Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[-; 。:°ஐ ShadowBlessed ஐ°: 。-;] - Faith Meadow


Loyal Servant of Altera

"It touches us when we are trusted with something terrifying."

[ x ] The eyes change, the iris becoming entirely black or the entire eye taking on the same inky coloration. They can see everything as a white outline or see in greyscale.
Faith over time is starting to see colors in a different tone, she has a inky color with her eyes. Colors increase when the spirit and Faith are in harmony for a white outline.

[ x ] Their shadow changes to appear differently, be it growing horns or wings or taking on an image of another race entirely. (It does not change once you have decided on its appearance).
Faith's shadow is that of a Dwarf with angelic wings.

Shadowblessed change in personality as well as appearance, drifting towards being more distant or curious. They may often seem colder to people, or more obsessive with discovery and knowledge. Many are inquisitive, though some will put this before other people, making them seem detached. You may choose how your character is changed, be it a minor or more dramatic trait.
Faith's personality was already weird but has amplified to a much harsher state. He has begun to ask more questions. This can be people's morals beginning to take notes of peoples weaknesses.

Shadowblessed find it comfortable and enjoyable being in colder environments, as well as darker ones. They do not need quite as much protection from the bitter north as the average person, and they can see better in the dark within arm’s reach of themselves (though it is still hazy, and not night vision).
Faith can see a bit easier in the dark along with the ability of a Visage cult.

They have an aversion to brightness, their eyes so sensitive to the sun they are always squinting and eager to find shade. Hotter locations, such as near fires, make them feel as if their skin is stinging and burning. Some believe they hear incoherent whispers now and then.
It makes it hard to see in the dessert. Hotter climates make it more difficult to operate.

Shadowblessed can will small sources of light such as candles or lanterns to extinguish or dim within arm’s reach of themselves. Their hands can be made to feel slightly cold or cold enough to leave a light frost behind, though it is not harmful to flesh. They can hold a container of liquid (up to one litre) for several moments to cool it to almost being frozen, with some ice formation.
As if turning some rain into snowflakes or turning a liquid cold. Nothing to harmful for those not Vyres due to currently being a Gravewalker. She is also cold to new people making it difficult to trust them or talk.



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