Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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_Kioo's Application for Whitelist - [ Approved - Kostadim ]


_Kioo's Whitelist App:

{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: _Kioo

Age: 20

Country & Timezone: Britain (BST)

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?:
Metagaming is taking knowledge obtained outside of the RP space and applying it in character, usually to obtain a character-benefitting result.
Powergaming is performing actions which force results upon another party, or ignore potential results upon your own character.

Do we allow X-ray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: Howdy! I'm Kioo, and I've been roleplaying on and off for roughly a decade and experienced all of the ups, downs and lessons that come alongside that. You all know, you're roleplayers. Alongside roleplay, I'm also a hobbyist writer. I often write short in-character pieces showing off background events or character traits when they cannot be expressed elsewhere, allowing my views on my characters to flourish within my mind. I'm very passionate about what I do, and like to help others into this wonderful world whenever I can. Outside of my RP history, uh... I'm British? That's a personality trait, right? Close enough. I'm also quite talkative, I will gladly talk to anybody who'll give me the time of day about past experiences and character designs for hours. People also talk about games they play sometimes, right? I play Minecraft! I also made the mistake of playing Valorant, that takes up a fair amount of my life now. I really enjoy Destiny 2. My favourite game by far, however, is Terraria, with a frankly concerning amount of time logged.

Referral: Gingersnips


{Character Section}

Character Name: Loralanne

Age: 27

Race: Elf

Appearance: Loralanne is a generic elf with a fairly tanned complexion, complimented by hazel eye colour and a long scruff of honey-blonde hair running down her back. The bridge of her nose and cheeks are graced with a generous helping of freckles, leading a gaze to her back-pointing ears. Her ears are decorated asymmetrically, the right ear wearing a golden hoop while the left additionally feathers a trailing set of blue features, dancing down to her collar. Her attire is rather simple to reflect her travelling background, with a blue cloak adorning a basic white shirt. Completing a simple top is a simple bottom, with basic, worn brown trousers finished off with equally worn dark leather calf-high boots. And, of course, she's always wearing a wide, joyous smile.

Picture of the Skin:


Written Test (Min: 400 words):

The early morning rays shone through the window above the bed of the slumbering elfess, colouring her tanned features, causing them to stand out amongst a room of stone and wood. With a low groan of protest, she flopped over onto her belly, one partially-sleeved arm dangling over the edge of the wooden bedframe as her face received a formal introduction to the softness of a pillow, a collection of her hair wedged between, the untamed fluff a welcomed addition to the padding. She’d fallen asleep awkwardly atop her sheets, a stray leg, which was still booted, tangled amongst them. With another audible groan of disappointment as any chance of drifting back off escaped her, she’d allow her hazel eyes to flutter open to observe the murky abyss her cushioning granted her, before her head would slide upward to look over the same cobbled wall she was all too familiar with. The hand dangled over the edge and came up to hold her forehead, fingers nestled in her hairline as her eyes narrowed, hiding from the light that threatened her already clouded, hazy mind. She couldn’t even remember what day it was. That meant only one thing to her, though. Last night ruled. A grin stretched across her lips before a pained but hearty chuckle escaped them. This moment, this was what life was all about to her. She’d drag herself up to sit upon the back of her calves, her posture slumping to mirror her thought processes as she brushed her hair back to rest around and behind her shoulders, glancing around the room. Through all the haze, she knew there must have been something she was forgetting, the feeling wouldn’t leave her. A sleeve would come up to her eye to rub the sleep from the corner as she extended one leg over the bed edge to try and stand, blissfully unaware of the snare she found herself in. With a loud yip of terror, her entire body tipped over the bedside, taking her sheets with her to create an elven sprawl across the stones. She’d push herself up with her elbows as she looked towards the door, counting down in her head with a pained grinning. It would burst open in three.. two…

“Loralanne!” A strong, yet concerned, feminine focail would echo from the other side of her dilapidated door, before it would burst open. A pleasantly dressed elven woman would hurry to her side, kneeling to try and help her up by the elbow, to which Loralanne happily accepted.
“Ah ya alright? How many times do we need to ask ya to be more careful?!” Her poor mother would bombard her with the same questions she’d ask every time. And, much like every time, the response Loralanne gave would be along similar lines.
“Ahm fine, ma. Ah can take a lot more ‘dan a tumble.” Her voice carried a merry, joyous lilt to it. The kind that could drag up any low spirit unfortunate enough to find themselves beside her. With the support of her mother, she untied her leg and clambered back to her feet, shaking off the excess sheet violently. A sense of confusion overtook her tone as she did so.
“Shouldn’t you be at ya shop today?” She’d ask as she planted her foot back upon the floor, directing her hazel gaze to her mother’s face, seeing a concerningly similar gaze of confusion in return.
“..Loralanne, ah didn’t go in so we could wish ya farewell. Ya leaving home today, remember?”
Suddenly, it all clicked back into place. That’s why she was out at the tavern last night. That’s why she was supposed to be packing… She looked over to the entirely unpacked backpack she was supposed to pack and packed her lips together flat. Right. With a sheepish, innocent smile as one hand came to hold the back of her head, she’d look back at her mother, who responded with a gentle sigh.


Lord of Altera


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!

The King's Law

How to Create a Character


The Official Lore

Town Census

HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!

Plugins Command Guide

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