Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A Wedding in Wolfstadt


Lord of Altera
A flyer is found floating by your feet, upon picking it up you'll notice it is printed upon fine parchment and with thick ink.

Men and Women across Altera are invited to join Urza de Rieu and Yeareeane Vandiir in celebrating the bond between these two families. Any resident of the lands of Altera is welcome to attend this event, occurring on Townsday, the 14th of Springrise in 2260 and located in the courtyard outside the chapel of Wolfstadt.

OOC Note:
This event will happen on Saturday, March 14th 2015; all are welcome. I'm not going to add a classification, as that wouldn't be any fun. The exact time it will happen is to be determined, but will be announced as the date grows closer.