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Upcoming A Chance for a Ball (Voting)


The statement goes for all the other gods as well. If Jax wins, all my characters would not attend due to the fact they don't worship him. That goes for all the other characters that don't worship him as well. Perhaps that's not true for your character and they'll go to whatever deity that wins, but this can go both ways.
And I am sure a lot of people have put a lot in this competition, not only yourself.
Am a neutral party, but with a specific God ball there's nothing stopping anyone from attending. It's more of a choice than the physical wall that the noble's ball has. Not gonna be responding to this thread more since I have no attachment and won't be attending the event no matter what wins, but feel free to respond to me if you want to make a counterpoint against others with the same argument.


Lord of Altera
Am a neutral party, but with a specific God ball there's nothing stopping anyone from attending. It's more of a choice than the physical wall that the noble's ball has. Not gonna be responding to this thread more since I have no attachment and won't be attending the event no matter what wins, but feel free to respond to me if you want to make a counterpoint against others with the same argument.
That is true. My Noble's ball requires noble characters, but lately it seems as though there are fewer people to attend, so I might just make this one public. There are ways people can get in however, either way.


Lord of Altera
What I see is this - you took a chance voting. There's always a chance, when you vote, that you lose. You shouldn't be rewarded or compensated for losing the vote. You accepted that there was a possibility of failure.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Updated for day 13, Top 3 are Jax, Sallana and Noble's Ball. Jax has been infused with about ~500 more emeralds and Noble's Ball was sabotaged by a few stacks of diamonds, hence the change-up.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Since it's been asked of me what time the poll closes on the 11th, I'll answer that here. I get off work (I believe) at 9 pm, I'll be home at 9:15 pm EST. At that point, I'll count the chests counts and the votes and then post the results. I /was/ going to make it quiet so that we didn't get people swooping in at the last minute with an infusion of funds... but... well... there it is.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Was too tired to update for day 14, went to bed before counting. I looked at it this morning, doesn't look like anything changed: emeralds or votes.

Still Jax, Sallana, Noble's Ball.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
House sitting tonight, so I only have my phone. I don't see any new votes, and it seems unlikely that any donations have been made (but I can't get on, so I can't count). I'm going to assume that it's still Jax, Sallana, then Noble's Ball for the top three. The Poll /does/ end around 9:15 pm EST today, so do vote and donate accordingly. (Or, if you're like me, and what I'd do if I was actually involved, would be to donate a metric-crapton of diamonds)


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Results are in!

The winner is: Noble's Ball, with 33,970 r post sabotage!
Second is Jax, with 15,980 r post sabotage
Third is Sallana, 9,830 r post sabotage.

Congrats to all who participated and helped Tambry grow! I will be contacting @Sir_Ashington soon about establishing the Noble's Ball as an event in the Tambry Palace ballroom!


Lord of Altera
Results are in!

The winner is: Noble's Ball, with 33,970 r post sabotage!
Second is Jax, with 15,980 r post sabotage
Third is Sallana, 9,830 r post sabotage.

Congrats to all who participated and helped Tambry grow! I will be contacting @Sir_Ashington soon about establishing the Noble's Ball as an event in the Tambry Palace ballroom!
Thanks to everyone that voted and donated! This makes me and @Sir_Ashington happy girls!


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Over 95 thousand.
What we don't know is how many diamonds were used....
You can add up the diamonds in the totals post: 609 Diamonds, a little over a stack of blocks. I'll probably add onto the chandeliers now and make them larger than they were for the ball.


Lord of Altera
609 at the price of 100r per diamond?
60,900 worth of diamonds.
Nearly 150,000 radiants from these shennanigans.