Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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(Accepting Applications) The Spy Syndicate


Loyal Servant of Altera
Sides have been chosen, borders have been drawn. War permeates the air as thick as smoke. The citizens can sense its approach, they feel the march of armies gathering, they hear the ring of the blacksmith's hammer busily at work, and all can see the hushed conversations and darting eyes of those around them. This is a time of distrust and secrets, a time where many a man may kill another for hearing what he shouldn't. A time where one shred of information may cause the savior of one town or the destruction of another. This is a time for spies!!

The haggard barman pours another cup of mead for the pompous nobles throwing their money like seed to a bird. However, when they sit to boast of the new designs for his castle their ears are not the only ones to gain this knowledge.

A cautious lieutenant sends a request to the blacksmith asking for a hundred swords to be made ready by the end of the week. Yet he sends the note with a baby-faced squire who's innocent looks hide malicious intent.

The sharp witted General share his plans of attack with only his most trusted circle, he trusts every man and woman there with his life. That trust just might be unwarranted and his closest friend may be his greatest enemy.

Only the men themselves know what drive them to spy upon those that have placed trust upon them. Greed, Envy, maybe even a shiny silver throne? However their reasoning is not nearly as the damage they may wreak.

1. All are welcome to join whether it be from a high ranking officer in an army, a peasant working as a maid, and especially nobleman jealous of siblings wealth and influence.

2. For obvious reason ALL applications are to be sent to me directly. Do not post your applications here it will result in immediate denial of request. What spy is useful when everyone knows he is a spy?(I realize we all try to keep rp and information we get ooc separate yet I feel like it would affect the experience greatly if you knew who were spies and who weren't)

3. If you are joining just to infiltrate the syndicate you will be wasting your time. All spies shall be kept separate and secret from the others none are to know of any others in our syndicate.

II. Operation
1. My in-game character will be the only connection to you and the spy syndicate. All tasks requests and any exchanges of information will be dealt through me. (A new character will probably be made to fit the expectations of a Spy leader.)(I may choose a single assistant who if there seems to be enough participation and information flow)

2. Our information is easily obtainable by you or any others who wish to obtain it, at a price of course. Prices on information will vary upon level of information, content, and of course level of danger.

3. To keep rp intact and still playable my character will whisper with the alleged spy but will only be able to do so within a reasonable whispering range of course. Also any requests to buy information should be done in rp format and you may choose to do it openly or seek me out in a more discreet manner whatever you prefer.

4.Your job is to listen, talk, be friendly. You want to seem as normal as possible people tend to have loose lips towards those they feel are trustworthy. Any information is to be related to myself(or a possible assistant) this includes a persons favorite food, their favorite song, why rain makes them sad, anything!

III. Application(remember they are to be inboxed to me.)
Minecraft name:
Rp name:
Rp age:
Current town:
Current house:
Any positions you hold.: (This includes in a town in a house or even other orginizations)
Why you think this would be good for you?:
Are you ready for this role?: (I feel like this will be very rp intensive as you will have to be able to manipulate situations to gain information through rp)

IIII. Why you should join
1.Rich rp experience, you will be able to work around much rping seeing as you would need to speak with a particular individual to receive said information, and it would take a skilled person to be able to perform a task without calling attention to themselves.

2. Money, all information gathered will grant you 50% of the fee charged for the information and as of now this could range anywhere from 25-250 radiant. This also provides a drive for you to embed yourself deeper within the organization to gain more valuable information to earn more money.

3. Everyone has a dark side, you know it I know it everyone knows it! Sometime it just feels good to be bad and what better way to get your adrenaline pumping than having to use a tongue of pure silver to lull information out of someone while seeming nothing more than curious? Embrace your dark side, to quote another member "There are too many heroes on this server, someone has to decide to be the villain for heroes to fight against."(paraphrased probably not word for word.)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I rather enjoy the pretense of this organization, and I love the approach you're taking.

+1 for you and your Syndicate, Good Sir!


Lord of Altera
I tried to do this with my Dark elf char but the theme was too saturated and nobody wanted to join
but it hope it goes far


Loyal Servant of Altera
Also any suggestions to get more recruits for this group would be greatly appreciated. This is my first week on the server so I'm not too well known or influential yet.


Lord of Altera
I mean the nobles, I mean, all houses have their own spies really, I assume

Edit, since this was probably a randomlooking statement: I meant that others paying probably wouldn't get you many people, since the houses have their own spies, generally.


Markisbeest said:
I mean the nobles, I mean, all houses have their own spies really, I assume

Edit, since this was probably a randomlooking statement: I meant that others paying probably wouldn't get you many people, since the houses have their own spies, generally.
And don't we know it *shakes fist at a certain high elf that lives in a fancy mansion and thinks himself as king of the elves* of course I wouldnt want to name said people...


Loyal Servant of Altera
I mean the nobles, I mean, all houses have their own spies really, I assume

Edit, since this was probably a randomlooking statement: I meant that others paying probably wouldn't get you many people, since the houses have their own spies, generally.
My idea was that yes have there own spies yet each house would only be able to have so many spies in so many places and this would be a way to connect all spies throughout altera allowing for a much broader source of information on a much broader variety of people.


Lord of Altera
Also, having spies takes a developed house, so only the larger houses have access to personal spies, if middle class players want some information how are they supposed to go about that? Hire the spy syndicate.