Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Adiella Adamas Cor


Roleplay keeper
General Information:

Adiella Clean.PNG

Name: Adiella Adamas Cor
Other Names: Often called Addie by friends but recently also refered to Ella, or by her brother, white doe. Was Called frecklefuck/face by Cymic.
Titles: Queen of thieves, Lady

Age: 35
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current Residence: [Secret]
Relationship Status: Single, so much NO mingle.
Social Status: Commoner

Status: Back to a dull day of depression. Friends have managed to keep her going, and Astrid is serving as the one spark of light and joy in her life. She fears for her future and that of her daughter.

Physical Appearance:

Height: 5'4, often seen as 5'3 because she keeps her head bowed
Weight: Light
Eye Color: Distinctive grey with a lack of any colour
Skin Color: Alabaster
Shape of Face: Rounded cheeks and a sharp chin. her face is small, youthful
Distinguishing Features: Freckles scattered across her cheeks and nose as the only visible blemish on her skin. The grey eyes are supposedly abnormal along with her long red-brown hair.
Build of Body: Slender and frail. Similar to a professional dancer, giving her well formed hips but a smaller bosom. It has become slightly more generous from motherhood.
Hair Color: Dark red-brown, similar to the colour of dried blood, or on nicer terms, dark copper
Hair Style: Either loose, in a high ponytail or braided. She does not mind it in her face as much
Complexion: Near spotless, except for freckles
Posture: Humble, submissive even. Only when she intends to be defying does she lift her chin, or in surprise
Is Seen By Others As: A quiet and harmless woman who wishes nobody any evil and only wants the most peaceful solution
Scars: Her body is littered with small patches of missing skin which healed and grew silvery, giving her a strange 'glitched' look. On her head is an enormous scar from a long time ago.
Voice: Quiet, soft and mellow. Rarely does she ever raise it, and occasionally a stutter will appear if she's nervous


Likes: Peaceful things, joy and humour. Time with friends. Her daughter
Dislikes: Drunk people, loud noises and someone who is angry at her
Strengths: Extremely lithe and flexible to the point where she can fight far easier with her legs rather than her hands. She knows various techniques of how to deck a person who is taller and stronger than her
Weaknesses: Generally quite frail and bad at head-to-head combat along with dealing with people who spew harmful words in a loud tone.
Fears: Loudness, capture and imprisonment. Being touched in inappropriate manners drives her into a corner. Chasing her while she is in such a state is unwise and will only scare her further
Values: Promises and trust. Communication and understanding from others
Education: A lot of things are self taught but her father managed to pay for a proper education for her where she was taught to read and write. The rest has come from observing the world around her and reading books
Languages: Common and Elven
General Attitude: Nothing is ever what it seems. Sometimes it can be best to not actually follow your instincts because it leads you to making non-calculated choices. Sometimes, you just need to actually LISTEN to what a person tells you, and follow their wishes. Compromise is sacred
Religious Inclination: Mild worship of Shalherana due to her values and previous occupation as a physician
General Intelligence: She has a knack for cold calculation which gives her a small advantage above others in certain situations. She is never one for putting herself in immediate danger and stays in the back.
General Sociability: Horrid. She overthinks her place in other people's heart and thus ends up making up situations that do not exist. Yet she tends to be a fantastic analyzer and offers good advice to people which has made her a more well-liked person.
Alignment: As of current leaning towards Wise, Azerwind and Strand.

Short Term Goals:
Grow closer to Cymic.= -
Find Spring and the other owls and either adopt them or find a mean for them to survive on their own #
Somehow make more friends and grow stronger as a person. +
Convince Trystan that Cymic is not the worst person on this earth =
Convince Cymic that Trystan is not like his father and actually a decent person =
Avoid Nwalme #
Find a permanent residence, safe from the hunt of Cymic.
Know who her allies are.

