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A Pact of Assistance and Friendship


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On this day, the Eleventh of Stormwind, 2259, the Grand Lion Empire and the Latinikon Company are hereby blessed with a Mutual Pact of Assistance and Friendship intended to last into the next decade.

The recognition of this Pact is in accordance with the Latinikon’s brave show of organization and efficiency, and has therefore granted the Latinikon certain titles and honors within the Grand Lion Empire:

  • The Honorary Title of the Fifth Legion granted to the Latinikon Company, to be displayed and addressed by when conducting military operations in service to the Grand Lion Empire.
  • The Honorary Titles of High-Generals to Tiberias Comnenus and Ioustinianos Comnenus for their command over the Latinikon.
  • The Honor to sit in at the Grand Lion Empire’s Circle of Stoneheight, granted to Tiberias Comnenus and Ioustinianos Comnenus.
  • The Honorary Titles of Imperial Senators to Tiberias Comnenus and Ioustinianos Comnenus.
  • The gifts of a pair of sister swords to Tiberias Comnenus and Ioustinianos Comnenus and a set of horse armor to Belisar Balkin.
The Mutual Pact of Assistance and Friendship also promises a non-aggression pact between the Latinikon Company and the Grand Lion Empire and ensures a stance of equal trade opportunities and aid in the world of Altera.

The Pact also ensures a friendly relations between the Latinikon Company and the Grand Lion Empire, and welcomes each other openly into their borders, holdings and homes. It is within the best interests of both the Latinikon and the Grand Lion Empire to see this friendship become everlasting.

May the Sun shine on the Latinikon Company and Grand Lion Empire, and bless us with bright days and joyful assistance and understanding.

Grand Lion Empire Signatories

Most Holy Emperor Arthorius Angelos Arcturus III

Lord Sinclair Arcturus

Latinikon Company Signatories

Tiberias Comnenus

Ioustinianos Comnenus