Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[27th] Temp-Char Mania


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Where is the port or tp needed?
I've sent you a PM :)

3 hours till event! I anticipated some people would drop out since it's very close to the celebrations of this holiday, I hope most of us can still make it :)


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
So for the past few days, my head's been going on and off with a splitting head-ache, but I'll try my best to be here for it.


Lord of Altera
Sorry. I had a list of things I had to finish today in order to participate in this event, and they're taking longer than anticipated. I'm afraid I won't be joining you. Have fun!


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I know it's very modern to make promises and not live up to them, but I expected better from this community.
I had anticipated some people not to come because of the holidays, but I didn't expect this...

21 people signed up. Twenty-one!
Of those people, ONE had the decency to show up on time.
Of those people, FIVE people politely signed off in time.
The rest: Shame on you!
What an impolite and appalling behavior!

I've called off the event and any events I had in the making.
I'm not going to put effort into something that has such a response.
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The Green One
Retired Staff
Apologies, was trying to be on time. Recieved a call that kept me afk for longer than I would have liked.
I always love your events and hope to see more of them from you.


Lord of Altera
If it makes any difference, me and Ddaug realized it was five, quickly made temps, got skins and the moment we were ported into spawn the event was called off.


Lord of Altera
I'm not excusing behavior, but I assume this time of the year is incredibly busy with real life commitments.

I am sorry that this happened. I want to encourage you to keep at it. Everything you contribute is fantastic


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
These are the events I was thinking of hosting:

Cat-And-Mouse @ the market of Queen's Port
1/4 of the participants would be guards
1/4 of the participants would be smugglers
2/4 of the participants would be civilians at the market.
It is the guard's task to find the smugglers carrying illegal goods (named item). They know IC that there are smugglers at the site.
It is the smuggler's task to pass through the market undetected and deliver the illegal goods at the other side.
The concept is:
Smugglers would have to rp their behavior. They might be nervous, sweating, grinning, keeping up appearances, etc.
The guards would have to rp how they go about finding these smugglers: Check everyone, check a few, patrol, try to guard every market stand, etc.

Prison Break @ The dark triangle prison of Aeroch Nor.
1/4 of the participants would be guards.
3/4 of the participants would be prisoners.
1 person would be head of guards / prison owner.
It is the prisoner's challenge to try and escape, over the course of an hour, using whatever methods they like (trickery, killing, befriending guards, etc.).
It is the guard's task to keep the prisoners in check and make sure they follow orders and do not escape.
The concept is:
The dark triangle prison consists of several separate holding cells, but also one big pit in which a lot of prisoners are kept together.
In this pit, they have a few spots out of sight of the guards, where they could make up an escape plan.
There are multiple ways out of this pit, but only 2 ways out of the entire prison.

Free-for-all @ any arena (thanks Cymic_ for this idea).
All the participants that like to do combat enter the arena and take their place.
All the participants that do not like combat may cheer or throw tomatoes (snowballs) from the side.
The prisoners will have basic weapons of choice out of three categories.
Categories could be: Shield-and-sword / spear-and-net / double-wielding-axes
The concept is:
An all out fight to the death. It are temp-characters, so hopefully people do not get too attached to them.
Anyone may attack anyone at any time. I expect the first few to fall pretty soon. In the end, last man standing wins.

PvP event @ Sanardú
1/2 of the participants is in the defending team
1/2 of the participants is in the attacking team.
The defending team is all the way up at Fuvur mansion and will have to make sure no attacker enters this building, or they'll lose.
The attacking team is all the way down at the docks and will have to make their way to the top to enter the Fuvur mansion to win.
The concept is:
Depending on OOC or IC nature of the event.
OOC: The region owner turns PVP on in the region and the participants may choose of a few classes, of which the armor and weapons will be made available.
The defending team can station people all through town, at the gates, at the mansion, at a square, on roofs of buildings, etc.
The attacking team takes a laid out route through town, marked with for instance: purple blocks.
IC: Participants may choose of a variety of classes to equip themselves with armor and weapons. The same as OOC nature of event, only this time they RP every conflict. This variety is less of a minigame than the other.

Capture-the-flag @ (....)
1/2 of the participants is in team one.
1/2 of the participants is in team two.
Both teams have their own base and the players of each team need to set a home at their own base (for when they die to respawn).
The concept is:
Both teams need to capture a flag in the middle of the map (a bright block that can be equipped as head and taken from a minecart-chest).
Once the flag is taken, the team must bring it back to their own base. First to 3 or 5 points wins.

Anyone may take any of these ideas and credit me for it with a tag if they are going to host it.
I know I am not.


Lord of Altera
Anyone may take any of these ideas and credit me for it with a tag if they are going to host it.
I know I am not.
p00f, I know you do a lot for the community, and I love what you've done... but don't you think this is taking it a bit harshly? You've set up quests, people go to those. you've offered to do erosion and maintenance requiring timelapse whatevers in towns that volunteer for it, people have volunteered for those. you've set up horror island and done events there, people go to those... but at one event which was, I hate to say, poorly timed, and not given much time beforehand for people to check and plan their schedules, you get mad because a lot of people found out that they have stuff going on... between two big social holidays? I think you need to take a light breather bud, I'd honestly ask for you to tone down on the events, cause they seem to get you stressed.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I think you need to take a light breather bud, I'd honestly ask for you to tone down on the events, cause they seem to get you stressed.
I never saw this reply, so I'm reading this in retrospect, but you are very right.
Indeed, I was reacting way too intense on such a thing. I was trying to hard with the events and all.
Time for me to sit back and enjoy, rather than hammering on the idea I'll get enjoyment from creating so many events.


Lord of Altera
I never saw this reply, so I'm reading this in retrospect, but you are very right.
Indeed, I was reacting way too intense on such a thing. I was trying to hard with the events and all.
Time for me to sit back and enjoy, rather than hammering on the idea I'll get enjoyment from creating so many events.
No prob man, I just wanna make sure our resident Player Master (Mix between player and DM) is keeping his chill, though not gonna lie, if you had a snappy comeback, I would've told you to eat a snickers cause you're not you when you're hungry XD