of the wonders of her magic. During a trip to the tavern, she meets strangers and family alike and decides to experiment on a few willing takers. First, sue uses [Alter Self] on her uncle Tristan, to turn his beard dark pink. Then uses the spell on Varik to turn his eye colors to a hue he favored. Each seemingly taking it positively.
1/7 - Attempted to use [Amagalmate] during an intervention hunt with the Sons of Jishrimite cult that settled near Sanardu. She attached a limb of bioluminecent lichen to her arm, rooted to a spot, in order to use it to grapple the footing of a cultist. Although it didn't work as intended, it aided in tripping the man so that her father could take the man down.
1/30 - Taking what she learned from Tiek, she used [Healer's Intuition] on her mother after her revival. By clasping hands, she focused on her magic and began to sense the phantom pains of her mother's injuries reflected on her own body- in order to tell what her injuries were.
Approved! I'll get you set up in-game soon, be sure to update your profile to match. Your proposed knack is also approved as-is.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Character Name: Isca Tel’Avyr
IGN: Gingersnips
Character Profile: [Here]
Arcane Profile: [Here]

Echelon 2:
}{ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1
Sparked on Jan 1st (01/01/2023)
}{ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal
Created the custom spell, Augment
}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up.

| Augment | Encountered Eon’noyr who had broken a flower pot. After tending to the wound she had gotten, the two spent time collecting the broken shards and aligning them back together. Isca then cast Augment to meld the shards back together and reinforced the newly made pot to avoid future breaks. A very wholesome (if slightly bloody) jigsaw puzzle experience.

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
IGN: ArgetIstalri
Character Profile: [ X ]
Mage Profile: [ X ]

Echelon 2:
[] 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1: Sparked on 11/18/2022
[] Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal:

Created a spell: Permeable Thoughts

[] Significant Casting for Spells Learned in Echelon 1:

Spell Learned: Message - The first spell she has ever cast, Alexandra used Message whilst in the middle of a panic attack, calling
to Amicia whilst in her home to prevent her from leaving.
Spell Learned: Permeable Thoughts - Her own custom spell, Alexandra used this on Soup to discover what her true love was.
The answer did not disappoint.
Spell Learned: Greater Telepathy - This was cast once with Amicia and once with Suhkoiza in order to better share their
feelings and memories with the two.
Spell Learned: Kinesthesia - After being temporarily blinded by the shadow living inside of her, Alex learned how to use
kinesthesia with Melarue's help in order to assist her while without sight.

New Knack:

Umbral Reflection: Alexandra’s shadow takes on unique properties as a Shadow takes residence within it. Her shadow appears to almost have a mind of its own, making subtle movements apart from Alex’s own. It is a few shades darker than that of other shadows and will feel cold to the touch despite not being physically there. While casting Alex’s breath will mist and fog as the Shadow draws the heat from near her.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Character Name: Isca Tel’Avyr
IGN: Gingersnips
Character Profile: [Here]
Arcane Profile: [Here]

Echelon 2:
}{ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1
Sparked on Jan 1st (01/01/2023)
}{ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal
Created the custom spell, Augment
}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up.

| Augment | Encountered Eon’noyr who had broken a flower pot. After tending to the wound she had gotten, the two spent time collecting the broken shards and aligning them back together. Isca then cast Augment to meld the shards back together and reinforced the newly made pot to avoid future breaks. A very wholesome (if slightly bloody) jigsaw puzzle experience.
Approved. You'll be set up IG seconds after this message is live, be sure to update your arcane profile!


