Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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⤜ Feyre ⇾


Lord of Altera



Name: Feyre Ath-tel'nevàe
Pronunciation: {Fey-ah or Fey-rah} {Ath-tel-nev-aye}​
Meaning: Ath-tel'nevàe is a surname singular to Feyre, roughly translating to mean 'of the dark place.'​
» 'Ni ta', a nickname from her father that means 'little coyote' in Elven.​
Alias: She finds 'Nevae' to be an adequate surname in common dialogue.

Titles: In the secluded village that Feyre was born in she would have formally been referred to by her full name, however it has little meaning in the context of foreign culture.

Age: She appears to be in her early twenties, though her Elven heritage manages to mask her true age to outsiders.
Gender: Female.
Race: Elven.
Culture: Forest Elven, hailing from a secluded tribe located in the midlands of the continent.
Social Status: She has not a radiant to her name, though bartering and trade may only get her so far on foreign soil. All of her wealth is carried in the form of material goods.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: ~145 Ibs.

Homeland: Feyre was born and raised in a small forest village which she fondly refers to as tel'Crîth (the place beneath the sun).
Current Home: Feyre occupates various regions seasonally, though tends to settle closer to civilization during the early fall through the spring thaw. She follows the hunt.
Profession: Trader, fur trapper.

Build: Built for endurance. Feyre has a willowy build that is padded with adequate amounts of muscle, though she carries little to no extra weight on her frame that might hinder her abilities.
Hair: Dark brown, nearing black. Some bits that frame her face have been lightened by the sun over countless years enjoying the outdoors and appear a dark auburn in color. Her hair is almost always braided.
Eyes: Dark amber, uncommon among the forest elves. They are framed by dark lashes and thick brows.
Skin: Wheatish in complexion, with earthy undertones. Several sun-developed freckles dot the bridge of her nose and her chest/shoulders. She is not without blemishes and scars, but they seem to be few and far between.

Appearance: Mildly unkempt, built for rugged living.
Hygiene: Bathes in natural springs and rivers often enough not to be a bother.

Posture: Natural, almost never rigid or overly uptight in appearance. She is still somewhat conservative in her movements around strangers.
Gait: As with many other forest elves, her steps are light and graceful.
Dominant Hand: She began to show an aptitude for left-handedness at a young age, something that her family and community nurtured despite its less common origins. Eventually, however, she taught herself to use both of her hands at near-equal precision. She favors her right when using a bow, but her left in single-hand weaponry.
Accent: Elven is her native tongue and as such she has a mild accent that comes with speaking in Common.​
Pitch: Average for a woman.​
Diet: She eats only what she kills, collects, and harvests, making for a healthy diet (almost) year-round.

» Various small scars.​
» None.​


{ ✓ } = Completed
{ ✗ } = Failed/Abandoned
{ ⇢ } = On Hold
{ ~ } = In Progress​
{Short-Term Goals} --

{Long-Term Goals}--

Religious Values: Inclined to pray to and worship Shalherana, Theodra, and occasionally the Grey Lady.
Alignment: True Neutral.
Political Affiliations: Not inclined to follow foreign paths.
Beliefs: Raised to dislike magic in all of its forms.

» Physicality: Feyre has a high level of endurance when it comes to activity; while she isn't the fastest or the strongest, she can outlast many in a run.​
» Level Headed: Feyre can retain a calm demeanor in even the most chaotic of situations.​
» No Formal Education: Feyre has only rudimentary knowledge of mathematics and other worldly subjects, however she can read and write Elven script and has a keen knowledge of the processes of the natural world (or so she thinks).​
» Weak Understanding of Culture: Feyre's knowledge of outside cultures comes only from sampling done during bartering runs in small cities and towns. She does not understand traditional social hierarchy (or what we would consider capitalism and democracy).​

Likes: Nature, Being Outdoors, Animals (Particularly birds of prey), Solitude,
Dislikes: Cities, Drunkards,

» Tracking {7/10}: Feyre is familiar with many native animals (and by extension their tracks and scat.) She is particularly observant when on the trail of an animal she intends to kill.
» Ingredient Identification {5/10}: Vaguely familiar with many native herbs and plants; Feyre knows which are poisonous and several that may provide benefit to those that use them.

» Elven: Mother tongue. Fluent in reading, writing, and speech. {10/10}​
» Common: Rudimentary at best. Cannot read or write. {3/10}​

Peaceful or Violent: Does not often find herself in violent altercations.
Combat Ability: Adequately trained, unfamiliar with many tactics of other cultures (most swordplay, large ranged weaponry, etc.)
Strengths: Quick thinking, intelligent, fast,
Weaknesses: Physically weaker than some others,
» Bowmanship {6/10}: Acquainted with the short bow (and occasionally the long), familiar with their intricacies and requirements. She's a good shot.​
» Daggerplay {4/10}: Familiar with anatomical premises (where to stab), comfortable with wielding/holding knives and daggers.​
» Swordsmanship {1/10}: Knows what they are.​
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