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A Guide to Elven Aging


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
A few people have asked me about this, so I'm going to lay it out as clearly as I can here for you all!

The current life expectancy of people in Europe is ~80 years.
The current life expectancy of healthy Elves is ~290 years.

The Gap
In real life, people change at a steady rate, growing exponentially in their younger years and decaying slowly in their later ones. Elves are just like this except for one thing; in between their growing and decaying, there is a 220 year gap where the Elf appears almost trapped in time.

The Basics
The Elves of Altera mature physically by the time they are 20, and up until that point grow at the exact same rate as humans. Once they are fully matured, they stop. For a couple of centuries. When they reach around 250, they begin to age again, for approximately 40 years (they'd start this at the equivalent of 40 years old, for humans, and age at the same rate as them until death).

The Specifics
Their body can definitely change during their 200 or so years of nothingness, just how a human's body can change between the ages of 20 and 35;
  • Their hair can grow paler with stress, and even whiten.
  • The can put on or lose weight, either through muscle mass or fat.
  • They can break bones and become crippled through injury or illness.
  • They can gain scars, tan, develop freckles, etc, etc.
  • Plus a myriad other things I probably can't think of!

An example of a typical Forest Elf life;
Age 0 - Is born.
Age 2 - Learning to speak.
Age 6 - Running, talking, bawling, small child.
Age 8 - Keen sense of hearing develops fully, has first hunt.
Age 13 - Starts arguing with the parents, body begins doing weird things.
Age 16 - No one understands them, they want to move out and join a band.
Age 21 - An adult, with varying degrees of understanding when it comes to responsibility.
Ages 22->230 - Gains experience, changing brain, gains weight, loses weight, gains weight again, shaves head, hair grows back, gets dreadlocks, meets love interest, loses love interest, training montage, beats up love interest's new boyfriend, etc.
Age 240 - Things begin to slow down. Not as lithe or fit as they once were.
Age 260 - Potential use of walking stick, more complaints, lack of facial hair control, foggy vision.
Age 270 - Wishes things were as simple as they were at the age of 16, where they understood nothing. Sore joints, slow movement, blindness.
Ages 281->330 - Death.

I hope this post clears a few things up! If you have anything that needs answering, shove it below or PM me or something, I'll do my best to cure any confusion :D


Lord of Altera
I thought i'd sum up the Moor Elven lifespan using this as well

The current life expectancy of people in Europe is ~80 years.
The current life expectancy of a healthy Moor Elf is ~ 300

The Gap
In real life, people change at a steady rate, growing exponentially in their younger years and decaying slowly in their later ones. Moor Elves are different, they mature at a faster rate to Silver or Forest Elves

The Basics
The Moor Elves mature physically at age 17 but enter breeding age at 20 they live a healthy life till 270, after that they begin a somewhat rapid aging rate until the age of 300 which is approximately the death time

The Specifics
Their body can definitely change during their 200 or so years of nothingness, just how a human's body can change between the ages of 20 and 35;
  • Their hair can grow brittle with stress and become Grey
  • The can put on or lose weight, either through muscle mass or fat.
  • They can break bones and become crippled through injury or illness.
  • Moor Elves tan darker in hot weather

An example of a typical Forest Elf life;
Age 0 - Is born.
Age 2 - Learning to speak.
Age 6 - Running, talking, bawling, small child.
Age 8 - Keen sense of hearing develops fully, has first hunt.
Age 10 - Starts arguing with the parents, body begins doing weird changey things
Age 17 - An adult, with varying degrees of understanding when it comes to responsibility.
Ages 20->260 - Gains experience, changing brain, gains weight, loses weight, gains weight again, shaves head, hair grows back, gets dreadlocks, meets love interest, loses love interest, training montage, beats up love interest's new boyfriend, comes of breeding age at 20.
Age 260 - Their joints begin to become stiff unless worked out continuously
Age 270 - Skin begins to wrinkle, hair begins to go grey, the skin layer over the eyes begins to get thicker
Age 300 - Wishes things were as simple as they were at the age of 16, where they understood nothing. Sore joints, slow movement, blindness.
Ages 300->330 - Death.