Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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a deity is you


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
while my internet was dead i got bored and started thinking about nwalme in the context of a diety on the pantheon, given it's one of the more common villain aspirations and filled in one of the templates for diety things as if he were a god

anyone else ever do this? anyone want to do it after reading this thread because i'm curious of what other characters in this format would look like?

{The Collection}

"Magus Ascendant" (hello xerath)
"The Servant"
"The Proud Mind"

Deity of Collections, Pride, Obsessions, Power, Servants, Ambition, Betrayal, Lost Faith, Mens, Patience, Three and Seven
Holy Symbol: An ouroboros transposed over a blank golden coin.
Holy Colours: Black and gold okay i guess blue.

Motto: Fear Not the Man Who Threatens

Alignment: Lawful Evil
History and Fluff: idk i don't plan on him ever becoming a god it was just a fun thought experiment

Doctrine of NWALME:
  1. It is better to bend, than to break.
  2. Laws and regulations were made by the uncreative to guide the ignorant, at the cost of the unambitious. Abuse them when you can, and rise above them when you cannot.
  3. Humbly serving until you have surpassed your betters is the foundation of pride.
  4. Pay mind to the Divine Law.
Ideal Realm of Nwalme:

jax is a cool guy
Myths and Tales:
~tales and myths
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Better than sliced bread
I've thought about it, somewhat. Not to any extent. It is neat, though. Do you plan to update this w/ myths and tales?


A miserable little pile of secrets
Lore Staff
I've thought about this from time to time.. I'm going to play with it, now that the idea has surfaced.