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
CHARACTER NAME || Artesia Vaneme
IGN || CastleSuperBeast

1 month elapsed since Echelon 1 || Sparked Janurary 10th
Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal || Create a custom spell Heleg Ihim.
Provide a situation or use for the spells learned this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment. ||
Climate Command || Used climate command to make the harsh climate of frostlight more hospitable for her friends, she also lied about it requiring physical touch as an excuse to hold Melarue’s hand
Chill || Accidentally cast Chill on Eirlys during her spark sickness, thinking that it was Climate Command
Flame Wreathe || Created some fire arrows, and used them to set fire to a locked door, which Eirlys then knocked down
Heleg Ihim || She has demonstrated this new spell to Frost (her teacher), Arvyth, and Vanathiel. Used it for real on an attempt to block an exit to a fight, successfully tripped Graash and Sydri

Artesias has grown colder, her skin is now colder, and paler, and her hands impart a chill to objects and people she comes into contact with. When she casts, the area around her gets slightly colder. A trail of cold air follows arrows fired from her bow.
Last edited:


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
IGN: ArgetIstalri
Character Profile: [ X ]
Mage Profile: [ X ]

Echelon 2:
[] 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1: Sparked on 11/18/2022
[] Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal:

Created a spell: Permeable Thoughts

[] Significant Casting for Spells Learned in Echelon 1:

Spell Learned: Message - The first spell she has ever cast, Alexandra used Message whilst in the middle of a panic attack, calling
to Amicia whilst in her home to prevent her from leaving.
Spell Learned: Permeable Thoughts - Her own custom spell, Alexandra used this on Soup to discover what her true love was.
The answer did not disappoint.
Spell Learned: Greater Telepathy - This was cast once with Amicia and once with Suhkoiza in order to better share their
feelings and memories with the two.
Spell Learned: Kinesthesia - After being temporarily blinded by the shadow living inside of her, Alex learned how to use
kinesthesia with Melarue's help in order to assist her while without sight.

New Knack:

Umbral Reflection: Alexandra’s shadow takes on unique properties as a Shadow takes residence within it. Her shadow appears to almost have a mind of its own, making subtle movements apart from Alex’s own. It is a few shades darker than that of other shadows and will feel cold to the touch despite not being physically there. While casting Alex’s breath will mist and fog as the Shadow draws the heat from near her.
Approved. I'll set you up in-game soon, sorry for the wait.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
CHARACTER NAME || Artesia Vaneme
IGN || CastleSuperBeast

1 month elapsed since Echelon 1 || Sparked Janurary 10th
Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal || Create a custom spell Heleg Ihim.
Provide a situation or use for the spells learned this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment. ||
Climate Command || Used climate command to make the harsh climate of frostlight more hospitable for her friends, she also lied about it requiring physical touch as an excuse to hold Melarue’s hand
Chill || Accidentally cast Chill on Eirlys during her spark sickness, thinking that it was Climate Command
Flame Wreathe || Created some fire arrows, and used them to set fire to a locked door, which Eirlys then knocked down
Heleg Ihim || She has demonstrated this new spell to Frost (her teacher), Arvyth, and Vanathiel. Used it for real on an attempt to block an exit to a fight, successfully tripped Graash and Sydri

Artesias has grown colder, her skin is now colder, and paler, and her hands impart a chill to objects and people she comes into contact with. When she casts, the area around her gets slightly colder. A trail of cold air follows arrows fired from her bow.
Approved, I've set you up in game; thanks for working with us during the approval process!


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Character Name: Tiek
IGN: KeltaBrinn
Character Profile: [X]
Arcane Profile: [X]

Echelon 3:
}{ 2 months elapsed since Echelon 2 - Approved Dec 13
}{ Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2

+ Taught Healer's Intuition to: Alyssa, Trefor, and Kam​
+ Sanctum at: 311 52 403​

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.

No Level 2 spells because I HAVE SPLIT MY SPEC.​
+ Learned Cleanse when a wound of hers was infected and she visited Trefor. Then after a fight with a garulf, she pushed Bor's hand out of the way when he was about to treat Rezkiaz's wounds without disinfecting it like she had been taught was a MUST by both Trefor and Quill. She then used Cleanse on Rezkiaz. Without numbing the pain.
+ And then she used Hasten on him. She was able to actually REACH his wounds to treat them, though the extent of the injury really meant Hasten wasn't quite as effective as it would have been on a smaller wound.​
+ She learned Mutate from Kam of the Hakiaz, and when she practiced this spell on a smaller plant, she agreed to follow a very specific brief about how to change the colors of the plant - and she missed it entirely. The stem and stalk of the plant is grey, like the stone she moved out from in front of her home so that she could live in it, the leaves are black like the hair of an Eark, and the flowers are the red orange color of the mud and clay in the Hakiaz swamps. She's fond of the plant.​


