Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  1. Blorbis83

    Astrakhan Needs You!

    Posters like these are set up all around Storm's Landing. Image by Mateusz Przeklasa. ASTRAKHAN NEEDS YOU TO JOIN THE LEGIONARIES Astrakhan is not immune from the dangers of the world! Join the Asrakosian Legion and help defend Astrakhan and her holdings! Apply to the military as a...
  2. Galaxy

    [Military] The Amazons

    A young Adelpha depicted by a commissioned artist. It's a part of a collection of the Empara family. The tale of Adelpha Empara is a tale passed down by generations of Amazons. The woman is seen as a legend among them and her memory coveted. To understand the Amazons, you must first understand...
  3. Bowduim

    Finished {Public} {Moderate} -=Training Days=- [Feb 3rd - 2PM EST/7PM GMT]

    A note is posted in Storms Landing and on the Astrum isles, it bears the Astrum seal. ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Transcription: ---------------------------------- OOC When: 3rd of february, 7PM GMT (2PM EST) Where: Fort Libelle, Astrum Isle Why?: I...