Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ACU20's Massive fail compilation known as "art thread"


Legend of Altera

So, hah....Well HI! This is my art thread, just a note i have absolutely no clue of what the hell i am doing so don't expect any massive awsome painting of mona lisa sitting ontop of a mountain rocking on a guitar while fighting a T-REX with lazers on it's head. You have been warned people.


Pffffft hahahahha i don't think anyone would like one from me


Well i am ACU20, more commonly referred to as a "Village idiot" i have no skills whatsoever when it comes to paint programs so i am not really going to do anything great here. And this is basically also a comedic thread where you can point and laugh at my misfortunate lack of talent when it comes to such things. And i have created this dagger and this sword now which i am qutie proud of since they where quite nicely made.


Well basically what i have done so far is this knife hilt, nothing more nothing less and the most detailed thing which i have ever made in a paint program.


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Lord of Altera
Might be easier if you draw something that you know well....helps me.....and you said it was going to be stick peoplez