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Character Name: Melarue Lydril
IGN: Kurzik
Character Profile: [ x ]
Arcane Profile: [ x ]

}{ 3 months elapsed since Echelon 3
E3 approved on 20th November, 2022

}{ Fulfill at least five alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 3
1 Custom Spell: Abyssal Sight
2 Custom Spell: Abyssal Lance
3 Research: She did some research on 'Rifts' to try and learn more about how they work in order to try and replicate it in the future.
4 Sanctum: Complete, co-ords: -1522 173 5465
5 Sacrifice: Magical experiments went wrong, and now her heart is replaced with a corrupted one.
6 Teaching: Taught Elthea the spell Dancing Stars (This is just extra content)

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment. Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up.
Abyssal Sight - Used in various instances of needing to see in the dark without drawing too much attention (such as a light source like a torch).
Abyssal Lance - She's used this to fight off raiders in Astrakhan, and also to try and defend herself against Rogal.
Transfusion - She found Veldric weakened by bloodloss and injury, and so tried to help alleviate some by giving him a pint of her own blood via this spell amongst other medical aid.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Character Name: Tiek
IGN: KeltaBrinn
Character Profile: [X]
Arcane Profile: [X]

Echelon 3:
}{ 2 months elapsed since Echelon 2 - Approved Dec 13
}{ Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2

+ Taught Healer's Intuition to: Alyssa, Trefor, and Kam​
+ Sanctum at: 311 52 403​

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.

No Level 2 spells because I HAVE SPLIT MY SPEC.​
+ Learned Cleanse when a wound of hers was infected and she visited Trefor. Then after a fight with a garulf, she pushed Bor's hand out of the way when he was about to treat Rezkiaz's wounds without disinfecting it like she had been taught was a MUST by both Trefor and Quill. She then used Cleanse on Rezkiaz. Without numbing the pain.​
+ And then she used Hasten on him. She was able to actually REACH his wounds to treat them, though the extent of the injury really meant Hasten wasn't quite as effective as it would have been on a smaller wound.​
+ She learned Mutate from Kam of the Hakiaz, and when she practiced this spell on a smaller plant, she agreed to follow a very specific brief about how to change the colors of the plant - and she missed it entirely. The stem and stalk of the plant is grey, like the stone she moved out from in front of her home so that she could live in it, the leaves are black like the hair of an Eark, and the flowers are the red orange color of the mud and clay in the Hakiaz swamps. She's fond of the plant.​
Approved. I'll set you up in-game immediately after this post.
Character Name: Melarue Lydril
IGN: Kurzik
Character Profile: [ x ]
Arcane Profile: [ x ]

}{ 3 months elapsed since Echelon 3
E3 approved on 20th November, 2022

}{ Fulfill at least five alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 3
1 Custom Spell: Abyssal Sight
2 Custom Spell: Abyssal Lance
3 Research: She did some research on 'Rifts' to try and learn more about how they work in order to try and replicate it in the future.
4 Sanctum: Complete, co-ords: -1522 173 5465
5 Sacrifice: Magical experiments went wrong, and now her heart is replaced with a corrupted one.
6 Teaching: Taught Elthea the spell Dancing Stars (This is just extra content)

}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment. Do this for every spell learned since your latest rank-up.
Abyssal Sight - Used in various instances of needing to see in the dark without drawing too much attention (such as a light source like a torch).
Abyssal Lance - She's used this to fight off raiders in Astrakhan, and also to try and defend herself against Rogal.
Transfusion - She found Veldric weakened by bloodloss and injury, and so tried to help alleviate some by giving him a pint of her own blood via this spell amongst other medical aid.
Approved, same as above.


