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A Wizards War (In Character)


Legend of Altera
Bellon the Wise, why do you torment me so? Don't you know that I, of all Mages, cannot be cleansed by your will alone! Your magic prison is about as impressive as an apprentice's Conjurer's Cone! It takes more than parlor tricks to stop an ArchLich...

Bellon the Wise

"The forces of evil begin to muster.

Bane, the tower of darkness, has risen with her sisters... under the watch of the Necromancer ... the Dark Mage.

The Dark Wizard Corey, my first and former Apprentice, stirs in the South... joined by the Ice Queen and other evils in Hellmauth.

and now, my attention has come upon a Runed Citadel in the North...."

High upon a hill where the iced mountains kissed the sky, standing still in the snow an old man looked upon a tower. The snow fell heavy and thick, clouding the man's beard as he spied through rich grey eyes beneath the hood of his gleaming white robe.

The dark energies of the tower were faint beneath the heavy snows. It was as if it were being concealed. However, the concealment spell was not enough to twart Bellon's investigation. The tower stood strong and tall in the glory of obsidian and ice. It was quite clear that the master of this tower wanted, if not needed, to be kept in isolation.

With a gust of wind the man broke into particles of snow and magical floated into the runed citadel. He fell lightly upon the violet carpets with a brush and re-materialized. The tower was lushly lined with carpets and dark artistry. This was not a dirty, dank, musty, tower... it was cold yes! but any High King or Queen of Altera would have found comfort here.

The old man continued forward through the corridor, careful to lighten his footsteps. Yet still the sounds of his shoes echoed through the empty corridor like a cacophony of warning bells. The Sage stopped to muster a silencing spell that would conceal his presence before he continued.

As he continued he came upon a shadow of a man leaning over an enchanting table. The man looked pale and white, as if the life was being drained from him at that very moment. His eyes were sunken and grey and his skin as pale as the snows raging on the outside of the tower. Yet still, the man looked as if he had great strength.

At first the man did not notice the ArchWizard observing him. He continued with whatever dark enchantment he was researching until he looked up. With a sly smoothness he turned his ebony gaze upon Bellon the Wize and smiled. "Greetings traveler.." he intoned.

Bellon took a silent gasp as he felt the energies of the entire Tower focus upon him all at once. It was a terrifying feeling, one the ArchWizard hadn't felt in ages.. but he knew it all too well.

This abomination was a Lich!