Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Beauty of the ocean - Bewpy's Profile


Loyal Servant of Altera
Part 7: Revenge

Bewpy suddenly awoke with a gasp. She wiggled her tail. "Gods, it's good to have that back", she thought. She had recently gotten done with a ritual that her sister, Abbey, kindly decided to help with. The ritual itself wasn't that bad, but breaking the magic seal that Bellon had placed on her was painful. It took the most powerful of rituals to break it. Blood. Bewpy licked her lips. She could smell sailors near Siren's Call. "I think I need a little midnight snack", she told herself. And with that, she swam off. The screams of the dying and sinking ship was heard soon after that, and was carried on through the night.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Part 8: Tortured past

Strange voices were yelling. Human voices.
"She's awake! Restrain her!"
Her vision was blurry, but suddenly her adrenaline kicked in, and she went into battle mode.
She clawed faces with her sharp nails, and gnashed her teeth into any flesh she could find.
A blunt object found her head, and everything went black.

Her eyelids fluttered open.
"Hello again, mermaid.", A man with a funny accent said. "Ve have been vaiting for you to vake up, now zat ve have you properly restrained." Bewpy was suddenly aware again, and struggled against her bonds. "You see? Now zen, vhat do you think of being sold, hm? A rare mermaid vill fetch a fine price, yes? But not before ve have our own fun."
Bewpy screamed in protest, but he was already grabbing his devices and walking toward her with sadistic grin and evil taint in his eyes.