Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active | Isca Tel'Avyr |


Loyal Servant of Altera
Artwork by monotonelee
Isca Reference.png

General Information:

Name: Isca Tel ‘ Avyr
Other Names: -
Titles: -

Age: Young Adult
Race: Moor
Gender: Female
Current Residence: Storm’s Landing. Stormhall
Relationship Status: --
Social Status: Servant

Physical Appearance:

Height: 5’4” | 163 cm
Weight: 100 lb | 43 kg
Eye Color: Hazel [x]
Skin Color: Grey
Complexion: Soft
Distinguishing Features: A Seamster’s Hands. Drab Palette. Imitation of Status.
Build of Body: As easily broken as a piece of dried kindling, and just as thin, too.
Hair Color: Ivory
Hair Style: Changes from day to day, but is always kept up in some form of braid, bun, or updo. Never loose.
Posture: She no longer meets the world eye to eye. Her face is often lowered.
Scars: Unblemished
Voice: Softspoken. She struggles to be heard in large gatherings or where other noises can drown her out. [Voice Claim]

Artwork by Marie Nyl-Frosch


Likes: The Ocean, Pretty Things, & Intellectual Conversation (especially on theology)
Dislikes: Rowdiness, Vulgarity, & Violence
Strengths: Isca clings to the hope that things can be better, and will be better. She does not only wish for it, but she has confidence in it.
Weaknesses: Isca does not wish to stir up conflict and is often far too compromising with those that may not have her best interest at heart.
Fears: Isca fears a multitude of things, most of which can be broken down to a fear of death, judgment, and abandonment.
Values: Knowledge, Integrity, & Organization
Education: Isca has received both domestic and classical forms of education and was taught how to behave as a representative of her mistress’ house.
Languages: Common, Elven, & Mok’yra
General Attitude: Isca has never been overly expressive. She smiles and she laughs, but these are always subdued.
Religious Inclination: The Grey Lady, as well as ancestral worship
General Intelligence: An inquisitive mind that always seeks to expand its knowledge. Isca adores learning about the mechanisms of things.
General Sociability: Isca prefers to keep to the outskirts where groups are involved, but is an amiable conversationalist if allowed to speak one on one.
Alignment: Lawful Good

“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”

― Emily Dickinson

Artwork by William-Adolphe Bouguereau


Short Term:

✧ Prove Someone Wrong. “There is more to this life than pain.”
✧ Technicolor Dreamcoat. “It will need to be warm.”
✧ Occult Musings. “I do not like to be without answers when asked of them.”

Long Term:

✧ What’s In A Name? “Who am I?”
✧ Evolutionary Theory. “Crystallized hearts. Immortal Constructs. Neither are organic, yet both are able to live. Just how necessary is our flesh?”

Other Trivia:

Occupation: Seamstress
Favorite Types of Food: Festival Foods, otherwise anything mildly sweet
Favorite Types of Drink: Teas, especially on rainy days
Hobbies/Pastimes: Reading, Embroidery, and Singing
Favorite Colors: Blues, Greens, and Purples
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Loyal Servant of Altera
R e l a t i o n s

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[Loved] [Familiar] [Neutral] [Uncertain] [Disliked]
✧ Name: Deacon, Son of Warren
✧ Relation: Friend - Admittedly Pleasant Company
✧ Opinion: “I have a fondness for him, despite the distance between our two upbringings. His is the face that has made me feel most welcome in this foreign city. I am glad to have his company, and for each meal that we have the opportunity to share between each other. It is an odd kinship, for whilst he is amiable enough, his humor is.. debased. But compared to the rest of the Landing's company, a lack of etiquette is a tolerable trait, I think. I do not know how he shall fare as a captain, and I have my concerns, but he has proven himself to be a man of surprises." You’ll come by again soon, won’t you?

✧ Name: Joseph Seeker
✧ Relation: Friend - A Welcome Guest
✧ Opinion: “Am I to be flattered by the ambitions he places upon me? He confuses me, as much as his uncle does in his motivations. Who is he that should see what I cannot? Yet he is kind; his actions and body both attest to that. I do not know by what cause his body has thus been ravaged - what weapons made those scars to appear, nor what horrific powers could transmute his flesh into that piece of sacrilege, as chilling as it is beautiful. I do know that no man should retain that disposition out of ignorance of his suffering, but only despite it. In some ways, it makes it easier to accept his teasing. The way in which his laughter spills so freely, it is difficult to aptly put, but it leaves the room lighter with its addition, and pushes my own offense aside.” Why you have taken to me, I cannot say. Regardless, it is a pleasant sense in knowing that one is wanted. Be safe, Forester.

Name: Jaden Seeker ‘Mr. Jaden’
Relation: Teacher - Esteemed
Opinion: "I scarcely know where to begin. Yours and Joseph's world is so, so far beyond anything that I've come to understand. It's daunting, but beautiful, too. I cannot help but envy you, even if I know it is not a gift that was easily possessed. I doubt that I shall ever possess the same, nor come to fully comprehend it, but-.. I am immensely grateful for what glimpses you have offered to me. and continue to offer. I do wonder, though, why you act so graciously. Are all mages so free with their magicks, or is it a testament of your kindness?" When those days of peace come again, will you allow me to play for you?

✧ Name: Joseph’s “Uncle”
✧ Relation: Mysterious Benefactor - Baffled
✧ Opinion: “Of all the wonders that I have since been exposed, of devils, gods, and magicks, none so far have cast as pure a confusion as this man does. For in these former aspects there is at least a comprehension of their unknowability, and a relief that follows in knowing there is a limit to how far an individual can delve into their studies. This man, however..- he.. is an entirely separate enigma which leaves me struggling to keep up. Were it not for Mr. Seeker’s confirmation of his existence, I should doubt my perception of him at all, as he appears so suddenly and departs as swiftly as a passing wind. Like the wind, it is only by his effects on his surroundings (and myself) that I should even realize his presence.” The knowledge that you might be fond of me, and that my meeting with your nephew was orchestrated by your own hand only incurs a further feeling of loss. Just..- who are you, actually?

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