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Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies (Distant Thunder)

French Roast

Lord of Altera
This is, like Ace Combat 5, a PS2 game. The reason Distant Thunder is in parentheses is because in Europe, the game is known as Ace Combat: Distant Thunder.

This takes place years before the Belkan War that is the setting of Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War, as well as the events that precede those of Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. Unlike in Ace Combat 5: you are not playing as Osea. You are playing as a different country whose real name is never really found out. The army name, however, is called ISAF (Independent States Allied Forces).

Erusea, a former ally of ISAF, has taken over the collaborative project that is a large ring of 10 massive ground-based railguns originally used to destroy the falling asteroids that circle high above the planet, known as Stonehenge, and is using it for war. (I apologize if this gives England a bad name. Technically Stonehenge was not built by English people, it was built by cavemen or something, so it shouldn't give a bad name). This being a dramatic advantage for them, they crush ISAF and take over almost all of the mainland to the East of Erusea's original territory, Stonehenge being approximately in the center of the new territory.What is left of ISAF regroups in their island headquarters at Northpoint, just out of Stonehenge's range, and begin their retaliation. The Mobius Squadron, led by Mobius 1, whom the player is, leads the attack. As they push towards the capital, they destroy Stonehenge, but not before discovering that the production of a new superweapon, Megalith, is under way. It is located on the far side of Erusea, and yet it's range covers well past Northpoint. This new threat pending, ISAF forces fight to hit the capital before Megalith is commissioned. However, Erusea has an ace squadron of their own, and their skills easily match those of Mobius squadron.

Among the captured independent states protected by ISAF was a city called San Salvacion, where a young boy, whose name you never find out, lived. The city was captured by Erusean forces. One day, as he left his house on the cape to go to school, he saw two planes circling the city in a dogfight. As one of them was hit by a missile, it crashed into the cape, right where his house was. His whole family was killed. As he looked at the victorious plane, he saw the yellow 13 painted on its side. Yellow 13: leader of the Erusean ace Yellow squadron. The boy moves in with his alcoholic uncle in the city and earns his keep by playing his harmonica at the local bar. The same bar where, he finds out, the Yellow squadron likes to hang out off-duty. One day, while he was playing harmonica, the squadron burst through the door and practically took over the tavern. The boy stopped playing. As the squadron members tallied up their kills for the day, they turn to Yellow 13, who is strumming his guitar quietly in the corner. After announcing his kills, he stops playing and turns to the boy. He asks him to play with him. Sadly enough, the song that 13 began playing was the same song that the boy's father always played when he got home from work. When his uncle disappeared, the boy, who is now closely tied with the Yellow squadron, finds himself practically living at the air force base nearby where they were stationed. He did not think this would suck him right into the revolution that was about to take place in the city though, and he becomes more tied into the war than he could have expected.

As the story proceeds, it is discovered that even when the city is freed from Erusean rule, the boy still does not feel certain of his feelings for Yellow 13. It isn't as if he intended for the plane to crash on his house. At the same time, he is still responsible for the death of the boy's family.

Going deep into the eyes of the other side, the story shows a very interesting perspective of the "enemy". This game is amazing, and, like many of the games in the series, it does not take the violence lightly, like some games do (Call of Duty). It reveals how war ruins lives. Destroys relationships (quite literally in fact). Kills people. And for what? To get more land? To capture neutral independent states? It costs thousands and thousands of lives, unmeasurable bloodshed and pain, and so much grieving- and I mean grieving grieving, not destroying griefing.