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Character Name: Lysander
IGN: Jishrim
Character Profile: Lysander
Arcane Profile: Lysander

Echelon 3: Occultism 2/Stable 1
2 months elapsed since Echelon 2

  • Dec 23rd -> February 23rd
Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2
  1. Cruxstone research, Cruxstone absorption. Additional arcane research into the nature of the Crystalline Ridge and the effect of Stable Eviscism on the crystalline (specifically through the spell "Luxstone").
  2. Created Spell: Planar Blade
  3. Created Spell: Spatial Scission
Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
  • Throw Voice: Utilized for muted or silent conversation over long distances, as well as the parlour trick of having an object speak for him.
  • Fingersmith: Used to unlock Veldric's door, then lock it behind himself as he exits.
  • Luxstone: Used to test the organic crystal originating in the Crystalline Ridge arc.
  • Telekinesis: Used to spill Rogal's wine onto him.
  • Sentinel's Glow: Used to illuminate the way for himself and others inside the "Alluring Snare" event.
  • Planar Blade: Parried Halvar's "Blades of Ebony" spell in a controlled environment.
  • Spatial Scission: Used to steal the contents of Gunter's drink.

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
Character Name: Kam Hakiaz
IGN: Kamaoe
Character Profile:
Arcane Profile:

Putting down requirements as previously discussed.

Echelon 5
}{Permanently sacrificed a part of oneself
}{Work together with other mages to perform a Gestalt
}{Created a Sanctum (Coords are: 348 / 22 / 118)
Character Name: Lysander
IGN: Jishrim
Character Profile: Lysander
Arcane Profile: Lysander

Echelon 3: Occultism 2/Stable 1
2 months elapsed since Echelon 2

  • Dec 23rd -> February 23rd
Fulfill at least two alternate progression goals since reaching Echelon 2
  1. Cruxstone research, Cruxstone absorption. Additional arcane research into the nature of the Crystalline Ridge and the effect of Stable Eviscism on the crystalline (specifically through the spell "Luxstone").
  2. Created Spell: Planar Blade
  3. Created Spell: Spatial Scission
Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
  • Throw Voice: Utilized for muted or silent conversation over long distances, as well as the parlour trick of having an object speak for him.
  • Fingersmith: Used to unlock Veldric's door, then lock it behind himself as he exits.
  • Luxstone: Used to test the organic crystal originating in the Crystalline Ridge arc.
  • Telekinesis: Used to spill Rogal's wine onto him.
  • Sentinel's Glow: Used to illuminate the way for himself and others inside the "Alluring Snare" event.
  • Planar Blade: Parried Halvar's "Blades of Ebony" spell in a controlled environment.
  • Spatial Scission: Used to steal the contents of Gunter's drink.
These both look good! We should be able to get you set up in-game soon.


I think I might like it here
Character Name: Maya Craft
Character Profile: [X]
Arcane Profile: [X]

Echelon 2:
}{ 1 month elapsed since Echelon 1

- Yes, 01/31/2023 was the spark date
}{ Fulfill at least one alternate progression goal
- Created a custom spell, Sylph's Shielding
}{ Provide a situation or use for the spells learnt this Echelon in which they led to a significant impact and/or a memorable moment.
- Guest of Flames: The first spell Maya ever cast- a cantrip. Shortly after sparking, and making her way back to Fita's bakery, she waved at a torch, and it waved back.
- Candelabra Conflagration: Maya has used this mostly for fun and theatrics. For example, she once used it to get Fita's attention by calling upon the elementals to shape into a bird and float around her before meeting an unlit torch.
- Impish Delight: Maya used this to summon a small, round imp as a chewtoy for dogs.
- Sylph's Shielding: The spell Maya created. She was experimenting with it, taking Fita to the top of a roof and jumping off with her- only for it to uncover Fita's horns, resulting in an attack from Tulip.
- Boulder Blockade: Maya hasn't had too much success with this spell- she attempted to use it in the fight against Tulip but it was far too slow.
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