Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Glutzz application [Approved-Abbeyvie]


What is your Minecraft username: Glutzz

Hold old are you?: 14

Where are you?: Alabama USA

Have you read our guides yet?: Indeed I have

Introduce yourself!: Hello all, my name is Taylor and I am 14 years old. I have quite a bit of hobbies and a lot of them include technology because well I have to say I am quite a computer nerd! I like to play video games such as Assassin’s creed SKYRIM, Minecraft(of course!) and Call of Duty. Plus many other video games, I mainly play games on my xbox 360 and I only play Minecraft on my handy dandy laptop that can even get me up to 200fps on this awesome little thing. I’ve been playing saxophone in my school for almost a year now and I’m loving it! I like to write little stories in my free time. I also been learning how to code, and also I want to go to Stanford as a major in computer science so I can become a software engineer in the video game industry.

Got any examples of your work?: Sorry, all of my work wasn’t really saved or it was written down on a lost sheet of paper.


Name: Alexander Johnson

Age: 18

Race: Human

Appearance: Young youthful man with black hair and dressed in silver armor.

The Test:

A young man with short ruffled black hair sat up in his dusty bed. Glancing over to his right he looked out the window to see if the sun had raised yet. The sun was still resting right under the horizon not quite ready to show itself to all in the world. Smiling to himself with pleasure that he had gotten up on time he heaved himself off of his bed and walked out the small little space he called his room. Turning to the kitchen he saw his mother waiting for him in the middle of the old wooden kitchen. “Hello mother,” he greeted as casually as he could, even though he can see tears starting to trickle down her rosy cheeks.

“Alex,” his mother started, but her voice cracked. She swallowed and starting again, “Alex, your father would be proud to see this day…I-I know he would.” Alex sighed and looked at her; the death of his father in battle when he was 12 almost destroyed her there were times he himself didn’t know if she would make it through the night without hanging herself. Though when just a year ago when he had told her that the day after his 18th birthday he was going to leave and start a life by himself. She seemed to have pulled herself together for the sake of him so Alex could enjoy his last year at the house without worrying for her. “Jessica my mother, there’s no need to cry. Why you should be happy very happy! You should be leaping around the house with joy for me now. For I am starting a new life, a happy one and I’ll make sure once I am settled I will come and visit again!” Jessica nodded reluctanley, “I know my son. Today is the day you must go and get your own bearings. I knew this day would come but I had no idea so soon! I’m not ready for you to go Alex there’s so much you can still do around here and….” Her son cut her off with a wave of his hand, “No, I must go, you always have your other son, Jason. He’s 13 and I’ve taught him a lot so that when today came he will be ready. Now I want to go now, I said goodbye to Jason before he went off to bed last night, besides he’s sleep anyways. I want to be on my way before the sun rises.”
Alex’s mother looked at him for a moment that seemed to last for a couple minutes before handing him a brown sack. It contained bread cheese and a container holding water in it. “This should last you for a day or two, and there’s some coin in there so you can buy more food if you need it.” He couldn’t believe that now was the day he was to leave. Even though he had just told his mother this was great for him and that this was something she should be joyful about he was beginning to have his doubts. /What if I can’t find any work or food. I could get robbed they could steal my horse and what would I have left? I scarcely have anything to protect myself with/ He glanced down at his rusty iron sword hanging at his side. /No, I can do this, my father will give me strength on this journey to a new life. I will do this….I have to./
Alex looked at her gratefully before giving her a hug; he walked over to the wooden door that led out of their small cottage. The man looked behind himself before opening the door and heading outside, he saddled up his horse and gracefully jumped on it. He narrowed his eyes and he pulled out a map from his sack, “Map of Altera,” he read out loud after gazing over all of the cities he settled on one, “Stormhold, that’s where I shall head.”Alex took one last look behind him at his now former home. This is what I need to do. He thought, Even if that means leaving my old life behind. My life is too simple; I need to live as a normal citizen. I shouldn’t have stayed with mother this long. I should have left when I was 16.

Alex dug his boots into the horse so that it began at a slow steady trot, but before he had moved a couple feet a man in about his 30s came running towards him. “Mister! Mister!” Alex stopped the horse, so he can hear what the man had to say, “Hello sir, my name is Zachary and I’m looking for work. Anything please, my wife put me out and I have nowhere to stay and no job!” Zachary looked up at him with pleading eyes, he answered happily, “Of course! Right behind me is a small little cottage and the women inside is my mother, I am leaving and I bet she will pay you to help around the house and I’m sure she will give you a place to stay also.” Zachary nodded, “Thank you sir! Thank you!” The man ran towards the cottage.
Alex smirked /Who am I to worry for myself and my mother. My mother now has a man who will do anything she asks as long as she pays. Everything will be fine/ He urged the horse to go again and headed towards his new life.


Lord of Altera
Hello there, your application is pretty good. However, in order to play on this server you really should read the rules and guides. This is because the server has a very detailed lore and is also very strict on negative/unappropriate behaviour. Much valuable information are found in these guides, so i strongly recommend you take a look at them, this way you will avoid alot of trouble in game, trust me, its needed :)


Lord of Altera
Good, remember, we want people on the server to know the rules and norms. Makes a much more enjoyable experience for everyone aye? And im glad you used the edit button! Many seem to be missing out on that xD

Other than that i want to give you some advice on the test. It is pretty well written, although keep in mind that what we are looking for is rp capability and creativity. If you could add some thought going through his head, something happening to him that was unexpected, etc... That would sure show us more, and make it easier to judge!


Lord of Altera
This application is great! :)

Your application is almost ready to be approved, all you need to do is answer the two following questions correctly. You will be able to find all the answers either on our forums or on the wiki, the link for which can be found near the top of the page. Remember to read everything carefully, some of the answers may be rather discreet.

What are the Southern Wilds?

According to our server lore, who is Queen Grief?


Queen Grief is an evil queen who has the power to create chaos and destruction.

The Southern wilds is a dangerous place where you are allowed to mine. It is known to have bandits wondering around it.


Lord of Altera
I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)

Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Where to vote for us
Tips on roleplay
How to use the forum
Hollow World Texture pack
Role-Play training camp
The Players' Handbook
The Role-Play Character Assistance Team(RP-CAT)

Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.
1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.



See, I'm having problems logging in still as it is still say I'm not on the whitelist. What happened?


Lord of Altera
Congratulations, welcome to the server! Make sure to send me a message in game if you would like a tour or just need some general advice!