Long Term Goals:
Marry Cymic and build a house with him.
Carry offspring and become a good mother someday. +
Live a long and satisfying life where she can hold her head high.
Convince Cymic to give up being a king in favor of a life with her #
Raise Astrid to become an educated and beloved young woman.

[.]Open goals
[#] Secret goals
[+] Accomplished goals
[-] Lost
[=] Semi-accomplished goals


Illnesses: Depression, anxiety, scarred from emotional abuse and physical (Working towards healing)
Allergies: Mild pollen allergy to only a certain kind of spores
Injuries: N/A
Sleeping Habits: Flexible, though she often rises with the sun. Recently never sleeps alone and therefor can sleep for longer
Energy Levels: Great endurance despite her frailness, both mentally and physically. Quick recovery from being unhappy, with the help of friends
Eating Habits: Tends to be picky with things that are not well prepared. Cooks often for herself, eating three meals a day
Exercise Habits: Takes long walks, practices dance often and stretches
Memory: Her past is blurry to her due to having been hit in the head very often.
Unhealthy Habits: She lets her anxiety get the better of her and it wears on her mentality. Rarely fights back when scolded. Often flinches or submits to dominating figures. (getting better)
Drinking Habits: None.


Birthplace: The world before Northern kingdoms, in a small crossroad town that is right next to a large city.

Childhood: Spent traveling between the large city and her home in the tavern where her mother worked as an exotic dancer. Her father disappeared at sea (possibly dead), which caused financial problems for her mother and her. She did get an education because her father had spared money for it.

Teen Years: Began to pick up the same work as her mother, while occasionally working as a servant in the tavern. It is when she learned to cook and skin animals as well. Her mother eventually died of an infection from working at such a dirty place. It caused Adiella to eventually pack her things and head for Tambry.

Adulthood: Spent learning the craft of thieves in Tambry alongside her then lover, Balatro. She was kidnapped for slavery but escaped it. Left Balatro, and the thieves guild. For a while worked odd jobs, still working there. She came to live in Grafjell but was exposed to slavery twice there. She drifted around with very few friends and the few people she came to love left her at random. Adiella fell into great misery for many years of her life, and during that time everyone fled the Northern kingdoms. She met her brother during a familiy reunion but due to her miserable situation she could not be joyed. With nowhere to go, Adiella became a scavenger until Sif took her in when the two was reunited in Storms landing. Later she met Cymic during a nobles ball, and now lives in Halbed with him

Family History: Comes from the slightly known line of Cor on her father's side. She took up his name and got branded as a Cor through a tattoo all Cor carry. She comes from a branch of the Cor, and is a distant cousin of the main line.

Past Places of Residences: Tambry, Grafjell, Crossroads, Halbed, Mockingbay.


Peaceful or violent: Peaceful when possible, but very capable of fighting using sneaky tactics

Weaponry: Daggers, crossbow

Combat Training: Most training occurred while she was in the Thieves guild and because of it she prefers hidden measures, such as sneaking up from behind, or ambush

Other Trivia:

Occupation: None
Favorite Types of Food: Well prepared food, seasoned and cooked.
Favorite Types of Drink: Clean water
Hobbies/Pastimes: Making valuable friends. Searching for peace of mind and somewhere to raise Astrid in a safe environment.
Favorite Colors: Uncertain


Relevant Family Members: Arganaer Cor (brother), Astrid
Romantic Interests
Trusted Friends: Wyrdras, Argan, Trystan, Theo (Regent boi), Demitrius, Maceo, Remi, Tryg, Remi.
Friendly With: James, Ava, Fenric, Ventare, Emeric, Aestra, Phemaia, Pod, Citrine, Parvani, Tevis, Makani (in general).
Loose Acquaintances: Arianne, Tevis, Eltsir, Kam, Eisa, Star
Disfavored Individuals: Olive, Varg, Cymic
Wary Of: Nwalme, Nylarii, Evelyn, Cymic

Account: bettemus99
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